Chapter 634 Heavenly Phoenix Divine Fire Appears!

Although this six-foot phantom mirror was easily cracked by him.

But in this world, there are very few people who have gods, and even fewer people have magical powers like Lingqing gods that are extremely restrained from Illusion Art!

This thing is useless to him, does not mean it is useless to other people!


Although it was only a short time trapped in the six-foot phantom light realm, Su Zhan could still feel it.

The attacks turned out by the six-foot magic mirror were not just aimed at the spiritual level!

That really exists!

If someone really regards the power of the six-foot phantom mirror as Illusion Art, no matter what, they will be bombarded by those attacks instantly!

“Half-truth, half-truth, this six-foot phantom mirror is used to deal with some attacks and defenses are very strong, but the cultivation of the weak mental energy sage is very effective.

Moreover, even for a powerful enemy, as long as there is no supernatural power such as the shattering void, the six-foot phantom light can be trapped for a period of time! ”

With a murmur in his mouth, Su Zhan began to erase the mark left by Zhu Hao in the six-foot phantom mirror.

ten minutes later.

This six-foot phantom mirror was completely mastered by him.

With a thought, the six-foot phantom mirror turned into a golden light and disappeared in his hands.

In the space ahead, six mirrors suddenly appeared, and those mirrors continued to refract, endlessly and overwhelmingly!

After trying the magical powers of the six-foot phantom mirror, Su Zhan also put it away.

Flip the palm of his hand and take out another glove.

This was Zhu Hao’s severed hand, and it was also a Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier, whose rank was a little higher than the six-foot phantom light realm, reaching the middle rank!

But the gloves are all in pairs.

There is only one of this thing, which cannot achieve the effect of echoing each other, and its power is greatly reduced.

Moreover, compared with Meteorite Gloves, it is also very rubbish.

Su Zhan thought about it and put it away.

In the following time, he also began to close his eyes and adjust his breath, and waited quietly just like Su Zhaoyue.

Just when he closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

Fengling remains, somewhere in the pool.


There was a loud noise in the water pool, and an ordinary-looking, unremarkable middle-aged man flew out of the water pool. In his hand, he also grasped the heart of a Sky Demon-level Demonic Beasts.

And as he left the water pool, that water pool was also instantly dyed red, and there were some pieces of meat floating underneath.

Throwing the bloody Demonic Beasts heart in his mouth and taking a few bites, the middle-aged man burped full and smiled on his face: “The spirit world is good. Demonic Beasts taste better than the demonic beasts, but it’s a pity that guy has already Show up, now I have to do business…”

As he said, he flipped his palm, and a blood-colored ball appeared in his hand.

At this moment, bloody runes appeared on the surface of the originally soft blood spirit orb, as if some kind of change had taken place.

The middle-aged man placed the Blood Spirit Orb on his forehead and closed his eyes to feel.

After a minute, he opened his eyes and looked in a certain direction, with some doubts in his eyes: “It’s actually in the area of ​​Fengyu Mountain…but there is nothing in Fengyu Mountain. How could that Su Zhan use the power of the demon god’s blood there?

Is it true that the place where Su Zhan went, as the Devil Emperor said, no matter how barren it is, it must be present with a great opportunity?

Forget it, let’s go first!

After all, the distance is far away, and the speed in the Fengling Ruins is suppressed so much. It is estimated that it may not be possible within a few hours! ”

After talking to himself for a while, the middle-aged man made a decision and headed towards Fengyu Mountain.

This scene was repeated on the other two Demon Races sent by Demon Emperor Yunluo in the other two places of the Fengling Ruins.

Three hours later.

Su Zhan was still closing her eyes and adjusting her breath, Su Zhaoyue suddenly stood up from the ground.

“On the eighth day of July, the most powerful moment of Yanghuo’s power has arrived!

Su Zhan, I am going to use my strange fire to draw out the Heavenly Phoenix Divine Fire! ”

“Okay, I will protect you, Fa.”

