Chapter 636 Heavenly Phoenix Sword Picture! (Third more)

It turns out that Wusheng Sword Emperor’s name is Li Pingan?

Really, it’s so unremarkable.

Su Zhan thought in his heart, looking at the woman in the phoenix robe, and curiously said, “You should be the Phoenix Spirit of the Sword Sect of Liangyi in ancient times?

As far as I know, although the true spirits of Tianfeng and True Dragon are far beyond the human race, they will never survive for millions of years.

Even if it’s just the soul, it’s impossible. How did you do it?

Also, what happened between you and Wusheng Sword Emperor, why are you waiting for him here? ”

“Feng Ling…Actually, I also have a name. My name is Feng Ling’er.”

Does this make a difference?

Su Zhan was speechless.

Did not interrupt, continue to listen.

Feng Ling’er paused, as if remembering a lot of past events, she also slowly said, “As you may know, Senior Brother Li is the inanimate sword emperor, the first person in the eternal swordsmanship, and the strongest in the spirit world!

But there are some things you will not know.

For example, Brother Li used to be just a slave raised by our monster clan to temper with the young monster clan.

I grew up with Brother Li.

Brother Li said he didn’t want to be a slave, so I took him out.

Brother Li said he wanted to practice swords, so I took him to Liangyi Sword Sect.

Later, Senior Brother Li became my Senior Brother Li, and became the most valued disciple of the Sword Emperor of Liangyi.

And I, being unbearable by the monster race, had to stay in the territories of the human race. Fortunately, the Master treats me very well.

Senior Brother Li is very talented and very hardworking, and slowly, he has also become a strong man.

Even, stepped out of the road of own kendo and became an existence beyond the sword emperor of Liangyi!


Feng Ling sighed, “He has also changed, he has become less and less emotional, and his mood no longer fluctuates.

Later, he has reached the limit of the spiritual world, and there are many nine calamities Deva in the spiritual world, holding the Junior gift in front of him!

Similar to a god, but not a real god!

So, he told me that he was going to find the final ‘Tao’, and when he fulfilled his long-cherished wish, he would come back and find me, and I have been waiting for him in Luoshui.

After waiting for 30,000 years, my lifespan was not much, so I had to use a secret technique of our Tianfeng clan to burn the flesh in exchange for the immortality of the soul.

Of course, my soul has always been in a deep sleep state. Unless someone wakes up, I will continue to fall asleep for the next ten thousand years, the next ten thousand years…

I will continue to wait for Brother Li. ”

As he said, a self-deprecating color appeared at the corner of Feng Ling’s mouth: “But now it seems that I think too much. Brother Li may have forgotten me, why would he come to me?

If it were to come, in a million years, he would have come long ago!

I paid wrong… Li Pingan! ”

Speaking of the latter, endless hatred appeared in Feng Ling’s eyes!

“If it weren’t for me, what sword would you practice!

What sword emperor to become!

Why are you doing this to me! ! ! ”

Feng Ling roared, his body raging with flames.

Su Zhan felt that the temperature of this Great Hall was a few hundred degrees higher!

If an ordinary person is here, he will die!

Seeing Feng Ling’s anger, Su Zhan didn’t speak either, waiting quietly.

Although he has a good impression of Wusheng Sword Emperor.

But listen to Feng Ling’s words.

Wusheng Sword Emperor, it seems that he is really not a person!

Let Fengling wait for millions of years… This is indeed a bit too much!

Compared to Su Zhan, Su Zhaoyue became even more angry: “The Wusheng Sword Emperor is really a bastard!”

Feng Ling glanced at her and nodded again and again: “Too asshole!”

“It’s not a thing!”

“Even if it is a bad thing!”

“I really want to beat him!”

“I want to beat him to death!”

Su Zhan looked at the two of you and I condemned the Wusheng Sword Emperor with each sentence.

Is this a woman?

Speaking and talking, just went together?

I was a little speechless.

Waited for a few minutes.

Feng Ling finally calmed down slowly, and suddenly asked Su Zhaoyue, “What’s your name?”

“Senior, Junior Su Zhaoyue.”

“Su Zhaoyue…”

Feng Ling’s gaze turned and fell on Su Zhan: “You have to see clearly, don’t pay for life like I did!”

“Senior, Su Zhan and I are not together yet!”

Su Zhaoyue’s face turned red: “But we will definitely be together in the future!”

Seeing Su Zhaoyue’s appearance, Feng Ling also seemed to think of her back then, smiled slightly, and remembered something, she cut to Su, “Can you show me the scroll in your hand?”


