Chapter 624 His name is Su Zhan!


Su Zhaoyue was completely confused at this time.

Seeing Han Xuan, who was shaking with fright and kneeling in front, looked at Su Zhan, who was casual, but killed if he shot.


She finally understood.

How did Su Zhan’s billions of sacred stones come here!



It is indeed voluntary.

The question is, can he not voluntarily?

Which one is important, holy stone and fate, even a fool can distinguish it?

Su Zhaoyue was speechless. Soon, she remembered the scene where she and Su Zhan were looking for the light blue ice flames in the mountain range of Xia Kingdom in Tiannan. After Su killed the Li family, the other big families paid their respects one by one. .

She glanced at Su Zhan faintly.

This guy really hasn’t changed at all!

Su Zhaoyue was a little depressed, and said helplessly: “Su Zhan, have you ever thought that these people are not infected by your personality charm and kind Dao heart, and sincerely apologize to you, they are just afraid of you?”

“Afraid of me?”

Su Zhan shook his head: “How is this possible! There are not many kind and good people like me, and I am not surprised why anyone is afraid of me.”

As he said, he looked at Han Xuan: “You said, did you give me the holy stone because you were afraid of me?”

“No, it’s not!”

Han Xuan hurriedly said: “I really realized the own mistake!

Only by paying the price of six billion sacred stones can I remember this matter and never commit it again!

Speaking of which, I still want to thank fellow daoist Sue for allowing me to correct this bad ill of bullying! ”

“You heard it!”

Su Zhan smiled: “He also wants to thank me, I have done another good deed.”

Su Zhaoyue was even more speechless: “Su Zhan, according to you, why has no one ever given me anything?

Am I not kind? ”

“You are not kind enough, at least not as kind as I am.”


Su Zhaoyue was choked for a while, and after holding back for a long time, she said with a gloomy face: “What you said is so reasonable, I was speechless…”

“Well, there is still a long way to go to the Fengling Ruins, let’s go!”

With that said, Su Zhan threw the Heavenly Star Epee and turned it into a starlight giant sword tens of meters long suspended in the sky.

In the expectant gaze of Han Xuan and others, Su Zhaoyue broke through the air with Su Zhaoyue.

“Finally gone…”

The big rock in Han Xuan’s heart fell, and his whole body was weakly limp on the ground.

“Sect Leader! Are you okay!”

Elders immediately came over and helped him to get up.

“My injury is not very serious, it’s okay.”

Han Xuan shook his head. Immediately, he thought of something. Pushing away those Elders, he glared at Lu Hai, who was slowly approaching here, and said angrily: “Lu Hai!

Didn’t you say that the surname Su took more than a dozen swords to defeat you?

I can only hold five swords at most, can you hold a dozen swords? ? ? ”

“Brother Han, don’t blame me for this”

Lu Hai looked innocent: “I just wanted to tell you that Su Zhan had only the mid-heaven position when he compared swords with me. No, the great heavenly holy king realm, now he has broken into the small extreme position, that must be even more powerful. !

Moreover, he is not just Realm breakthrough, his strength has increased too much compared to before!

Brother Han, in fact, you have to be thankful that Su Zhan didn’t use all his strength at first. ”

Recalling Su Zhan’s horrible posture when he first entered the position of the Great Heaven and compared his sword with himself, Lu Hai trembled and said, “If he really uses his full strength.

The first sword, you are already dead! ”

I’m dead with one sword?

Han Xuan was taken aback.

If he heard this in ordinary times, he would definitely be furious, feeling that he was insulting himself.

But after seeing the power of Su Zhan’s sword, he had to believe it at this time.

Su Zhan is so casual, it really doesn’t seem to be going all out.


It’s so terrible without using all my strength.

If Su Zhan really goes all out, wouldn’t it be possible to kill Deva of the Three Tribulations!

With the small extreme position of the Holy King Realm, slay the Three Tribulations Deva…

This f*ck!

