Chapter 627: So Big, So White!

Su Zhan’s gaze fell on the blind bear demon whose chest was directly blasted into a huge blood hole by some terrifying force, and then he looked at the strange little yellow bird standing on his shoulders with almost no breath. Senior man in Dao gown.

His face was unhappy: “It’s just a blind stupid bear, you have to kill it too.

That’s fine, when you speak, you want our wealth… You also call kindness?

You are clear and unforgivable, and you deserve to die! ”

“Evil is unforgivable, sin deserves ten thousand deaths?”

The middle-aged Dao-robed man was stunned for a moment, as if he couldn’t believe it, this was what a little extremely holy king said to him.

After a full stunned for two seconds, his face sank: “Presumptuous!

Do you know who I am?

Dare to speak to a Deva of the Four Tribulations like this, are you bored with life? ! ”

Four Tribulations Deva!

Su Zhaoyue was shocked, she took a step back subconsciously, and whispered: “Su Zhan, didn’t I give you a super virtual speed rune?

With this talisman, this guy can’t catch up with us. ”


Su Zhan shook his head and looked at the middle-aged man, his eyes cold.

Just when he was about to make a move, another powerful aura came!

It was Qin Xiaoshu!

Qin Xiaoshu held the scroll in his left hand, fell from the sky, glanced at the Four Tribulations Deva, and said only one word: “Go away!”

The face of the middle-aged man in Taoist robe changed, but he sensed that Qin Xiaoshu’s unconcealed horror aura that had reached the peak of the Five Tribulations Deva, he had to squeeze a smile and said: “This fellow daoist, in the Xianyuan Mansion of the Lower Central State Daozong Zhu Hao, fellow daoist Five Tribulations Deva, why two ants——”

“For the sake of being in the same Zhongzhou region, I don’t make it difficult for you.”

Qin Xiaoshu said lightly: “But everything is predestined, this little brother is predestined with me, if you want to kill him, you will break my predestined relationship.

I’m a scholar and don’t know how to kill people, but if you want to force me, I have no choice but to do it. ”

“In that case, let’s say goodbye!”

Zhu Hao’s face was ugly, and he took a deep look at Su Zhan: “This little fellow daoist, I hope you have good luck and won’t run into me again at the Fengling Ruins.

Otherwise…huh! ”

“Otherwise, what are you doing?”

Su Zhan said strangely: “Speaking is incomplete…Are you a Deva on the surface, but in fact a patient with cerebral palsy and speech impairment?”

“What did you say!”

Zhu Hao was furious, but with Qin Xiaoshu, he didn’t dare to really make a move, so he said angrily: “This seat is nearly ten thousand years old, and you are the ancestors of your junior ancestors!

Are you qualified to insult me? ”

“Almost ten thousand years old?”

Su Zhan was a little surprised: “You are still alive when you are so old, you really are not dead!

Having said that, you are almost long live, so your family must be gone, right?

So, are you an orphan? ”

“you you you!”

Zhu Hao squeezed his fist tightly.

Teeth creaked!

“What are you?”

Su Zhan said: “Ten thousand-year-old orphan, still a cerebral palsy, you can shut up you!

Save a little effort, maybe you can live a few more years, find a cool place and wait for death! ”


Zhu Hao was so angry that he was about to lose his mind.

Had it not been for Qin Xiaoshu, he vowed to tear Su into pieces!

Only then can he vent the hatred in his heart!

Taking a deep breath, Zhu Hao roared: “You better not meet me again!!!”

After finishing speaking, he didn’t wait for Su Zhan’s response, before turning into a escape light and leaving.

No way, if you don’t leave quickly.

He, the Four Tribulations Deva, is afraid that he will be abruptly pissed off by internal injuries!

At this time, Qin Xiaoshu also looked at Su Zhan dumbfounded: “Su fellow daoist, your cursing skills are really amazing!”

“Qin fellow daoist, although you helped, you can’t talk nonsense!”

Su Zhan was unhappy: “How can I curse someone like me, a gentle and polite person?

I’m just telling the truth.


Speaking of which, fellow daoist Qin, your Realm is so tall and you must be very old, then your family…”

“Stop it!”

