Chapter 628 Feng Yushan, Little Bai Jiao! (Third more)

“What’s so big and white?”

Su Zhaoyue was confused: “Su Zhan, what are you talking about—ah!”

As she said, she suddenly realized something, screamed, and covered her chest with her hands.

Blushing, angrily said: “You actually peeped at the girl’s breasts!


You are such a Su Zhan! ”

“Isn’t this what you showed me?”

Su Zhan was speechless.

“I let you see, I let you see the mark!”

Su Zhaoyue blushed: “What are you guys looking at!”

“Didn’t I say it?

The extreme excitement of my gods will see through everything! ”

“When you say see through everything, you mean seeing through my clothes. Isn’t it a vain formation?”

Su Zhan nodded: “Yes! See through everything, literally, you can’t understand it so simple…

Su Zhaoyue, you are so stupid!

When will you be as smart as me? ”


Su Zhaoyue was annoyed.

If I were as “smart” as you, I would be over!

You think everyone is so perverted!

Invincible luck, invincible talent, everything is smooth sailing, as if the world revolves around you… The more I think about it, the more annoying!

I am also a lucky person, but why compare with you, I feel mediocrity to the extreme?

Su Zhaoyue was depressed, thinking that she might not be able to compete with the wooden head of Su Zhan, she had no choice but to say: “Anyway, you are not allowed to look at my body!


With that, Su Zhaoyue had a sly look in her eyes and blushed and said, “You will marry me now!”

“I’ve read it all, don’t marry or marry.”

Su Zhan shook his head.

Su Zhaoyue was even more annoyed, and her small fist smashed Su Zhan: “Huh! I will beat you when I am better than you!”

Hearing this, Su Zhan hadn’t spoken yet.

A faint voice sounded on Su Zhaoyue’s bracelet: “Zhaoyue! Let’s stop dreaming, okay?”

“Lin senior I…”

Su Zhaoyue was wronged and turned her back.

“Okay, just watch it, I will be responsible, and when I complete my small goal, I will take you to travel.”

Su Zhan rubbed Su Zhaoyue’s little head and said with a smile.

“keep your word.”

Su Zhaoyue dissipated in her heart and smiled brightly.

“I always count on my words.”

Su Zhan nodded, and began to look at himself.

After a while.

The divine light in his eyes narrowed, and the huge sacred idea of ​​exploring himself was also put away, and he shook his head: “Qin fellow daoist did not move any hands or feet.”

“It seems that Qin senior is really a good person!”

Su Zhaoyue breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Su Zhan, the great opportunity of the Fengling Ruins will have to wait two days, the sixth day of August.

That day was the peak of the sun fire this year. On the Fengyu Mountain where the Fengling Ruins were suspected to have fallen, I could use my strange fire to provoke the hidden Heavenly Phoenix and Divine Fire!

The great opportunity of the Fengling Ruins, at that time, will surely be alive!

At the moment, I am going to a valley that only I know about. There is a kind of Spiritual herbs called wildfire grass in the valley, which is very helpful for my cultivation.

If it goes well, I will refine the wild fireweed in these two days, and you will refine the gold Fengye. After two days, my strength will increase, and then I will go to Fengyu Mountain to find great opportunities! ”


Su beheaded nodded, feeling that Su Zhaoyue’s arrangement was perfect and would not waste any time.

Next, Su Zhaoyue took Su Zhan towards a certain direction based on the information she got about the Fengling relics in the inheritance.

It took a little half a day.

The two successfully reached the valley.

In the valley, a half-step sky demon-level giant python occupies.

Su Zhaoyue said: “Let’s go around—”


The words are not over yet.

Su Zhan’s left hand Tianleiji volcano imprint shined, and with a punch, he directly knocked the head of the giant python that was spitting out the letter and tempting him.

The blood rained all over the sky.

He said to Su Zhaoyue: “Don’t be so troublesome, this snake has been staring at me, and it’s not a good snake at first sight, it’s better to kill it.”


Su Zhaoyue’s mouth twitched.

You have broken into other people’s turf, can it not stare at you?

It is not blind!

Feeling slanderous, Su Zhaoyue said: “Good job!”

As she said, she entered the valley and saw the strange grasses growing in the crevices of the rocks, emitting a faint blue flame, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

Walked over and picked it carefully.

After a while, all the wild fireweeds were picked by Su Zhaoyue. She smiled and said to Su Zhan, “Su Zhan, there are seven wildfireweeds in total. I need them more. I will take four, how about you take three?”

“You take it all.”

Su Zhan shook his head: “It’s useless if I want this.”

