Chapter 632: Tame the Little Bai Jiao!

“Is it so strong?”

Su Zhaoyue still didn’t believe it.

Beast Taming is very complicated and it takes a lot of time to cultivate.

But she knew that it took Su Zhan less than two years from opening the pulse to the current Little Extreme Saint King.

Moreover, not only Realm Ascension, but Su Zhan’s strength is also much higher than other Little Extreme Saint Kings. Obviously, he has cultivated a lot of martial arts secrets.

Logically speaking, Su Zhan shouldn’t have time to learn how to train beasts.

Not to mention, you can still tame the top-level beast taming technique of the Sky Demon-level Demonic Beasts!

“If you don’t believe me, forget it.”

Su Zhan didn’t explain much either.

The palm of his hand turned over, and the sky sword picture appeared in his hand.

Opening the sword map, the little white Jiao was colliding on the sword map, trying to break out of the confinement of the sky sword map.

“Human Race! Let me out!”

Upon seeing Su Zhan, Xiao Bai Jiao roared and sent out an angry spiritual message.

Su Zhan shook his head: “I want to tame you, how can I let you out?”

“You, a little extreme holy king, want to tame me?”

Xiao Bai Jiao froze for a moment, as if he felt a little ridiculous.

However, what he thought of, the light in his eyes flashed, and he didn’t say much.

Seeing Xiao Bai Jiao calm down, Su Zhan recalled the animal training technique he had spent a few minutes in Yu Beast Mountain, and opened the beast training aura!

Immediately afterwards, he released Xiao Bai Jiao!

At the moment when it just came out, it hasn’t reacted yet!

A beast taming rune has been shot from his hand!

That is the rune that can make Demonic Beasts trance, stop their actions, and facilitate the subsequent process of training the beasts.

That rune hit Xiao Bai Jiao’s forehead.

As a result, Xiao Bai Jiao was not affected at all, shaking his head, still checking his surroundings.

Su Zhangang thought he had failed.

The little white Jiao blinked his eyes, and suddenly stopped moving!

The first rune was successful!

Su Zhan’s confidence increased greatly.

Next, the second, the third, the fourth…

One by one beast rune condensed in front of him and penetrated into Xiao Bai Jiao’s body!

Three minutes have passed.

Su Zhan stopped, and a small rune circle appeared on Xiao Bai Jiao’s forehead.

That is to control the formation!

Taming the beast succeeded!

Seeing the obedient and unobtrusive little Bai Jiao, Su Zhan smiled, turned around, and said to Su Zhaoyue: “How about it, look at my beast taming technique!”


Su Zhaoyue hesitated: “How do I feel that your animal taming technique is not like some advanced animal taming technique…”

“Back to Basics”

Su Zhan smiled: “That’s because my animal training technique is extremely high, so it looks like a botched low-level animal training technique!”

“So it’s like this…”

Su Zhaoyue nodded suspiciously, and suddenly, seeing the scene ahead, her pupils shrank, and she said in shock: “Su Zhan, be careful!”

It was at this time.

The little Bai Jiao with Su Zhan’s back, the talisman on his forehead suddenly shattered!

“Ignorant humans!

Such an inferior beast Tamer Rune wants to trap me too?

That’s just what I lied to you!

Now, it’s my turn to eat you! Hahaha! ”

A triumphant spiritual message was sent, Xiao Bai Jiao opened his mouth and bit down at Su Zhan!

At such a close distance, Su Zhan is inevitable!


Xiao Bai Jiao successfully bite!

Biting Su Zhan half of his body into his mouth!

However, just bit off.

The triumphant color in Xiao Bai Jiao’s eyes disappeared.

Instead, they were shocked, unbelievable, and some tears that appeared because of the pain!


It was the sound of bone cracking.

Xiao Bai Jiao was in great pain, and quickly let go of Su Zhan.

With a mouth, two broken teeth fell in front of Su Zhan.

As for Su Zhan, his body was full of devilish energy, and the stars were shining brightly. The only change was that the Void robe had several marks.

But those tooth marks disappeared within a second.

Su Zhan turned around, his eyes fell on the little white Jiao who flinched in fear, his face was ugly.

“I treat you with sincerity, but you deceive me!

So rebellious… It seems.

It’s not that simple to tame you!

I can only use my ultimate animal training technique! ”

And the ultimate beast taming technique?

Xiao Bai Jiao looked puzzled.

But soon, when it saw Su Zhan’s devilish energy billowing, two fists flashing with starlight, when it came towards it.

It will understand.

Without hesitation, Xiao Bai Jiao turned around and fled.

But it was too late.

Su Zhan directly grabbed its tail, and the brute force exploded with enough to move the mountain range!

Ripped it from the sky abruptly!


Xiao Bai Jiao’s huge body fell to the ground, arousing dust!

“Humans, our Jiaolong clan will never be slaves!”

An angry spiritual message is sent.

Su Chop grasped its tail, turned around without saying a word, and slammed it hard towards the ground on the other side!


Xiao Bai Jiao’s body was taken flying by Juli, and then fell down again, and his entire head was smashed into the ground!

The mind is buzzing.

After waking up.

It is still extremely angry, but it is obviously more afraid: “Human!

Wait a minute, I’ll think about it again! ”


Su Zhan’s figure moved, and he came to a mountain peak, directly using Xiao Bai Jiao as a long whip, and drew towards the mountain peak.

That mountain is broken!

Xiao Bai Jiao’s eyes were staring at Venus, and he was terrified: “No, I don’t want to!

I am willing to surrender you! ”

“So easy to surrender?”

Su Zhan’s eyes flashed, thinking that this guy had just lied to him, coldly said, “You must take the opportunity to attack me!”

“NO, I have not–”


Xiao Bai Jiao’s huge body smashed back to the ground again, and Su Zhan directly rode up, without saying anything, it was just a punch!

With this punch, the scales on Xiao Bai Jiao’s body were beaten off, and blood spurted!

Looking at the fist that was stained red with blood, Su Zhan Shengyuan surged, removing the blood stains, frowning slightly.

Xiao Bai Jiao saw this scene, guessed what Su Zhan was thinking, realized that this might be an opportunity for his own, and quickly said: “Human, my blood is very poisonous!

Don’t ruin yourself just to beat me!

The gain is not worth the loss! ”

Su Zhan shook his head: “You think too much, I’m invincible.”

Hundreds of poisons are not invaded?

Xiao Bai Jiao was taken aback, and then whimpered: “Senior, senior, let me go!

Don’t let my blood stain senior’s hands! ”

“This is indeed a problem.”

Su beheaded nodded.

Seeing this, Xiao Bai Jiao was overjoyed.

Only those few strokes made it dizzy and painful, it was really scared!

However, speaking of it, this human Realm is low, but the strength is quite strong!

It’s better to just follow him for now!

Waiting for his trust and finding an opportunity to take away all his treasures, wouldn’t it be cool? !

After all, this human does not seem to be very shrewd, otherwise I would not have been fooled by me so easily just now!

It should be a good trick!

Thinking like this in his heart, Xiao Bai Jiao said in kindness: “The senior is strong, I am convinced!

It was just that I was stubborn for a while. I was joking with senior, and I hope you don’t worry about seniors!

From now on, I will definitely—”

The words are not over yet.

Looking at Su Zhan, who took out a pair of Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier ranks from the storage ring, with shining stars, and at a glance, Xiao Bai Jiao realized something.

The pupils shrank suddenly, the body trembled a little, and a terrifying mental message sent out:

“Senior, what are you doing!”

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