Qin Xiaoshu was startled, and shook his head again and again, turning the subject away, “Let’s not talk about this!

Su fellow daoist, I think you are destined to me. Would you like to explore the Fengling ruins with me? ”

Qin Xiaoshu smiled and said: “The more I look at you, the more I think you are unusual.

However, Sue fellow daoist, although you have many miracles, Realm is there.

You have seen it just now. Not only the Demonic Beasts are threatening to this Phoenix Spirit relic, but the other cultivators are also very dangerous.

Although this magic talisman on you is very mysterious, there is always something in case. With me, there should be no one at the Fengling Ruins to help you, how about it? ”

“Thank you fellow daoist Qin for your kindness, but forget it.”

Su Zhan shook his head.

He and Su Zhaoyue want a great opportunity, and of course they can’t just share it with others.

Even if he looked at Qin Xiaoshu, it was pleasing to the eye.

“Forget it, the two fellow daoist have a good journey.”

Qin Xiaoshu didn’t get entangled either. He shook his head with regret, and said with a smile: “By the way, fellow daoist Su.

If you arrive in the Zhongzhou area any day, you can come to Zhishengfu Tianshulou to find me. I like reading very much. Tianshulou also has a lot of books, and there are always ones you like to read. ”

“Well, if fellow Qin daoist goes to Eastern Wasteland, he can also come to Xuantian Sacred Land to find me. I like to practice swords, and we can practice together.”

Su Zhan smiled, cupped hands bowed, and left with Su Zhaoyue who was still a little uneasy.

Seeing the two disappear, Qin Xiaoshu lowered his head and glanced at the wordless book in his hand.

There are only four characters in the heavenly book: No prying.

“Unexpectedly, even the heavenly book can’t see the number of popular luck days…it’s too unusual, too unusual!

Master told me that there is a big chance in my fate. Could it be that he is the big chance of my Qin Xiaoshu?

It’s a pity that he doesn’t want to walk with me, alas!

Hope, we can forge this good relationship! ”

Sighing, Qin Xiaoshu didn’t use any means to follow Su Zhan and left slowly.

Good destiny needs to be formed with sincerity, otherwise, it will evolve into evil destiny.

This is also his Dao heart that Qin Xiaoshu has always been, without arrogance and doing nothing, conforming to the sky.

Thousands of miles away from Huangfeng Forest, in a secluded forest.

Su Zhaoyue stopped suddenly and said solemnly: “Su Zhan, don’t you have supernatural powers?

Quickly stimulate to the extreme, help me see if there is any kind of sacred mark or spiritual mark left by Qin Xiaoshu!

Then look it up on you! ”

Su Zhan was stunned: “Why?”

“Do you think there is such a coincidence?”

Su Zhaoyue said earnestly: “How long has this been since we have already met that Qin Xiaoshu three times!

Rather than believing that this is a coincidence, I would rather believe that the mysterious powerhouse Qin Xiaoshu acted on us, just with extremely clever means!

It must be investigated carefully, the people’s heart is sinister, and we have to guard against it! ”

“But if my divine eyes are stimulated to the extreme…”

Su Zhan remembered that when he condensed the eyes of the gods, he saw through the affairs of those women, and hesitated, “I will see through everything!”

“See through all the false fog?”

Su Zhaoyue’s eyes lit up: “That’s great!

Hurry up, our Cultivation Base is low profile, so we need to be more careful!

Only by having a chance to get that great opportunity in the Fengling Ruins where so many powerful people exist! ”

“……okay then!”

After thinking about it, Su Zhan felt that Su Zhaoyue was going to fall in love with herself anyway, and it wasn’t a big deal to see it, so she didn’t twitch, and directly stimulated Lingqing’s eyes with all her strength!

The light of God was released, covering Su Zhaoyue.

Three seconds later, Su Zhan’s gaze stopped on Su Zhaoyue’s chest, and a look of shock appeared in his eyes.

“How? Did he leave a special mark?”

Seeing Su Zhan’s appearance, Su Zhaoyue quickly asked.

Su Zhan was stunned: “No, it’s just… you can’t see it in clothes.

It’s so old, so white…You’re only seventeen years old!

It’s incredible…”

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