Chapter 615: Do You Think He Is Losing? He actually made a lot of money!

Under Su Zhaoyue’s guidance, half an hour later, Su Zhan arrived in Luoshui City.

Luoshui City occupies an area of ​​fifteen thousand miles.

It is said to be a city, but in fact it is almost like a small country.

Luoshui City does not belong to any force, alone is a very strong force!

Of course, the city of Luoshui has been able to stand in Luoshui for more than 200,000 years. It is also due to the fact that Luoshui City has always been a neutral force, never enmities, and will also pay tribute to the strongest Dao sects in Lintian Region every 100 years. once.

He is strong and has a good relationship with powerful forces. This is the reason why Luoshui City has stood for a long time.

Luoshui City is forbidden from air, although the restricted air Restrictions are only symbolic, very weak, and any creature above the holy realm can ignore it.

However, no one in Luoshui City dared to fly high, because doing so would attract law enforcement officers in Luoshui City, and moreover, it might anger the Deva powerhouse in Luoshui City!

Of course, no one will be spared, and they are going to challenge the majesty of Luoshui City.

“Two, come to Luoshui City for the first time?”

As soon as he entered the city gate, a humble old man from Cultivation Base approached him.

He smiled and took out two pamphlets: “Luoshui City is not as complicated as other places, and a small city can be compared to a big city in other places!

The two newcomers are afraid that they will be dizzy!

However, after owning the two books of “Luo Shui Yi Shu” in the hands of Xiao Lao Er, it is not a problem! ”

Su Zhaoyue said: “How much is it?”

The rickety old man rolled his eyes: “One book, one thousand holy stones!”

“A thousand holy stones, you grab the money!”

Su Zhaoyue suddenly became unhappy.

This kind of mass-printed thing is worthless at all, ten sacred stones are topped by the sky!

The rickety old man chuckled: “There is a saying how to say that things are rare and expensive. It is no exaggeration to say that if two people can find this in Luoshui City, it is the little old man’s family!

Moreover, looking at the clothes and temperament of the two, they are obviously not bad for money. A thousand sacred stones are nothing to them! ”

“Give you.”

Su Zhan directly took out the storage ring containing the holy stone.

“Let it go here!”

The rickety old man’s eyes lit up and he actually took out a big sack from behind!

The holy stone rushed into the sack, and the rickety old man smiled very happily.

“You smile so insidiously, do you think that we are stupid and have a lot of money, and want to wait for us to follow us and kill us first and then kill?”

Just when the rickety old man was all smiling, Su Zhan flipped through the pamphlet and said casually.

The rickety old man’s smile suddenly stiffened, and he quickly said: “This son, you are too worried, how could I—”

Before he finished speaking, Su Zhan looked down at the pamphlet and raised his head, his eyes turned into two bloody vortexes.

Immediately afterwards, the smile on the face of the rickety old man dissipated.

Instead, it was terrifying panic!

Even the facial features are distorted due to being too scared.

Two seconds later, the bloody vortex in Su Zhan’s eyes dissipated and returned to normal, looking at the rickety old man who was sitting backwards on the ground.

The latter was terrified, and quickly said: “You believe me, son, I definitely don’t–”

“I believe you.”

Su Zhan nodded: “But you spent my precious ten seconds. Tell me, what should I do?”


The rickety old man was depressed.

Based on his years of experience in seeing people, Su Zhan and Su Zhaoyue are very young and immature-minded guys like Cultivation Base should be very weak!

This is why he dared to make such a price.

But I didn’t expect that Su Zhan’s pupil technique was so terrible that even a cultivation practitioner of the Yuan Dan realm could not resist it!

Although Luoshui City is strictly forbidden to fight, but with a strong man, the other party also has a way to make him unable to stay in Luoshui City.

After weighing it in his mind, the rickety old man hesitated and said: “I, I will return the two thousand holy stones to the two?

No, pay another two thousand sacred stones!

One thousand more…no!

Give you all! ”

As he spoke, he saw blood reappearing in Su Zhan’s eyes, thinking of the pain of just being in purgatory, the rickety old man paled with fright, and said in shock.

“Be a good person, be a good person.”

The blood in Su Zhan’s eyes dissipated, and when he opened the sack, he found that the total amount was only a few thousand sacred stones.

Obviously, this guy probably only received 1,000 yuan a copy from them, and others estimated that it was only ten tens of yuan.

Putting the sacks of sacred stone into the storage ring, Su Zhan didn’t bother to care about the old man anymore, and left with a dumbfounded Su Zhaoyue.

“Finally left, what is the origin of this person, that pupil technique…horrible, terrible!”

Seeing Su Zhan and the other two leave, the rickety old man breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking back at the empty sacks.

The old man wanted to cry without tears.

I knew this kid was so cruel, why did I mess with him?

“Go away!”

At this moment, a breath rushed from the city gate and threw him directly tens of meters away before falling into the flower garden.

“Who dares to do this–”

Furious in his heart, just as the rickety old man got his head out of the flowerbed, he saw the two middle-aged men in gray robes. He saw the mark on the robes and his pupils shrank suddenly.

The next moment, the head he had just drilled out was buried in the flowerbed again.

That is the Taoist robe of Five Elements Dao Sect!

Deva-level forces are the existence he must not provoke!

When the Five Elements Dao Zong two entered the city, the crowded street in front quickly gave way to a road.

Five Elements Daozong is nothing in the Deva-level forces.

But in the eyes of most cultivators, it is definitely a giant!

Even in Luoshui City, where the masters are like clouds, the prestige of a Dao Sect is very influential, let alone Five Elements Dao Sect, a neighboring force not far from Luoshui City.

“Brother, Luoshui City is really lively this time! It’s a grand event once every 10,000 years, and I don’t think we will be lucky enough to meet it, hehe!”

“Okay, let alone these useless ones, first go to the auction house and occupy a good seat. This time I took a picture of the Fengling treasure for Master and his old man, but there must be no mistakes!”

“What can be wrong, the Fengling treasure map is not a rare treasure. The price has basically been fixed. It is said that it is auctioned. In fact, it is sold through the auction. There is no bidding, so don’t worry.”

The two sage kings of Five Elements Dao Sect said as they walked towards the Luoshui City Auction House.

And this time.

Su Zhan looked at “Luoshui Yibentong”, and also walked towards the largest auction in Luoshui City.

Aside, Su Zhaoyue said hesitantly: “Su Zhan, did you think about grabbing the old man’s holy stone?”

“What is grabbing?”

Su Zhan suddenly became unhappy: “Isn’t that what he took the initiative to give to me?”

“But, but… That guy Damn it, but we took away all his holy stones, isn’t it a bit too much?”

“What’s too much about this, aren’t you happy to see him?”

Su Zhan shook his head: “On the surface, he has lost some sacred stones, but in fact, his filthy soul has been redeemed.

Do you think he is losing?

He actually made a lot of money! ”

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