Chapter 637 Nine True Spirits!

Can you incarnate all kinds of secret methods of true spirits?

Su Zhan’s heart moved.

The supernatural power of the true spirit is actually the power of the pure law in essence, but the law power of the true spirit is born!

Although their power of law is very simple, it is far more pure than Human Race, Demon Race, or other alien races!

If you can really incarnate the true spirit, naturally you can also make yourself feel the power of that kind of law Ascension!

And as Realm gets higher and higher, Su Zhan also faintly felt that in the future, the strength of the law might also become the key to victory or defeat.

Just like Zhu Hao’s law of vitality, the increase in his strength is huge!

And his own law of chaos, law of kendo, etc., are also one of the sources of his power.

If he can control the power of the law as he wants, like a true spirit, then his strength will increase more and more as he goes back!

However, the conditions for obtaining this secret technique are also a bit outrageous…

Actually let himself a little extreme holy king to beat the Wusheng Sword Emperor?

This is not critical.

The key is.

The inanimate sword emperor has disappeared for millions of years!

Even adult real dragons, or even stronger real dragons stronger than myths, are already dead for a long time!

It is estimated that even the bones are rotten!

Let yourself find someone who lived a million years ago to fight… This is too far off the mark.

Su Zhan slandered in his heart.

However, if Wusheng Sword Emperor is really not dead yet, then I would really have to exchange kendo with him when I saw him.

Now Feng Ling said that he would beat the Wusheng Sword Emperor. In a sense, it was actually not much different from own?

At most, it means that the time will be more ruthless!

Thinking like this in his heart, Su Zhan nodded: “I promise you that if I, Su Zhan, one day actually meets the Wusheng Sword Emperor, and can really beat him, I must beat him severely!”


Feng Ling said seriously: “How ruthless is it?”


Su Zhan was a little helpless: “Or Feng Ling senior, tell me how ruthless you are!

After all, I am kind-hearted, and I don’t usually do anything cruel. ”

“I want you to beat him to a nervous breakdown! Anyway, as long as you don’t kill him, you’ll be beaten to death!”

Feng Spiritual Qi said: “Finally, you must let him know that you beat me for me!”

“Mental breakdown, if you don’t kill you, you can be beaten to death… just to take a breath?”

Su Zhan nodded: “Okay, I get it!”

“Huh~ I’m so happy when I think that that bastard Li Ping’an will be beaten to find Beibei too!”

Feng Ling laughed happily, but immediately, a little sad: “It’s a pity, I can’t see it anymore.”

“Fengling senior, maybe it can.”

Su Zhan thought of something, flipped his palm, and the longevity candle given to him by Ye Xing Martial God appeared in his hand: “This is the longevity candle, so you can keep your soul behind.”

“Longevity Candle? First of all things from the Heavenly Dao Sect, you actually have them too!”

Feng Ling was a little surprised, and then shook his head: “The longevity candle is useful for many people’s souls, but it is not useful for me.

After sacrificing the body with a secret forbidden technique in exchange for the soul to live for almost endless years.

My soul, after waking up, will have only a few months at most.

In a matter of months, it was actually enough for Li Pingan to take me to where I wanted to go and do what I wanted to do, which is why I was willing to do so back then.

It’s just that, I didn’t expect that all of this is just my wishful thinking. I have waited for millions of years…

Millions of years!

I’m tired too…”

Feng Ling whispered: “Perhaps, entering Samsara early is my best destination.”

Hearing Feng Ling’s words, Su Zhan fell silent and put away the longevity candle.

Millions of years of silence are indeed unbearable.

As Feng Ling said, it might be better to enter Samsara early.

Of course, Samsara’s statement is too vague, many people believe it, many people don’t believe it.

Fengling Palace was quiet for ten seconds.

Feng Ling smiled suddenly and said, “There is nothing to be sad about, I wanted to drive a long time ago.

The life span of the average human race is less than a hundred years!

Even before I became a spirit body, I lived for tens of thousands of years, which is equivalent to their lives.

What am I not satisfied with?

I entered Samsara early, if Li Pingan hadn’t died yet, maybe I would still have a chance to meet him and ask him personally why he did this! ”


A little light floated from Feng Ling’s eyebrows and flew towards Su Zhan’s eyebrows.

Su Zhan did not evade, and let the light fall into his purple mansion, turning it into a demon clan secret method: the true spirit nine changes!

Feng Ling also introduced: “Su Zhan, the Nine Changes of True Spirit is one of the strongest secret techniques of our Monster Race.

Of course there are more than nine true spirits, but for the nine changes of true spirits, the most powerful true spirits of the nine magical powers are selected!

With every change, there is a true spirit form and supernatural power!

However, the cultivation of the Nine Transformations of the True Spirit is also very complicated, and the cultivation conditions are very demanding.

First of all, you must reach the Sky Demon Realm!

Secondly, it is necessary to integrate the Blood Essence of other true spirits into one’s own blood.

True spirit blood is very rare, not to mention Blood Essence which contains the power of true spirit.

Moreover, the more fused blood, the stronger the rejection will be!

I didn’t cultivate one of the changes back then, it was the true spirit Qingluan with similar attributes to me!

However, your cultivation talent is obviously much higher than mine, and I can also feel that you are a person with great fortune, and you will definitely be able to surpass me in the future! ”

When Feng Ling spoke, Su Zhan also flipped through the volume of Monster Clan secrets in his mind, the true spirit nine changes.

Just like Feng Ling said.

The Nine Transformations of True Spirits are indeed very strong, not only can they transform into the appearance of nine true souls, but even their breath can be imitated. If the blood is strong enough, it can be done with fake ones!

But again, cultivation is extremely difficult and the conditions are extremely harsh.

However, Su Zhan has so many auras, these are actually nothing.

After a cursory look at the nine true spirit changes, and after discovering that he could not be cultivated at this stage, Su Zhan withdrew his mind and said to Feng Ling, “I know.”

“As for the inheritance of Tianfeng Divine Fire and my Cultivation Technique…”

Feng Ling looked at Su Zhaoyue and smiled slightly: “I like you as a little girl, and you are also a different fire physique I have never seen before. It just so happens that my Heavenly Phoenix bloodline is impure, and the supernatural powers of space are weak. For the strongest means.

In that case, let’s pass it to you! ”

“Thank you Feng Ling senior!”

Su Zhaoyue was pleasantly surprised and quickly thanked her.

The Heavenly Phoenix Divine Fire flew out of Feng Ling’s body, floating gently in front of Su Zhaoyue, allowing her to use secret methods to collect it.

At the same time, Feng Ling’s inheritance also turned into a little light, falling into Su Zhaoyue’s eyebrows.

Su Zhaoyue sat down and began to refine the Heavenly Phoenix and Divine Fire.

At this time, Feng Ling also looked at Su Zhan.

“Little Extreme is in the Holy King Realm, Realm is indeed too low, if that’s the case, then I will help you break the realm!

In this case, if the bastard Li Pingan is really not dead, you can beat him earlier! ”

There was a whisper in his mouth.

The mark on Feng Ling’s eyebrows was bright, and that pure and incomparable power of Heavenly Phoenix’s origin was released from her body, filling the entire Fengling Palace!

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