Su Zhan nodded, and handed the sword map to Feng Ling.

Feng Ling took the sword picture, opened it and took a look, and was stunned.

After a while, she smiled bitterly: “It turned out to be this sword drawing. I just said why there is such a strong sense of familiarity. Fortunately, I withdrew the Tianfeng Shenhuo in time. Otherwise, this sword drawing might be broken.

However, it seems to be good if it is broken.

After all, this was just an extremely perfunctory piece of my birthday that year by a certain person with a heart.

I threw the sword map back to him back then, but I didn’t expect to see it again in your hands today…”

Looking at the sky sword map.

Feng Ling whispered, and then, what she thought of, the mark on her forehead was bright!

A sky phoenix phantom suddenly flew into the sky sword picture!

At the same time, the heavenly phoenix divine fire appeared in her hand, and the heavenly sword picture was calcined.

Under the sintering of the Heavenly Phoenix Divine Fire, the Heavenly Phoenix phantom and the Heavenly Sword image were completely integrated!

Su Zhaoyue was startled: “Senior you…”

“do not worry.”

Withdrawing the Heavenly Phoenix Divine Fire, Feng Ling said: “This is just a piece of my spirit. It possesses the power of my Heavenly Phoenix, but it does not have my memory consciousness.

Su Zhan, since you have obtained Senior Brother Li’s kendo and this sword picture, it shows that you have a relationship with him.

If you see him in the future, please help me transfer this sword drawing to him, and let him have a look! ”

“See the Wusheng Sword Emperor?”

Su Zhan hesitated: “Feng Ling senior, are you sure that the Wusheng Sword Emperor can live for a million years?”

“I don’t know, but I know, this guy is not that easy to die!”

Feng Ling said, “I just said if, if possible, please forward it.”


Su Zhan thought for a while, felt that he had encountered it, it was nothing, so he nodded and agreed.

At the same time, he took the sword picture from Feng Ling.

“This sword picture…”

Su Zhan’s eyes fell on the sword map.

At this moment, beside the sky sword on the sky sword map, there was already a little flying Phoenix.

And in the lower right corner, under the words “Happy Birthday”.

There is also an extra line of small flames: Li Ping An, a heartless person, a big bastard!

Seeing this, Su shook his head and smiled.

Feng Ling is Feng Ling, and she is so delicate to scold people.

After taking a look at the sword map, his holy thoughts poured into the sword map, and he sensed the changes in the sword map.

As a result, I was surprised to find that the Ascension of the Heavenly Sword Map had reached the top grade Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier level!

Moreover, it has the power of Heavenly Phoenix and Divine Fire of Heavenly Phoenix, and its supernatural powers increase greatly!

Rank Ascension, supernatural powers have changed, and this has also changed, it seems that you can change the name.

Why not change the name to “Tianfeng Sword Tu”!

Su Zhan thought secretly in his heart.

Just when he carefully sensed the mystery of the Heavenly Phoenix Sword pattern.

Feng Ling also spoke again: “This is still too cheap for him!

He is a heartless person, how can he know his guilt!

Su Zhan, do me another favor! ”

Feng Ling’s eyes were full of hatred: “If you see Senior Brother Li, bah!

See Li Pingan!

You help me beat him up! ”

Su Zhan was taken aback for a moment: “You let me a little extreme holy king to beat the Wusheng Sword Emperor???”

“I know this is difficult, but I can also see that your talent is not under him, and you may not be able to surpass him in the future!”

Feng Ling took a deep breath, hesitated, and seemed to have made some kind of extremely crucial decision, and said, “Moreover, I am not asking you to help me in vain.

You should know that the true spirit exists, right? ”


Su Zhan nodded: “Of all creatures in the world, the true spirit is the strongest.

Born in the Holy Land, as an adult, he can rival Deva.

The true spirit is strong in physical body, has a long life, and is born with a sense of the laws of heaven and earth, and is very powerful in life and magical powers.

The greatest physical brute force of the mountain giant apes!

Lei Peng’s ultimate lightning power!

The space supernatural powers of the Tianfeng clan!

Every true spirit has a very strong magical power. It is precisely by this that the true spirit is in the same realm, and there are almost no enemies. Any Demonic Beasts, demons, and human races are incomparable! ”

“Yes, as you said, compared with other creatures, our true spirits are almost perfect by nature, and we have a huge advantage!”

Feng Ling paused, his eyes flashed.

“Then, if I tell you, I have a secret method in my hand, which can make you incarnate in various true spirits and possess all the magical powers of true spirits.

But the condition is that you have to agree to my request, are you willing? ”

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