Chapter 635 Feng Ling!

Lin Feiyu said: “Have you really decided?

Think clearly, if you die, all your previous efforts will be wasted. ”

“I figured it out clearly.”

Su Zhaoyue nodded: “When it is difficult to make a decision, you have to follow your own mind, and I know very clearly that I really hope that Su Zhan can live.”


Lin Feiyu didn’t take action immediately, but looked at Su Zhan: “What about you?”

Su Zhan said: “I don’t think I will die.”

As soon as these words came out, Lin Feiyu’s eyes immediately appeared unpleasant, and her voice became cold: “Is this your choice?

Zhaoyue, you have seen it too, do you still insist on making a decision? ”

“I insist.”

“You can’t insist.”

Lin Feiyu glared at Su Zhaoyue with a bit of hatred for iron and steel, “I will only protect my host!”

“Is that right……”

Su Zhaoyue took a deep breath, took down the bracelet that Lin Fei was in, put it on Su Zhan’s palm, and smiled brightly: “Lin senior, Su Zhan is more talented than me, and he won’t make you angry. Maybe he More suitable to be your host.

From now on, you can go with him!

Su Zhan, I like you. If Samsara really reincarnated, I would still like you…”

In the end, although Su Zhaoyue was still smiling, tears appeared in her eyes.

“I like you too.”

Su Zhan was also a little touched, and smiled and rubbed Su Zhaoyue’s head, who was slightly shorter than him. There was no worry on his face: “But today I will not die, and you will not die.”

What can only live one?

Su Zhaoyue can almost be said to be the son of luck in this world.

He Su Zhan is the owner of the aura of the one hundred billion protagonist. He has a chance when he goes out, and there are good people who give things away everywhere!

Is such a person so easy to die?


It’s a big deal to protect Su Zhaoyue hard into the sea of ​​flames and phoenix gods.

Maybe it can activate a halo of immortality or something like that.

How can it be so pessimistic.

Su Zhan shook his head and thought for a while, he said to Lin Feiyu: “Lin senior, use your method to protect her and leave!

I can’t die. ”

“Are you actually willing to give Zhaoyue the opportunity?”

Lin Feiyu was stunned for a moment, and then a smile of relief appeared in his eyes, and said: “If this is the case, then I will keep you two safe!”

Su Zhaoyue wondered: “Lin senior, didn’t you say before—”

“That’s because I’m afraid that you are not entrusted by people.”

Lin Feiyu smiled faintly: “Innate talent and strength don’t mean character. If he abandons you and stalks you, of course I won’t make a move.

But now it seems that you are lucky, and this kid Su Zhan is still a person. ”

As she said, she looked at the sky full of phoenix divine fire, and she sighed: “Ah, if this sky has no owner, no matter how mighty the phoenix divine fire is, I can easily conquer it.

But now, I am afraid I can only use the forbidden technique that depletes my soul power, and the price…I am afraid I need to sleep for a hundred years! ”

“and many more!”

Just when Lin Feiyu was about to use the forbidden technique, Su Zhan thought of something, flipped his palm, and the sky sword picture appeared in his hand: “Lin senior, you just said that the Phoenix God Fire is controlled by the owner, so it cannot be subdued. .

But isn’t the owner of the Heavenly Phoenix Divine Fire the Phoenix Spirit?

Feng Ling is the younger sister of the Wusheng Sword Emperor. I just have a picture of the sword drawn by the Wusheng Sword Emperor, which might be useful.

If it’s useless, you can do it again! ”

“Then you try.”

Lin Feiyu nodded.

Su Zhan also directly threw out the sky sword map.


The Heavenly Sword Graph unfolds and it rises rapidly!

Just when the sky sword map was about to be destroyed by the Heavenly Phoenix Divine Fire, those flames suddenly retreated!

Moreover, he retreated extremely quickly, as if he was afraid of destroying the Heavenly Sword Diagram!

A few seconds later.

The heavenly phoenix holy fire condensed in the air, turning into a huge flame gate 100 meters high and tens of meters wide!

In the door is a black hole vortex, emitting waves of space!

Seeing this, Su Zhan smiled slightly.

Sure enough, as he expected, the sky sword map came in handy.

“It actually really stopped the Heavenly Phoenix Divine Fire!”

Su Zhaoyue’s voice of surprise sounded.

Lin Feiyu was also a little surprised, and immediately smiled before returning to the bracelet.

Su Zhan handed the bracelet back to Su Zhaoyue, and said seriously: “I said, I will not die, and you will not die. This sentence will work no matter what.”

“Su Zhan…”

Su Zhaoyue clenched the jade bracelet, watched Su Zhan for two seconds, and then smiled happily: “I don’t care so much, anyway, I hope you can stay alive and complete your small goal.

Then what about us, fall in love, hehe…”

“Okay, let’s go in!”

Su Zhan took the Heavenly Sword Tu back and held it in his hand, expecting to say: “It is really incredible that there are creatures that can survive for a million years, and I am also very curious.”

With that said, he walked towards the huge flame door.

Su Zhaoyue followed closely behind.

Soon, the two entered the flame gate.

Came to a dark space.

In this darkness, there is only one palace suspended in the center.

Su Zhan moved to the square outside the palace, and glanced at the three words on the palace door plaque: Fengling Palace.

He pushed open the closed door and walked directly in.

To his surprise, this palace was very empty, only supported by some stone pillars and a huge stone bed.

At this moment, on the stone bed, a young woman in her twenties, dressed in a robe of fire and phoenix, had a burning mark on her eyebrows, her facial features were exquisite, her appearance was superior, her figure was a bit illusory, not like a real entity.

Su Zhan looked at the woman curiously.

When he was looking at the woman, the woman’s gaze flicked over Su Zhaoyue’s body, and she also fell on him, with a look of surprise in her eyes.

“It’s Brother Li’s kendo!

Who are you Brother Li?

His apprentice? ”

Brother Li?

Su Zhan was taken aback, and then reacted. This may refer to the inanimate sword emperor who has shaken the spirit world for millions of years. He immediately shook his head and said, “I am not.”

“you are not?”

The woman in the phoenix robe was a little surprised, and immediately said, “Forget it, no matter how much!

You must be sent by Brother Li to find me!

Brother Li really didn’t lie to me!

He really came to me! ”

The woman in the phoenix robe was elated and jumped in front of Su Zhan: “Where is my senior brother Li?”

“I don’t know your Senior Brother Li. As for the swordsmanship of the Inanimate Sword Emperor, that is what I obtained accidentally, and the same is true of the Heavenly Sword Drawing.


Su Zhan paused and said, “The Wusheng Sword Emperor, it has been a million years since he disappeared in the spirit world. Are you sure he can still come to you?”

“Millions of years!”

The woman in the phoenix robe was obviously shocked by this number, and she froze for a while.

Thinking of something, she staggered and retreated a few steps before falling down on the stone steps, looking in a trance.

“A million years, it turns out that a million years have passed…

But you still didn’t come to me.

Li Pingan, you bastard! ”

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