Chapter 629 Six-foot phantom light realm!

On the side, Su Zhaoyue, who was about to tell Su Zhan to flee first, was stunned when she saw this scene.

It was really the first time she saw such a huge treasure.

Thinking of Su Zhan this guy is always unexpected.

She also retreated a little distance to avoid being affected, and at the same time, the Taixu Supernatural Speed ​​Talisman had appeared in her hand.

If Su Zhan couldn’t beat it, she would shoot Su Zhan directly, and the two of them fled together!

Thinking about the future in her mind, Su Zhaoyue also looked to the front with some anxiety. She couldn’t intervene in this kind of battle, so she could only watch.


Dozens of miles away from the center of the sky sword picture, Sword Qi swayed away!

It instantly turned into a huge Sword Qi vortex with a diameter of ten miles!

That vortex released a strong traction force!

Sword Qi phantom after another, stretches endlessly, like chains!

Fly to the little Bai Jiao who came to the area covered by the sky sword map for about twenty miles before Zhu Hao!

Xiao Bai Jiao roared angrily!

But when he turned his head to see, Zhu Hao, who had beaten it to pieces, got closer and closer. With its two big eyes open, he looked at Su Zhan.

Finding that Su Zhan’s Realm is very low, far less terrifying than Zhu Hao, he simply gave up struggling and let Su Zhan be included in the Heavenly Sword Chart.

After all, if you fall into Su Zhan’s hands, you still have a chance to escape, it’s better than falling into the hands of the guy behind!

“Let go of my spiritual pet!”

Seeing this scene, Zhu Hao was furious and slapped the sky sword picture directly with a palm!

But before his palm prints flew, the huge sky sword picture suddenly shrank, turned into a stream of light, and returned to Su Zhan’s hand.

Su Zhan weighed the sky sword map in his hand, and felt the existence of that little white flood, and a smile appeared on his face.

Although Xiao Bubai is obedient, his blood talent is still too weak. Even if he eats a lot of high rank Demonic Beasts flesh and blood, he just forcibly raises the upper limit of Ascension to the Saint King level.

Moreover, Xiao Bubai does not look awe-inspiring. After all, running on land, how can there be the majesty of flying in the sky?

This little white Jiao is also very fast, and even the Four Tribulations Deva can’t catch up for a while. After taming, he can just be a mount!

With these in mind, Su Zhan put the Heaven Sword Diagram in his hand into the Interspatial Ring.

The matter of taking off the mount can be done later, for now, let’s solve the previous trouble.

Su Zhan looked at Zhu Hao who had already come about a kilometer in front of him.

Zhu Hao had already seen Su Zhan and Su Zhaoyue clearly at this time, and immediately furious: “It’s you two guys!

You dare to accept my spiritual pet!

Don’t give it back to me yet! ”

“Your spiritual pet?”

Su Zhan said: “Your name is written on it?”

“What I saw first, not my own, is it your failure!”

“It turns out that whoever sees first is whoses!”

Su Zhan said in amazement: “Then if I see your father and your mother someday, are they my servants too?

Oh, I almost forgot.

You are an orphan, you don’t have these. ”


Zhu Hao was very angry, and the huge sacred thoughts were released, his eyes swept around, and the killing intent was surging in his eyes: “Last time, Qin Xiaoshu stepped in and saved your dog’s life!

This time, you dare to speak to me like this, do you think someone will come to save you? !

Die to me! ”

As soon as the voice fell, Zhu Hao was separated by a distance of kilometers, and he shot it out with one palm!

With this palm, he didn’t use much force.

Because in his eyes, Su Zhan Realm is so low-minded, to indulge some treasures, and he will never be able to resist him. This can slap a devastated Deva to death.

That being the case, why waste energy?


White palm prints tens of meters in size flew out, and the space trembled wherever they passed!

Looking at that palm print, Su Zhan didn’t mean to test with Zhu Hao, and directly exploded into the Sun Moon Star Chaos Body!

