Chapter 613 Go to the Fengling Ruins!

This statement came out.

Su Zhaoyue, who was originally a little confused, was completely dumbfounded.

Infected by your personality charm, admire your kindness Dao heart?

But this has something to do with billions of sacred stones?

Who would give a stranger so many sacred stones just because he admired him? ? ?

Su Zhaoyue wanted to break his head, but couldn’t figure out why those people did it.

Finally, I had to give up.

Su Zhan, this guy, probably got so many sacred stones because of some chance.

I also boasted that it was given by someone else…

Give away billions of sacred stones?

How can this be!

never mind.

Anyway, this time I cut a long distance with Su.

If you can’t figure it out, take a good look at that time and you’ll know.

Thinking like this in her heart, Su Zhaoyue said: “I don’t believe anyone will give you treasures when I go out this time!

How can there be such a good person, I have never met! ”

“Only good people are more likely to meet good people. It seems that you are not kind enough.”

Su Zhan shook his head.


Su Zhaoyue was speechless for a moment. After a pause, she said, “I thought we two were paupers. I didn’t expect you to be a big money. That’s fine. At least I didn’t see you help me out the 500 million. Distressed…

Forget it, let’s not talk about it.

Su Zhan, let’s go to Lintianyu as soon as possible! ”


Su Zhan nodded, and after instructing Tang Liuxue to take a good look at the house, he left Xuantian Sacred Land with Su Zhaoyue.

He did not go to the original teleportation formation leading to the Lintian Territory Starlight.

According to Su Zhaoyue, Xingguangyuan was too far away from Luoshui.

Not very suitable.

And Su Zhaoyue happened to know a space channel deep in the seabed.

Leading to an outer world called Fanwu Realm.

Then through a spatial passage in the Fanwu Realm, you can directly come to the vicinity of Luoshui in Lintian Region.

The two spatial passages are no more than ten thousand miles apart in the Fanwu Realm.

The place that can lead to, in the spiritual world, is more than tens of millions of miles!

Compared to Su Zhan’s transmission formation, it is naturally more convenient for Su Zhaoyue to master this spatial channel.

Just when the two set out for Lintianyu.

Demon Realm, Purple Blood Demon domain, above Nightmare Mountain and Black Sea.

Devil Emperor Yunluo glanced over the kneeling and extremely excited three people, and slowly said, “The ancestors of the three of you were once my most respected demon generals.

At the beginning, because of me, your ancestors all died in the Purple Blood Demon domain, and you couldn’t even leave a whole body. These three drops of demon blood, just take it as a little bit of apology to them! ”

With that, Devil Emperor Yunluo waved his hand, and three small jade bottles flew out, floating in front of the three kneeling demons.

The three Purple Blood Demons, who looked similar to the human race, didn’t even glance at the blood of the Demon God, but looked up frantically at Demon Emperor Yunluo.

“The ancestor was just an abandoned son of a family. If it weren’t for your Majesty the Demon Emperor, how could the ancestors achieve Heavenly Demon, a prestigious demon world!

Our ancestors left the ancestral training. Our ancestors have been your servants for generations to the Devil Emperor. ”

“My blood family is also in the blood line, Majesty the Devil, you are a legend of the Demon Realm, we are willing to serve you, and we are not greedy for some devil blood!”

“Yes! If it was for profit, I wouldn’t have come to Luo Moguo without even thinking about it more than half a month ago!”

Devil Emperor Yunluo glanced at the three of them and nodded: “Very good, but I never need a subordinate who doesn’t accept rewards.

If you don’t want it, just go! ”


The three looked at each other, and at the same time they reached out to take the blood of the Devil God, and said gratefully: “Thank you, Your Majesty, the Devil Emperor!”

“Rewards and punishments are clear, this is my style.”

The Devil Emperor Yunluo said indifferently: “You do things for me, and I will reward you more.


When this emperor reigns over the demon world, you, etc., can fly into the sky! ”

“Yes, Your Majesty Demon Emperor!”

“All right.”

Demon Emperor Yunluo’s eyes flickered: “Now let me see how you have cultivated the secret technique of disguising the human race that I have given you in the past half month!”

The voice just fell.

The three demons closed their eyes and hand seals their hands.

After a few seconds, their devilish energy disappeared.

His height was suddenly short, becoming less than two meters.

At the same time, the skin has turned into a bronze color, and the muscles are tight.

The facial features, hair, everything became the same as the human race.

Even the breath does not make a difference.

It looks like a body refiner in the human race!

“Yes, Not Bad.”

Yunluo Demon Emperor nodded: “Unless it is the Supreme-level Deva Heavenly Demon, or the Heavenly Dao treasure that happens to be expertly investigated by the other party, you won’t be able to see the identity of your demon clan!

The Fengling Ruins have been attended by the Supreme Deva who has not been in the Four Tribulations for 300,000 years, and there is no treasure worth exploring for them at all.

On the contrary, some dangers still exist for them.

And without Deva Supreme, with you two Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon, plus a Four Tribulations peak Heavenly Demon who is proficient in concealment, speed, disguise, and tracking mystery, there should be no one in the Fengling Ruins to stop you.

However, you still have to be more careful, that Su Zhan is not a good guy to deal with, don’t let the three of you return without success in the end! ”

Hearing this, the three demons showed hesitation on their faces, and their hearts became even more disdainful.

“Your Majesty the Devil, you may overestimate Su Zhan!

After all, he is just a little extreme holy king! ”

“Yes, Majesty the Devil! What a character you, how can you care so much about a small extremely holy king?

He is not as good as one of your legs! ”

“Your Majesty is indeed too cautious. Needless to say, Brother Blood and Grand Brother, Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon, pinching Su Zhan to death is as easy as pinching an ant!

And I am also the pinnacle of the Four Tribulations Demon Race!

Of course, I know that that guy once killed the clan king of the Purple Demon tribe, but that clan king is only four tribulations Heavenly Demon early stage, and I, but the real peak!

To be honest, your Majesty, even if I was the only one, Gen Yan, it would be more than enough to deal with Na Su Zhan——”

“To shut up!”

The more Devil Emperor Yunluo listened, the more upset he became.

You guys who have trapped me for more than half a year, and even caused me a lot of pain, say such rubbish.

Have you considered how I feel?

I don’t want the face of the devil? !

Demon Emperor Yunluo said displeased: “If the Heavenly Demon aura of the Four Tribulations were not too strong, you would be discovered as soon as you entered the spiritual world, and could not be mixed into the Fengling relics, why would I send you three idiots?

I repeat, you can underestimate anyone, but you must remember that you must never underestimate Su Zhan!

Because, I have also seen many people, demons and demons, think that Su Zhan Realm is low, and didn’t take him seriously, thinking that he could crush Su Zhan to death like an ant.

But those people…”

After a pause, the Demon Emperor Yunluo’s memory appeared with Su Zhan, and the demons, human races, and monster races he encountered…

Countless bloody pictures appeared in my mind.

He took a deep breath, looked solemn, and said earnestly: “They are all dead!”

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