Chapter 620 Lu Mou’s hand holding the sword is already a little itchy!

Deva, isn’t it hard to kill?

When, Deva, can also be described as “not hard to kill”?

The most important thing is that the one who said this was just a holy king!

Su Zhaoyue was shocked.

Although she had known Su Zhan’s extraordinary strength for a long time, she did not expect that Su Zhan could kill Deva!

After all, whether it was Lin Feiyu or the Holy Lord of Skyfire, they had told her more than once.

The gap between Realm and Deva becomes bigger as Realm goes to the back, and under Deva Realm and Deva, it is more like two Realm!

If Su Zhan crossed the two realms to kill the Great Supreme Saint King, although Su Zhaoyue thought it was very powerful, it was still acceptable.

Now that Su Zhan was able to kill Deva in the small extreme position, there was a short blank in her brain!

“It’s not surprising that he can kill Deva. Waiting for you to reach Realm, as long as I teach you the secret technique of fusion of different fires, you can also fight Deva!

The reason why I told you that there is a big gap between each Realm is that I just don’t want you to be too arrogant.

But you can’t be arrogant, and you can’t be arrogant! ”

Lin Feiyu’s voice sounded from the bottom of her heart, and Su Zhaoyue also came back to her senses, and her shock was slightly relieved.

It turned out to be like this!

Speaking of which, I am not much worse than Su Zhan!

Thinking of this in her heart, Su Zhaoyue was overjoyed.

Although she had long felt that there was an unfillable gap between herself and Su Zhan, she still hoped that the gap could be smaller.

Don’t be so big that you can only become Su Zhan’s burden.

Taking a deep breath, thinking of Su Zhan’s words, Su Zhaoyue was still a little speechless: “Su Zhan, it’s not that Deva is not difficult to kill, but you are too powerful!

For others, even if it is the pinnacle of the great extreme, there is no resistance in front of Deva! ”

“That might be because other people didn’t cultivate as hard as I did!”


Su Zhaoyue rolled her eyes.

Cultivation as well as you?

Cultivating for eight hours a day… Do you think this is in school?

Alas, some people are just so perverted, and they become the little kings of the sacred king by practicing casually…

Recall that I was exhausted, looking for those opportunities, inheritance, and finally breaking through to the Holy King. This kind of cultivation speed can definitely be said to be unprecedented!

Even the ancient mythical figures cannot be compared!

But in front of Su Zhan, there is still only one to be hit!

Su Zhaoyue was a little depressed, she didn’t want to continue this topic, and said, “Su Zhan, don’t talk about this.

Do you really want to go to Five Elements Taoist School?

Why do you want to go if you know they are unkind? ”

“They are just the Elders of Five Elements Dao Sect. They want to disadvantage me, but it does not mean that the entire Five Elements Dao Sect wants to disadvantage me.”

Su Zhan said: “Besides, I killed Elder, so I have to tell them Sect Leader!”

Killed someone else Sect Elder, and you want to go to the door to talk about it?

Su Zhan, do you want to piss off that Sect Leader?

Su Zhaoyue slandered in her heart.

But after thinking about it, she felt that Su Zhan’s strength was so strong that even if she couldn’t fight, she could safely retreat, so she didn’t say much.

Besides, she also knows what happened just now, and it’s useless to say it.

Su Zhan seems to be very talkative, but it is difficult for others to change a good decision!

After talking to Su Zhaoyue, Su Zhan didn’t stay there anymore. He put away the Daoist Shen’s items. He threw out the Heavenly Star Epee and took Su Zhaoyue and the younger Elder of Five Elements Daoist to move towards. Five Elements Daozong is gone!

Three hours later.

Su Zhan arrives at Five Elements Daozong.

The layout of Five Elements Daozong is similar to Xuantian Sacred Land.

It is also located in the mountains.

Many Taoist buildings are surrounded by mountains and rivers.

A huge white crane flew by.

