Chapter 621 Han Xuan, I am not afraid of him! (Fourth)

“Well, I’ll see Brother Lu your subtle Sword Technique later!”

Han Xuan smiled, took a white cloud and left.

Lu Hai followed closely, with a smile on his face.

Last time, by Su Zhan’s perverted sword practice, he was a little suspicious of life.

He has been suffocated long ago!

Now, someone just happened to send him to the door to let him vent.

This is a great opportunity, you can’t miss it!

Moreover, this is also a good opportunity to show Han Xuan that his Sword Technique is powerful!

Thinking like this in my heart, Lu Hai has a faster speed, and can’t wait to head to the main peak square of Five Elements Dao Sect.

Before long, Lu Hai followed Han Xuan to the square.

His eyes fell on the back of the young man sitting in front of him who was sitting and adjusting his breath. For some reason, Lu Hai felt a bit familiar!

“Brother Lu, you can start practicing swords!”

Han Xuan was too lazy to ask, and said directly.

Although Lu Hai had some doubts in his heart, he didn’t think much about it at this time. He smiled and said, “Okay! Brother Han, just look at it, and see how I can help Brother Han teach you this—”

The words are not over yet.

I saw the young man turning around.

Lu Hai’s eyes fell on that delicate face, and Lu Hai was stunned.

After a brief stupor, his pupils suddenly shrank, his face changed drastically!

Without thinking about it, he turned to Han Xuan and said, “Brother Han, I am unwell today, so let’s go ahead!”

Han Xuan was immediately confused.

Say yes, let you practice swordsmanship.

Why are you looking back after just two steps out?

Still unwell?

Didn’t you feel good just now?

Lu Hai didn’t wait for Han Xuan’s response at all, and wanted to slip away after speaking.

“Lu fellow daoist, what a coincidence, you are here too!”

Behind him, a somewhat surprised young boy’s voice sounded.

Lu Hai stiffened, thinking that he really wanted to escape and couldn’t escape, he had to turn around and squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, and stuttered: “Su, Su Fellow Daoist, good, it’s a coincidence… ”

“Lu fellow daoist, I just heard that you want to practice sword or something?”

Su Zhan smiled and said, “It seems that you were not satisfied with the fellow daoist practice last time. We practiced enough today!”

“No! No no!”

Lu Hai’s face paled in shock.

Sword practice?

Are you practicing swords?

You really want to hack me to death!

Speaking of.

What evil did my land and sea do!

Su Zhan was violently beaten in the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect and took away all the treasures.

That’s all!

After all, I’m looking for something on my own, I admit it!

But what? Now I deliberately ran a long way to avoid him and came to the Five Elements Dao Sect to take refuge.

Can this happen too? ? ?

I’ve really lost blood mold for eight lifetimes!

Lu Hai was extremely depressed. When he thought of Su Zhan’s terrifying swordsmanship, he quickly said, “Sus fellow daoist, wait a minute!

Don’t get me wrong!

I just happened to be a guest at Five Elements Dao Sect, and it has nothing to do with the grievances between you!

As for practicing sword…

Sue fellow daoist, my last injury has not healed, so I won’t practice swords anymore. It’s better to play chess and enjoy tea! ”

Hearing what Lu Hai said, Su Zhan hadn’t spoken yet, and Han Xuan, the Five Elements Dao Sect Leader Sect Leader, who had just recovered from the dumbfoundedness, was already furious: “Lu Hai!

What do you mean by this!

Moreover, just a small saint king, it scares you like this!

Do you still have the majesty of Deva!

I am ashamed to be with you! ”

Little saint king?

The corners of Lu Hai’s mouth twitched.

So what if he can kill me and return to the trivial little saint king?

If he is Little Saint King, am I not Little Little Deva?

Silent in his heart, Lu Hai persuaded: “Brother Han, the strength of fellow daoist Su is not as simple as it seems!

Even me, consciously far inferior to Sue fellow daoist!

If you think you are good, go ahead! ”

“Even you can’t beat him?”

Han Xuan was a little unbelievable: “He is just a holy king, can he defeat Deva?