How could there be such a terrifying perversion in the world! ! !

Han Xuan collapsed completely.

The trace of revenge that still existed was completely annihilated.

This kind of existence was not caused by him.

Otherwise, next time, I’m afraid he won’t even have a chance to pay for the sacred stone!

There is only one dead end!

With bitterness in his heart, Han Xuan pushed away those Elders, staggered, and left in despair.

Leaving the Five Elements Dao Sect, Su Zhan was happy, took out the Fengling map, and headed towards the Fengling ruins.

It took several hours before he arrived in a small town with an entrance of Fengling Ruins less than 300 miles away.

There is nothing else in the small town, only one courtyard far apart, with birds and flowers scented, quiet and chic.

Although it is a small town, the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi here is extremely abundant, obviously there is a large-scale Spirit Gathering Formation.

This is also normal.

After all, those who can go to the Fengling Ruins are truly strong.

How could it not be exquisite to entertain such a strong person.

As soon as Su Zhan fell into the town, a servant came to entertain him.

After spending three thousand sacred stones renting a very secluded courtyard for ten days, Su Zhan also took Su Zhaoyue to live in.

Although you can take a rest in the mountains and the wild, it’s not bad for money now, and it won’t be so troublesome.

Moreover, living here is also convenient for inquiring about all kinds of news about the relics of Fengling from those servants.

After allocating rooms with Su Zhaoyue, Su Zhan also began to cultivate.

He is now in the middle stage of Xiaoji, with many cultivation cultivation, maybe he can break through to the late stage when he encounters some chance in the Fengling Ruins, but he can’t slack off.

Half a day later.

late at night.

Five Elements Daozong.

Sect Leader Han Xuan Immortal Cave.

Han Xuan, who had been sitting cross-legged to recuperate from his injuries, sensed something, opened his eyes and waved his hand to lift Immortal Cave Restrictions.

After half a minute.

He looked at Jiang Poyun and Jiang Wuya who appeared in front of him, with a smile on his pale faces: “Poyun, Jiang Elder, you are back.”

“See retired elder!”

Jiang Wuya gave a gift with cupped hands.

“Don’t retired elder.”

Han Xuan waved his hand: “Decades ago, my big apprentice Sect Leader died unexpectedly in the secret realm. There was no one in the Five Elements Dao Sect. I am now a Sect Leader again.”

“Meet Sect Leader!”

Jiang Wuya quickly changed his words.

After traveling for more than fifty years, he obviously did not expect this change.


Jiang Poyun also bowed, and immediately said aggrieved: “Master!

When the disciple came back this time, he should have been happily.

But helplessly, a great opportunity belonging to the disciple was taken away!

Even, I almost couldn’t come back as a disciple!

If it hadn’t happened to meet a Deva from Lintianyu, after hearing about us, he would take us for a ride. At our speed, I don’t know how long to float on the endless sea! ”

“What great opportunity?”

“Divine Veins!”

When Jiang Poyun thought of this, he was unwilling to say: “There have always been rumors in the spirit world that the gods and veins will become myths!

My divine body is already very strong, if I get the divine veins, I will surely become the Martial Dao myth in the future!

But it was such an opportunity that was actually snatched away by the mud legs in the Eastern Wasteland domain! ”


Han Xuan suddenly stood up and roared: “The opportunity to achieve the Martial Dao myth was actually taken away!

Or the group of ants in the Eastern Wasteland domain!

Didn’t you tell them that you are my Taoist Daoist of Five Elements? ! ”

“Master, I said, but they don’t put us Five Elements Daozong To put in one’s eyes!”

“Little Eastern Wasteland, dare to be so arrogant!”

Han Xuan was furious: “Say, someone in the Eastern Wasteland region has snatched your chance, and the teacher will definitely ask him to kneel in front of you and beg for mercy!”

“Return to Master”

Jiang Poyun gritted his teeth and said: “It’s a holy son of Sacred Land!

His name is Su Zhan! ”

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