Chapter 616 Little Kunlun Battleship!


Su Zhaoyue was speechless for a while.

Was scared by your pupil technique.

Also lost all the holy stones.

This can also be called making a big profit? ? ?

With slander in her heart, Su Zhaoyue was not very good at refuting Su Zhan for a while.

Seeing this, Su said, “Okay, don’t worry about this matter. You should also take a look at what Luoshui can do. If you have a better understanding of the situation, we will have a better time later.”


Su Zhaoyue nodded.

Look through it.

The two continued to walk towards the auction.

It didn’t take long.

Su Zhan arrived at Luoshui Auction House.

After showing the sacred stone worth of more than 100 million yuan, he was directly greeted to the second floor seat.

The Luoshui Auction House is very huge, and the entire infield is estimated to be ten miles long and wide!

A small village is actually about ten miles in radius, and this auction infield is indeed very huge!

There are a total of about 100 individual seats on the second floor, and the number of seats below has reached 3,000!

At this moment, most of these three thousand seats are already occupied.

The rest, if not surprisingly, will be filled before the auction house starts.

This is still the case where a certain degree of wealth must be reached to enter the Luoshui Auction House. If there were no restrictions, the place would have been overcrowded!

Sitting on the second floor seat, Su Zhan ate the spirit fruit from the auction house maid and waited quietly.

Two hours later.

The six-party gate of the auction house is closed, and the auction officially begins!

On the hexagonal booth, the auctioneer gave a brief introduction to himself and then began to auction the items.

The first one is a supreme holy king’s artifact.

It was finally sold at the price of 41 million sacred stones.

The next items are also very valuable.

Better than the largest auction in the Eastern Wasteland domain!

“Next, is the’Little Kunlun Battleship’!”

The fifth auction item.

The auctioneer placed a palm-sized mini warship on the display stone platform.

The introduction said: “The Kunlun battleship must be known to everyone. A peak of the Saint King realm, driving the Kunlun battleship, can completely shake Deva!

If a Deva of One Tribulation controls the Kunlun battleship, Deva of Two Tribulation will not dare to fight!

Three Tribulations Deva has nothing to do in a short time!

However, the Kunlun battleship is the treasure of the Zhongzhou Territory and will not easily flow out of the outside world.

And this small Kunlun battleship, weapon area, control area, power area… and even the appearance, are modeled after the Kunlun battleship!

And the materials used are solid. According to the level of the treasure, it should be a fake Heavenly Dao holy soldier, but its usefulness is definitely not inferior to the ordinary Heavenly Dao holy soldier!

This item starts at 300 million yuan, and each increase in price must not be less than 10 million sacred stones! ”

As soon as the voice fell, someone made an offer immediately.

“Four Million Sacred Stones!”

“410 million!”

“Five hundred million!”

Su Zhan’s gaze fell on the warship equipped with many long-range weapons and extremely strong defense formation. He was a little curious, thinking that the warship and the puppet Seventeen belonged to special treasures with complex structure.

Perhaps you can study the pivot evolution of Puppet Seventeen’s attack, action, control, etc. through the battleship. Ascension, he moved in his heart and also participated in the bidding.

In the end, the little Kunlun battleship was photographed by him with 700 million sacred stones.

“Su Zhan, you can’t waste money so much!”

Su Zhaoyue said distressedly: “This time we are going to the Fengling Ruins, we are going to sneak up on it. This thing is too powerful and we don’t need it.”

“We don’t need it. The Eastern Wasteland domain uses it. Take it back to Master and them. Xuantian Sacred Land can also be considered as a guarantee.”

Su Zhan said in his mouth.

“It turned out to be like this, I thought you were going to sail this boat to the Fengling Ruins…”

Su Zhaoyue smiled awkwardly.

The auction will continue.


The highlight of this time is here.

Five beautiful maids, each holding an exquisite wooden box, placed them on the display stone platform in front of the auctioneer.

“Everyone, there are often auctions, but the Fengling relics are opened but rarely, only once in 10,000 years!”

Following the words of the auctioneer, he spoke.

The eyes of many powerhouses in the venue are looking forward to it.

Seeing this, the auctioneer also solemnly lifted the lids of the wooden boxes, revealing the map inside: “That’s right!

This round of auction items are the treasure map of Fengling!

Five in total!

The old rules start at 500 million, and each increase must not be less than 10 million! ”

As soon as the voice fell, someone made an offer.

No one was bidding with that person, and the first Fengling treasure map was successfully sold.

Seeing this scene, Su Zhan was not surprised.

He had asked the maid of the auction house just now.

I also know the unspoken rules of the auction of Fengling Baotu, the starting price is actually the reserve price.

The reason why it is so strange is that the treasure map of Fengling is so special that very few people use it!

Moreover, even if you have money and reach Deva, you may not really dare to venture to Fengling Ruins!

As for those powerful Deva powerhouses…Do they still need to come here to buy the Phoenix Spirit treasure map?

Even the treasure maps of Fengling at many auctions flowed out of those superpowers.

Over the course of a million years, the reserve price of Fengling Treasure Map has also become clear.

Five hundred million sacred stones.

Unless it is a very special situation, when someone is fighting, it will be elevated.

But generally speaking, five phoenix treasure pictures may not be sold out at an auction.

After the first Fengling Treasure Picture was sold, the second one was also photographed by a middle-aged man wearing a Taoist gown.

Looking at some Phoenix Spirit treasure maps, Su Zhan took out the Yunluo Devil Emperor gave him again.

After comparing it, his brows frowned.

Originally, he thought that what Yunluo Devil Emperor gave him was the Fengling Treasure Map.

But now, when compared with the treasure map of Fengling, this thing lacks a lot of runes when detected by his divine vision!

It’s probably not a treasure map, it’s just a map at all!

Of course, it could also be because it took too long for the Devil Emperor Yunluo to get the treasure map, maybe the treasure map was damaged, but now there is no other way but to take another one.

Feeling a little depressed, Su Zhan said: “Five hundred million sacred stones, two.”

As soon as he said this, everyone at the auction immediately focused their attention on him.

“It’s him who just spent 700 million to buy the small Kunlun warship, and now he took out one billion sacred stones to buy the Fengling treasure map!”

“This person is really rich, is it the strongest Dao Zong Daozi in Lin Tianyu?”

“You idiot? If those people still need to come to the auction, what do you want?”

“Huh, this person actually only has the Little Extreme Saint King Realm?”

“Xiao Ji is in the Holy King Realm, why do you buy Feng Ling Baotu?”

One after another whispers sounded.

Some powerful cultivators looked at Su Zhan, already a little red.

Regarding this, Su Zhan didn’t care too much.

Before he bought these things, he had already thought that this would be the case. Could it be that he wouldn’t buy them in order not to be noticeable?

Although the concealment effect of the dark magic robe is extremely strong, it is also a magic weapon, and it will only be more eye-catching when taken out.

Moreover, even if someone really has a bad heart, he is not afraid.

The strongest Cultivation Base of those people is just a Three Tribulations Deva, not enough for him to practice swords.

The auction will continue.

Until an hour later.

The auction is over.

In addition to the Fengling Treasure Map and the Little Kunlun Battleship, Su Zhan also photographed two other treasures.

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