The golden sun, the cold and bright moon, and the night stars appear at the same time!

In the night, the vision of Five Elements floats up and down in the sea of ​​chaos and fog!

A terrifying power erupted from Su Zhan!

The blood of the demon god, one hundred and eight divine veins…all kinds of power, at the same time inspiring!

Su Zhan’s left hand Tianleiji Volcano imprint shined, and he blasted out with a punch!


There was a loud noise in the space!

As if this punch broke this piece of space!

That palm print of Zhu Hao shattered instantly in front of this torrent of fist energy!

“How can this be!”

Looking at Su Zhan, who was overwhelmingly powerful, and feeling the terrifying power contained in that punch, Zhu Hao’s pupils shrank, and without hesitation, the Saint Yuan broke out in his body!

“Xianyuan Da Mudra!”

The vitality of heaven and earth was mobilized by him, and as he pushed it out with a palm, it turned into a large hand that was 100 meters in size, milky white, and exuded a holy brilliance, facing Su Zhan’s torrent of fist energy!


The huge milky handprints fell apart!

Su Zhan’s punch Yu Wei continued to rush towards Zhu Hao.

The latter formed a shield formed by the vitality of the heavens and the earth, flying backwards a few miles away!

He smashed into a large white cloud and stood firm.

The Saint Yuan on the body surface erupted, dispelling the vitality around him, Zhu Hao looked at Su Zhan a few miles away, recalling the power of the punch, a little dazed.

This is so special!

Is it a punch that the Little Extreme Saint King can hit?

What’s the secret about this guy? !


Zhu Hao’s eyes were even more greedy.

“Unexpectedly, you still have such strength. It seems that you have a lot of secrets!

Well, after I defeat you, I can also get more benefits! ”

With a grinning grin, the bronze mirror that Zhu Hao had been holding in his right hand began to glow: “Boy, it’s just a little test. Next, I want to see, you are a holy king, under my six-foot phantom mirror. , How many seconds can it last?”

As soon as the voice fell, the bronze mirror in his hand trembled and disappeared in place.

The next moment.

Several golden lights appeared, and that bronze mirror had already turned into six sides at some unknown time, appearing around Su Zhan.

Rays of golden light refracted on the golden surface.

Six sides become eighteen sides, and eighteen sides become thirty-two…

In less than a second, the surrounding area of ​​Su Zhan was completely filled and blocked by the bronze mirror!

The golden light on the mirror surface continued to blast, sometimes turned into a golden armored general, sometimes turned into a golden giant sword, sometimes a thunder and lightning… Ten thousand kinds of attacks, derived from those mirror surfaces, blasted towards Su Zhan!

“Illusion Art?”

Su Zhan blocked the first two attacks and found that these derivative creatures returned to the mirror after being broken up, without losing any energy, that is to say, these attacks were endless.

He closed his eyes slightly, half a second later, suddenly opened!

Divine light erupted from his eyes, and under the urging spirit of Lingqing, Su Zhan instantly found the true body of the six-foot phantom mirror.

Punch out!


The real phantom mirror was blown away by him, and the other bronze mirrors that evolved out of it disappeared!

At the moment of flying the phantom mirror, Su Zhan looked at the six-foot phantom light realm where the side was weakened to the extreme, the defensive power was weak, and the connection with Zhu Hao was weakened, and he thought of a certain possibility.

With a move in his heart, his body turned into a flash of lightning, and the imprint of the extremely thunder mountain in his left hand was bright, flooding with oppressive golden light!

Catch it directly at the weakest moment of the magic mirror!


The six-foot phantom mirror fought fiercely, unable to be controlled by him at all!

Su Zhan’s eyes flickered, and he directly opened the halo of other treasures!

The next moment, ignoring the restrictions, he poured his huge sacred yuan into a six-foot phantom mirror, and then, in Zhu Hao’s silly eyes, in front of him.

Put his six-foot phantom mirror into the storage ring!

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