Chapter 631 My Beast Taming Technique is Super!

A half-moon-shaped Sword Qi slashed directly at that fist mark!


The two held a stalemate in the air for a second, and the fist marks fell apart!

In the milky white mist, that Sword Qi flew out!

“not good!”

Zhu Hao’s pupils shrank, and he subconsciously tilted his body, trying to avoid the small but sharp starlight Sword Qi.

But it was a little late.

The Sword Qi passed by him, directly cutting off the left hand that punched him!

Blood spilled into the sky!

Feeling the severe pain, Zhu Hao’s face paled.

Seeing Su Zhan turned into an electric light and followed Sword Qi, he didn’t even dare to take the broken hand again, cast a certain Heavenly Dao level escape technique, and flew away!

Finding that own wind thunder god wing is too much lower than Zhu Hao’s escape technique, even if he fully urges the wind thunder law to slow down, Su Zhan’s body surface electric light converges, and a wave of demonic energy emerges instead!

A shadow of the Primordial Demon God loomed behind him.

He stretched out his left hand covered with devilish energy and pressed down on Zhu Hao who had escaped for about ten miles!

Suddenly, countless demonic energy in the sky above Zhu Hao gathered, forming a super giant hand tens of miles in size, and it suddenly fell towards him!

Demon Art, cover Heavenly Demon’s hand!

With the magical powers of Su Zhan Demon Hand, although Zhu Hao performed a powerful Taoist skill of the Xian Yuan Dao Sect to defeat the Demon Hand, he himself was also vomiting blood, and there were many fractures in the bones all over his body. Heavenly Demon’s hands were covered. Shoot down in the air!

Haven’t waited for him to adjust.

Above, there is another thousand-meter-high thunder and fire giant mountain!

A large swath of golden light containing the power of suppressing the blockade enveloped him, and then suddenly crashed!


There are huge rifts in that land!

Su Zhan’s divine eyes were aroused, watching Zhu Hao, who was abruptly breaking the suppression blockade of the Tianlei volcano before the Tianleiji volcano was pressed down, and his pure white robe became bloody, disheveled, and fled out in embarrassment. surprise.

It was at this time.

Zhu Hao’s resentful voice resounded for dozens of miles around: “Boy surnamed Su, I know your name!

This time, it was my carelessness that you cut off my arm, and even forced me to use the Xianyuan Taoist forbidden technique, which cost hundreds of years of life to get out!

But you remember!

I, Zhu Hao, we Xianyuan Daozong, I’m not over with you!

When I return to the Taoist School of the Xianyuan, I will surely gather several powerful people and destroy you all to shed the hatred in my heart!

You remembered it for me!

Su Zhan! ! ! ”

When the voice came to the back, as Zhu Hao pulled further away, he also became smaller.

But with Su Zhan’s five senses, he can naturally hear clearly.

Seeing that Zhu Hao, who didn’t know what secret technique to use, integrated himself into the vitality of heaven and earth, fleeing extremely fast, after confirming that he could not catch up.

Su Zhan also stopped, frowning slightly, watching that figure disappear.

In terms of his own strength, Zhu Hao is actually not much different from the Purple Demon King, and even the Purple Demon King can resist Su Zhan more than a dozen swords. If Zhu Hao resists hard, he may not be able to resist Ten Swords!

But Zhu Haohui had too many Taoist secret arts, and they were all high-level Taoists that Su Zhanjian had never seen before.

Especially the last Xianyuan Dao Sect forbidden technique that can not only break through the suppression blockade of the Heavenly Thunder Extreme Volcano, but also greatly increase the speed, almost reaching the limit of Su Zhan more than twice!

It is too exaggerated!

Zhu Hao’s strength is extraordinary, and the Xianyuan Daozong behind him is even more profound!

He is an ordinary person with no background, and wants to fight against this vicious and dangerous force.

I’m afraid, there is only one way of preemptive strike!

Otherwise, when they call, the entire Xuantian Sacred Land will suffer!

Su Zhan made a decision in his heart, took a deep breath, and emptied these thoughts.

Although Zhu Hao and Xianyuan Daozong were troublesome, they couldn’t manage them now, and they should wait until the matter of Feng Ling’s ruins is over.

Thinking of this, he ended his divine body state, took back those treasures, and returned to Su Zhaoyue.

Su Zhaoyue was a little dazed at this time. When she saw Su Zhan coming over, she was shocked and admired: “Su Zhan, the Four Tribulations Deva was beaten away by you!

You are too strong! ”

“Do not.”

Su Zhan shook his head: “Because I am not strong enough, he will run away.”

Su Zhaoyue: “…”

The Little Extreme Saint King almost killed a Deva of the Four Tribulations. Isn’t that strong enough?

If your words are heard by the inanimate sword emperor who is known as the first person in the history of the spirit world, I am afraid that he will be angry and give you a sword on the spot!

Slander in the heart.

Su Zhaoyue didn’t cling to this matter either. Thinking of the little white dragon that Su Zhan had received in the sky sword map before, she was a little curious and said, “Su Zhan, that little white dragon seems to have reached the level of the sky demon.

This kind of big demon, what are you going to use it for, extract the soul of the dragon and blend it into the body of the sword?

Or use its Monster core to refine Heavenly Dao Grade Medicine Pill? ”

Su Zhan said: “I plan to tame it, and then use it as a spirit pet mount or something. In the future, we will travel, and riding a dragon will also be awe-inspiring.”

“Tame? Do you know how to tame animals?”

Su Zhaoyue hesitated: “But the sky demon is hard to be tamed, even a top beast trainer, it is also difficult to control…Are you sure you can?”


Su beheaded nodded, quite contented.

“You may not believe it, my success rate for beast taming is 100%!

My animal training technique is super! ”

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