Chapter 623

Can you hold it?

But I can’t hold it anymore!

Han Xuan wanted to cry without tears, and hurriedly said: “No, no, no! Su fellow daoist Sword Technique is strong, I am ashamed of Han Xuan, and I am willing to give up!”

Su Zhan frowned: “Are you really not making a move?”

“no no!”

Han Xuan shook his head again and again, as if he didn’t shoot him to death.

Seeing this, Su Zhan also lost interest in making swords.

He originally thought that fighting Han Xuan would improve his perception of the power of kendo and the laws of heaven and earth just like fighting Jiang Poyun before.

But now it seems that he thinks too much.

At that time, he had not yet come into contact with the power of the law, so he felt that the power of the law in Jiang Poyun’s spells was very mysterious.

But now, he didn’t have any insights in the fight against Han Xuan.

After all, an enemy that can almost be killed with a full-strength sword, can you have any insights?

With this in mind, Su Zhan put away the Heavenly Star Epee in his hand, his eyes fell on Han Xuan, and said: “Since you admit defeat, then I won’t force it, but you unilaterally ruined the promise and caused me to suffer extremely badly. loss!

Tell me, what should I do? ”


Han Xuan hesitated: “Su fellow daoist, you seem to have no loss?”

“I didn’t lose?”

Su Zhan looked cold: “Originally, I stayed in Luoshui City well. Your two apprentices took me out of Luoshui City and tried to murder me. Although they didn’t succeed, it hurt my trust in them. heart of!

Forget it, I am a victim, come to you Five Elements Dao Sect to speak, you actually want to kill me!

Now, even the promises you have said are ruined. Do you know how huge this hurts a kind and honest heart?

And you even feel that you are right!

It seems that you are hopeless, if so, then I will—”

“do not want!”

Aware of the other meaning in Su Zhan’s words, Han Xuan felt a terrifying feeling in his heart, almost hoarsely saying: “Su fellow daoist, don’t get me wrong!

I know my mistakes, I know my mistakes!

This is the fault of our Five Elements Dao Sect. Our Five Elements Dao Sect is willing to compensate the fellow daoist Su! ”

With that said, Han Xuan thought of something, and quickly took off his Taoist robe: “Su fellow daoist, this Five Elements Taoist robe is a fine piece of the inferior Heavenly Dao Saint Soldiers, worth at least 1.5 billion sacred stones!

Quandang apologized to Sue fellow daoist! ”

1.5 billion holy stones?

Su Zhan shook his head: “This is your treasure. After following you for so many years, how can I snatch it away?”

Han Xuan was taken aback, and then he was pleasantly surprised: “Thank you Su fellow daoist, Su fellow daoist is really generous–”

“Why don’t you take out five billion sacred stones.”

“Five, five billion?!”

Upon hearing the second half of Su Zhan’s sentence, Han Xuan, who was still a little surprised, was suddenly stunned.

Immediately, he cautiously said: “Su fellow daoist, is this five billion holy stones too—”

“Too much?”

Su Zhan said: “I never force others, since you think it is too much, then I will never force it.

However, you are not even willing to take out the mere five billion sacred stones. It seems that you are not really repentant. In this case—”

“No! What I want to say is that five billion sacred stones are too, too…”

Han Xuan was taken aback, with a bitter face: “Too reasonable!”

“Well, you think it is reasonable.”

Su Zhan thought of something, flipped his palm, and the treasure map of Feng Ling from Daoist Shen appeared in his hand: “By the way, sell this treasure map of Feng Ling to you too!

Even a billion sacred stones are good. ”

“Billions of sacred stones! But the treasure map of the Phoenix Spirit is clearly worth–”

Halfway through talking, thinking of Su Zhan’s horrible swordsmanship, Han Xuan abruptly held back, crying with a sad face: “One billion sacred stones, just one billion sacred stones…

The price is too reasonable…

But fellow daoist Su, six billion sacred stones, even if it is our Five Elements Dao Sect, we can’t get it out for a while, but fellow daoist Su don’t worry.