Su Zhan nodded and came to Su Zhaoyue not far away.

Su Zhaoyue moved her toes to the top of that huge Fengyu Mountain.

Looking at Wanli Baiyun Qingtian, she took a deep breath and sat down directly!

My hands are constantly changing hand seals in front of me, and I am chanting words in my mouth.


A strange fire flew out!

It’s the Innate flame!

The Innate flame, which looks exactly like an ordinary flame, twists in the air and turns into a blazing flame rune!

Suspended beside Su Zhaoyue.

Immediately afterwards, another strange fire flew out!

It’s the sun’s spirit!

Like the Innate Holy Fire, the Sun Spirit Fire also turned into a flame rune, suspended beside Su Zhaoyue.

After that, it was dry blue ice flame again!

Long Xiyan!

The Underworld Youyan!

Overcast moon dark fire!

A series of different fires flew out of Su Zhaoyue’s body!

A total of sixteen!

Turned into sixteen flame runes, suspended beside Su Zhaoyue.

Immediately afterwards, a line of fire appeared between the sixteen flame runes, connecting them into a mysterious rune array!

“The sacred fire of the ten thousand realms, all return to its origin! Revealed!”

Su Zhaoyue screamed.

That flame rune array suddenly exploded!

An invisible force of different fire, centered on her, spread rapidly toward the surroundings!


It was less than three seconds after her surgery.

Crimson flames appeared on the surface of Fengyu Mountain!

Those flames flew out from the bottom of the huge Fengyu Mountain, rushed straight into the sky, and turned into giant flame clouds of hundreds of miles in size!

As soon as the fire cloud condensed, it suddenly rushed towards Su Zhaoyue and Su Zhan below!

“not good!”

Su Zhaoyue’s face changed slightly: “Those heavenly phoenix and sacred fires don’t listen to me at all!”

Seeing that the Heavenly Phoenix Divine Fire was about to rush, Su Zhaoyue suddenly stood up from the ground, and the Dragon Breathing Flame, which had restrained the Heavenly Phoenix Divine Fire, flew out of her body!

Turned into a huge fire curtain, resisting the surging Heavenly Phoenix and Divine Fire!

But compared to Tianfeng Divine Fire, her Dragon Respiratory Flame is too small.

A few seconds later.

The surroundings of the two have turned into a sea of ​​fire the size of a hundred miles!

Looking around, you can see nothing but the flame!

“Zhaoyue, use the Eternal Flame God Art to mobilize all the power of the different fires to bless the Dragon’s Breathing Flame’s defense, so that it can resist for about three minutes.”

At this moment, Lin Feiyu’s figure appeared from the bracelet and said.

The fifteen different fires remaining in Su Zhaoyue’s body all flew out, and at the same time the sky fire divine body was excited, and the whole person, like a flame god, blessed the power of the different fires on the curtain of dragon breath!

Then, she said anxiously: “Lin senior, how could this happen! What should I do?!”

“Neither did I expect that after a million years, the Heavenly Phoenix and Divine Fire here still has a masterpiece… It seems that Xiao Fengling, I don’t know what method was used, and it has survived for a million years! ”

Lin Feiyu was also a little surprised in her words. Immediately, she looked at the sky full of phoenix and divine fire, and then at Su Zhan and Su Zhaoyue. The light in her eyes flashed, as if she had made a certain decision, she said:

“I can take action, but my strength is only enough to protect one person from getting out safely, even if you enter his cave ring.

Tianfeng’s most powerful thing is the supernatural power of space. The fire of Tianfeng divine fire can also cause a fatal threat to the creatures in the cave. Today, I am afraid that only one of you can leave alive! ”

Only one person can leave alive?

Su Zhaoyue and Su Zhan looked at each other.

Afterwards, she took a deep breath and said towards Lin Feiyu’s illusory figure:

“Lin senior, if there is really only one person to live, I hope that person is Su Zhan!”

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