There are bells and bells lingering with crisp music.

Under the identity of the young Daoist’s Elder, Su Zhan went unimpeded.

Soon it came to the main peak of Five Elements Dao Sect.

“Su, Su senior!”

After the young Daoist asked a deacon on the square, he turned towards Su Zhan’s cupped hands and said, “My master is discussing the combination of kendo and magic skills with another Deva who came from afar.

I have asked him to hurry up and notify Master of his arrival, you see? ”

Su Zhan nodded: “Okay, destroy Cultivation Base, throw out the storage ring, and you can go!”


The young Daoist hesitated, recalling the miserable end of Daoist Shen, he gritted his teeth, took out the storage ring, and then directly smashed himself Dantian with a palm!

The power of the holy yuan will destroy all those holy veins!

With blood spitting out, he tremblingly thanked Su Zhan, “Many, thank you senior for not killing.”

After speaking, he endured the pain and staggered down the mountain, his heart full of bitterness.

When Cultivation Base is abolished, his lifespan will be greatly reduced, and it is estimated that he will live for decades.

Decades are almost the same, how many mortals will last for decades?

Compared to Shen Daoist, isn’t his fate a hundred times better?

To blame, I can only blame myself for being greedy and provoke the unpleasant person!

Thinking like this in his heart, the young Daoist gave a wry smile and walked down the Great Hall of the square.

Watching him leave, Su Zhan also retracted his gaze, quietly waiting in the square for the arrival of the Deva Sect Leader of the Five Elements Dao Sect.

Five Elements Daozong, a calm lake.

The two old men sat opposite each other, sitting on the water of the lake, but the ripples did not cause them, as if they had been integrated into the water.

“Brother Lu, how, can you feel the surging trajectory of the law of water properties in this lake?”

After a while, the old man in a Taoist robe asked with a smile.

Sitting across from him, Lu Hai, the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect who had had a relationship with Su Zhan, opened his eyes and shook his head: “I didn’t realize it.”

“Brother Lu, you are not as good as my little disciple in terms of skill talent!”

“Brother Han, you are not talking nonsense.”

Lu Hai said in a huff: “Who didn’t know that Jiang Poyun, your little disciple of Han Xuan, is a peerless genius with magic skills, and there is hope that he will become the arrogant of the Four Tribulations Supreme Deva in the future!

How can I compare!

Speaking of it, it seems that your proud disciple hasn’t come back for decades, right? ”

“Yes, but the big Five Elements beads in my hand felt a little bit yesterday. He should have arrived in Lintianyu. It is estimated that he will be back in two days. I really miss it…huh?”

As he said, Han Xuan sensed something, looked sideways in a certain direction, handed the seals with one hand, and moved a little bit towards that side.

Suddenly, the lake water shot out, condensed into a water snake, bursting away at extremely fast speed.

Before long, the water snake returned with a Five Elements Daozong deacon.

The deacon knelt on one knee on the shore and reported: “Sect Leader, senior Lu!

The big event is not good. A teenager took a young girl and hijacked Liu Elder and came to our Sect Leader Peak Square on Five Elements Road, saying that he wanted to see you Sect Leader! ”

“Huh? Holding Liu Elder?”

Han Xuan frowned, and said angrily: “Isn’t that the apprentice I sent out to buy the Phoenix Spirit treasure map?

Really knowing how to live and die, dare to break into our Five Elements Dao Sect!

Brother Lu, wait here for a while, I will solve the problem and the kid will come back! ”

“Brother Han, what anxious!”

Lu Hai stood up from the surface of the lake, carrying his hands on his back, posing as a peerless master:

“Brother Han, you have been eating and living for nothing for a while. Since someone has such a short eye, I dare to offend you, Brother Han.

Then how could Lu just ignore it?

Brother Han, wait for you to watch it!

The sword in Lu Mou’s hand has not been practiced for a long time, and it is already a little itchy! ”

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