In ten days, the fundraising must be completed in ten days! ”

Ten days?

Three days later, it seemed that the Fengling Ruins were about to be opened, plus the seven days that the Fengling Ruins were opened, it was just right.

You can get the money when you walk out of the Fengling ruins.

It just so happens that you can also take away those sacred stones in Luoshui City.

Su Zhan thought for a while, and felt that this time was good, and it was impossible for Han Xuan to take out the six billion sacred stones at once, so he also nodded and said, “Then ten days!”

Hearing Su Zhan agreeing, Han Xuan heaved a sigh of relief.

And this time.

Those who were very puzzled at the beginning of Su Zhan’s confidence to challenge a Deva Five Elements Dao sect disciple, Elder, also recovered from the confusion.

The gaze that looked at Su Zhan was full of shock, horror, and even fear!

One sword!

With just one sword, the powerful Sect Leader in their hearts was defeated!

He didn’t even have the courage to fight again!

And this person is just a little extremely holy king!

Terrible, terrible!

At this moment, all the people in the Five Elements Dao Sect who saw this scene, from the deputy Sect Leader of the Deva realm to the handyman of the Ning Yuan realm, were terrified!

Even the gaze that looked at Su Zhan became cringe and dare not look straight!

Su Zhaoyue also opened her mouth slightly at this time, looking at Su Zhan in disbelief.

She knew that Su Zhan had the ability to kill Deva, but she never expected that Su Zhan could easily defeat Deva of the Second Tribulation!

Shocked in her heart, she asked in a low voice: “Lin senior, can I achieve this level even when I reach the minimum position?”

Lin Feiyu in the bracelet was silent for a while, and then sighed helplessly: “Except for Su Zhan, everyone in this world.

Even the peerless geniuses of the Zhongzhou Region, the personal disciples of the Martial Dao myth, you can compare with them!

But Su Zhan… forget it!

From now on, let’s not compare with him, we can’t compare…”

“All right……”

Su Zhaoyue was a little lost.

Tens of miles apart, although she couldn’t hear what Su Zhan and Han Xuan said, she could also see that Han Xuan was begging for mercy. Obviously the battle was over, so she also flew past.

“Su Zhan, you are amazing! You actually defeated the Second Tribulation Deva!”

Su Zhan shook his head: “It’s not that I am strong, but that he is too weak.”

Han Xuan on the side was even more depressed, but he didn’t dare to say a word, for fear that it would upset Su Zhan.

“All right”

Without waiting for Su Zhaoyue to respond, Su Zhan said: “Since the matter has been resolved, let’s go too!

Han Sect Leader, when I come ten days later, I hope that the six billion sacred stones will be ready and nothing will go wrong. ”

“Definitely, surely, Sue fellow daoist, don’t worry!”

Han Xuan nodded repeatedly.

“and many more!”

Su Zhaoyue on the side was puzzled: “Su Zhan, what six billion sacred stones, what are you talking about?”

“That’s it. This Han Sect Leader deeply recognized his own mistakes and used six billion sacred stones as compensation to make up for some of the injuries I suffered.”

Su Zhan paused, looked at Han Xuan, and then said, “Of course, I have never had the habit of forcing others, Han Sect Leader, if you don’t want to, it’s too late to regret it now.”

“No, no! I do!”

Han Xuan paled with fright, and quickly said, “These six billion sacred stones were given to fellow daoist Su by my own volition, Han Xuan!

If you don’t accept Sue fellow daoist, I’ll have trouble sleeping and eating! ”

Su Zhan spread his hands, and said to Su Zhaoyue who was already dumbfounded: “Look!

I have said that a kind and good person like me will always be willing to give me something.

And sometimes if I don’t accept it, they will really have trouble sleeping and eating. ”

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