“That’s fine too.”

Su Zhaoyue did not decline either.

The relationship between the two is not the first time they have met, and even some elixir needs to be rejected.

After that, Su Zhaoyue sat down directly, refining the wild fireweed.

Su Zhan took out the golden Fengye on a big rock less than a hundred meters away from her, put it in his mouth, chewed it up and started refining.

Under the influence of the refining aura and its own talent.

It only took Su Zan five hours to refine 14 pieces of golden Fengye!

In the flesh, a touch of golden light is fleeting!

Feel free to make a fist, and the space is trembling!

The effect of these fourteen pieces of gold Fengye is not much worse than that of the forged Gold Core!

Moreover, not only was the physical strength increased, but his Cultivation Base was also infused with the huge vitality contained in the golden Fengye, reaching the late stage of the small extreme holy king!

Regardless of speed, attack, defense, mental energy…the overall increase has been a certain amount!

Feeling the increase in strength, Su Zhan showed a smile on his face.

Seeing that Su Zhaoyue hadn’t finished refining, he didn’t go anywhere, waved his hand, and threw out the cooking puppet he made at Zhan Tianfeng at the time.

Cut the boa constrictor meat and braise it in brown sauce and braise it in oil.

Two days later.

Su Zhaoyue finally finished refining the seven wild fireweeds, and the Cultivation Base soared directly from the first entry into the Saint King to the late stage of the Little Heavenly King!

Not far from the Central Heavenly Kings!

“Su Zhan, all those Jin Fengye–”

Just after speaking, Su Zhaoyue remembered the scene of the two refining elixir in the secret realm when she first met Su Zhan. She rolled her eyes and changed her words: “Needless to say.

Your pervert must have been refined a long time ago, and I will definitely be hit by you if I ask!

Humph, I won’t ask, okay, let’s go! ”

Su Zhaoyue’s eyes were full of expectation: “Fengyu Mountain, the place where the Heavenly Phoenix and Divine Fire is!”

“Well, let’s go!”

Su Zhan had been waiting for a long time. Hearing Su Zhaoyue’s words, he immediately threw out the Heavenly Star Epee and took Su Zhaoyue away!

Fengyu Mountain is not a secret place, it is on the Fengling Treasure Map in his hand.

It took more than three hours, but that one was not too high, but it occupies an extremely large area, and the huge Fengyu Mountain appeared in Su Zhan’s sight.

There are no cultivators around Fengyu Mountain.

It is said that a long time ago, it was rumored that Fengyu Mountain was the place where the phoenix spirit fell, and it also attracted a lot of powerful people to explore it.

Even, there was a big fight here, and the corpses were everywhere!

However, even a little treasure has not been found here. If things go on like this, this place gradually becomes desolate.

Neither the Five Tribulations Deva’s powerhouse nor the Saint King Realm’s plan to enter the troubled waters and fish in the cultivation, they have no interest in this place.

The experience of countless predecessors tells them.

Not only is this not a treasure place, on the contrary, it is impossible to get any benefits, it is a pure waste of time!

Thinking of the information about Fengyu Mountain in his mind, Su Zhan was about to fall towards Fengyu Mountain, which was already below him.

Suddenly, the sky in front of the cloud collapsed, and there was an abnormal movement!

“That is……”

Su Zhan’s eyes condensed, and Lingqing’s eyes were aroused to the extreme!

Clearly saw the scene hundreds of miles away.

It is a small white water bird, only about 20 meters long, with several blood holes on his body, dripping with blood, and flesh and blood turned out!

At this time, he was wailing and flying in the direction of Su Zhan.

And behind Xiao Bai Jiao, there is a middle-aged man wearing a pure white robe, holding a bronze mirror in his hand, his body is surrounded by the strong vitality of the world, and he is chasing him!

Su Zhan’s gaze directly skipped Xiao Bai Jiao and fell on the middle-aged man.

He knows that person.

I saw it only two days ago.

Xianyuan Daozong, Zhu Hao!

“It’s actually this heinous villain. I didn’t expect to meet him at Feng Ling Ruins… What a coincidence!

This time, Qin Xiaoshu shouldn’t jump out from which corner again, right? ”

Whispering in his mouth, the sacred yuan among the 108 divine veins in Su Zhan’s body suddenly moved!

Turning his right hand over, the sky sword picture appeared in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly threw the sky sword map towards the sky ahead!


Under the huge wind.

The sky sword graph is growing rapidly!

Turned into a super huge sword picture of dozens of miles in size!

Covering the sky and the sun, the power is shocking!

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