How can this be! ”

“Anyway, I said, believe it or not.”

Lu Haidao: “But Brother Han, I think we should make things clear first, so as not to hurt the peace, don’t you think?”


Originally, Han Xuan wanted to slap Su Zhan directly with a slap.

But when Lu Hai said that Su Zhan was so powerful, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed. After thinking about it, he said to Su Zhan: “You come to Five Elements Dao Sect to see me, what’s the matter?”

“Is such that.”

Su Zhan said: “The two Elders of the Five Elements Dao Sect are plotting against me, I fought back a little bit, killed one of them, and abolished one of them—”


Han Xuan suddenly became angry.

“Brother Han, calm down!”

Lu Hai hurriedly said, “Su fellow daoist, brother Han is not a person who does not distinguish between right and wrong. Those two murdered you, and they deserve it if they die!

Brother Han doesn’t account for this! ”

“He doesn’t care, but are those two Elder of his Five Elements Dao Sect after all, or his apprentices?

If he said that, wouldn’t he also have to bear some responsibility? ”

“You are presumptuous!”

Han Xuan was furious: “Killing my apprentice to death, and dare to hold me accountable, have you put me, the Five Elements Daozong Sect Leader To put in one’s eyes!”

Su Zhan was surprised: “I don’t know you, why should I put you in one’s eyes?”


Han Xuan was unrecognizable, and angrily said: “Okay, okay!

Lu Hai said you can beat Deva, Han Xuan, I don’t believe it!

I don’t believe it, there are really people who can defeat Deva with only a small but insignificant Saint King Realm!

What’s more, I have already survived Deva’s second catastrophe!


Don’t you want me to be responsible?

Very simple, beat me, I am as you wish!

I want to see, you, a little saint king, have any ability to make Lu Hai fear! ! ! ”

Hearing this, Su Zhan’s eyes lit up.

At the beginning of the Eastern Wasteland domain, when the divine veins were fateful, Jiang Poyun used a magic technique to make him ascension the sense of the harmony between heaven and earth and kendo!

This Han Xuan is the Sect Leader of Five Elements Dao Sect. His technique is more mysterious!

Perhaps, there is a benefit to own kendo too!

Thinking about this, Su Zhanpo said with some expectation: “Okay, then I will try your skills with swordsmanship.”

“Su Zhan you…”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure, you stay away and don’t be affected.”

Su Zhan said to Su Zhaoyue, who was full of worry.

Su Zhaoyue hesitated for a moment, holding a magic talisman in her small hand, and stuffing it into Su Zhan’s hand: “This is a super imaginary speed talisman. Although you can beat Deva, didn’t that person have said it.

He is the Second Tribulation Deva!

If you find that you are not your opponent and are in deep danger, you can trigger this talisman, and he will never catch up with you! ”

“Well, I got it.”

Su Zhan didn’t decline either, accepting the highest-rank magic talisman he had ever seen.

It’s not available now, maybe it will be available in the future.

It’s always right to accept.

Seeing Su Zhan accepting the magic talisman, Su Zhaoyue also eased a little, and began to distance himself from Su Zhan.

In the square, the deacons and disciples of the Five Elements Dao Sect, and even Elder who had come to hear the news, all retreated.

In the end, only Su Zhan, Han Xuan, and Lu Hai were left.

Lu Hai stood in the corner of the square, looking at Su Zhan, always feeling that something was wrong.

Suddenly, when he thought of something, his pupils shrank, and said to Han Xuan in shock: “Brother Han!

Almost forgot!

Although I was defeated by Su Zhan more than a dozen swords at the beginning, but at that time, he was only Zhongtian—”

“To shut up!”

Han Xuan had long been stunned, and he didn’t listen to Lu Hai’s words at all.

Angrily said: “Lu Hai, you cartilage!

What bullshit saint king can compete with Deva, it’s just that you are too weak!

I have lived for more than 7,000 years, and I have never seen a holy king who can compete with Deva, let alone the Second Tribulation Deva!

Today, I will let you know that you are afraid of land and sea, and Han Xuan is not afraid of me! ! ! ”

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