Chapter 638 Extreme Position in the Breaking Realm!

He felt that Feng Ling’s originally not very strong aura was rapidly fading away.

Su Zhan was surprised: “Feng Ling senior, are you?”

“Li Pingan can’t see it anymore. I have been watching the spirit world for tens of thousands of years, and I’m tired of watching it.

In that case, keeping these original powers for a few more months is no different to me. ”

Feng Ling said calmly: “It’s better to absorb refining for both of you, Ascension yourself, this can be regarded as a little bit of my heart!

After all, I also knew that I wanted to beat that bastard Li Pingan.

It’s really hard! ”

“If there is a chance, I will definitely fulfill Feng Ling senior’s long-cherished wish.”

Su Zhan did not decline either, but repeated the promise again.

Afterwards, he sat down cross-legged, operated the Qiantianyang God Real Art, opened the cultivation aura, and began to absorb those pure energies and transform them into himself.


As he began to cultivate, those pure energies swarmed towards him immediately!

A vortex of energy is formed above him!

Strong wind gusts!

Seeing this, Feng Ling’s eyes brightened, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

The stronger Su Zhan’s talent is, the happier she will be.

As time passed, Su Zhan’s Cultivation Base was also extremely fast Ascension!

After half an hour.

All the original energy has been absorbed by him.

And his Cultivation Base has also reached the limit of the Little Extreme Saint King.

The next moment, a huge wind suddenly sounded in the space here!

Countless heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, rushing towards him from the darkness!

And Su Zhan also directly attacked the barrier of the middle-most holy king!

“Unexpectedly, I can refine my original energy in such a short time, and directly break the realm!

This son’s talent is really abnormal, even Senior Brother Li, bah!

Li Pingan is far from being compared! ”

Seeing this scene, Feng Ling was shocked.

Although she had known that Su Zhan had a strong talent, she did not expect that she would have reached this point!

It has exceeded her knowledge of human cultivation!

It seems that the hope of beating Li Pingan’s heartless man is even greater!

Feng Ling thought about this, with a smile on his face.

Another half hour passed.

The vortex of Spiritual Qi dissipated, and the space here returned to quietness.

Su Zhan also broke into the middle extreme holy king realm!

Realm Ascension.

What brings is a huge increase in overall strength!

If he were to run into Zhu Hao now, it would be difficult for him to escape!

Not because Su Zhan is now faster than Zhu Hao, but because.

After Su Zhan’s shot, Zhu Hao probably won’t have a chance to escape!

Feeling the Ascension of his own strength, Su Zhan also smiled.

“Su Zhan”

At this moment, Feng Ling, who was already very pale, thought of something. He flipped his palm and took out a flame-colored feather that was more than one meter long: “I had to abandon my body back then, but I still left one. Ling Yu.

In this feather, there are some insights about the laws of space, you can inquire about it.

And, if you can…”

A reminiscence appeared on Feng Ling’s face: “If you happen to go to the Blood Moon Region in the future, please help me bury this thing under the Parasol Tree on Lingxi Mountain, in the territory of the Tianfeng tribe, where I grew up.

This can be regarded as the soul returning home! ”

“Okay, I will do it.”

Su beheaded nodded.

The blood moon domain is the big domain of the demon race in the spirit world.

Isolation from other domains is forbidden by the human race.

So far, Su Zhan had never heard of any way Human Race could travel to the Blood Moon Region.

However, it is nothing more than lack of strength.

If he can really accomplish small goals, become the first person in the spirit world, and make rules.

As far as he is concerned, what is the forbidden land in the spiritual world?

Su Zhan also wrote down the matter after receiving Feng Ling Zhi Yu.

At this time, Su Zhaoyue had already refined the heavenly phoenix divine fire, and also broke through a small Realm, reaching the mid-heavenly holy king state.

Feng Ling glanced at Su Zhaoyue, his eyes finally fell on Su Zhan, with some expectation: “I will return to nothingness soon and enter Samsara again.

Su Zhan, can you practice Li Pingan’s Sword Technique? ”


Su Zhan did not hesitate, a little starlight flew out from the center of his eyebrows, and the Da Ri Star Sword fell into his hand.

This is his best sword.

I hope Feng Ling can get what he wants.

Afterwards, Wuming Dao Sword began to display.

He slashed out with a single sword, without much power, but the meaning of the swordsmanship of the Wusheng Sword Emperor at the beginning!

“Like, too much!

It’s exactly the same as Brother Li back then!

Brother Li…”

Feng Ling watched Su Zhan practice the sword idiotically, and the hatred in his eyes suddenly became less obvious.

Watched it for an hour.

Feng Ling suddenly shifted his gaze and looked at the spatial vortex when Su Zhan entered.

When she felt something, she frowned and waved her hand, several flame runes merged into the space vortex, and immediately, the space vortex that was constantly rotating stopped.

Feng Ling said: “Someone is coming, it’s near Fengyu Mountain. I have blocked the passage into this space. They can’t enter, you can go out.

However, your Cultivation Base is too low, if you go out…”

“Senior don’t worry!”

Su Zhaoyue flipped through her hands and took out the Taixu Supernatural Speed ​​Talisman: “With this, we will be fine!”

“This is the rune of Taixu Dao Sect, how can you get it, little girl?”

Feng Ling was a little surprised, but also let go, and said, “Then you can leave now!

By the way, Su Zhan, come here. ”

Su Zhan walked to Feng Ling.

Feng Ling held Su Zhan’s right hand in one hand, and drew a peculiar flame on the palm of Su Zhan’s palm in the other hand.

And the space here will collapse and cease to exist.

But the energy of the space here will be conveyed to your body through this sign, allowing you to temporarily get a great Ascension, which is the last thing I can do. ”

“Fengling senior…”

Su Zhaoyue was a little bit reluctant to give up.

“Little girl, I have lived too long, I have lived enough, don’t cry!”

Feng Ling smiled and said, “Girls who like to cry will be bullied.

Go, if there is a fate, if there is a reincarnation of Samsara, we might see you again! ”

With that, Feng Ling waved his hand, and a soft force pushed Su Zhan and Su Zhaoyue towards that spatial vortex.

“Su Zhan! Don’t forget our agreement!”

In the darkness.

Feng Ling’s voice sounded for the last time.

And Su Zhan and Su Zhaoyue also came to the sky above Fengyu Mountain.

“It seems that you have already got the great opportunity in the Fengling Ruins!”

“Finally, when you came out, I thought you were dead inside. In that case, we would have waited for nothing!”

“Great, since you got a big chance, it means we got a big chance! Hehe!”

Su Zhan just appeared.

Three voices have sounded!

In front of him, three Deva realm powerhouses stood in the air.

They all looked at him with excitement.

Two of them reached the level of the Five Tribulations Deva.

The remaining person is also the Four Tribulations Deva!

No, these people…

Su Zhan possessed the blood of the Demon God, cultivated the Demon God Art, and was very sensitive to the aura of the Demon Race.

At this time, in the body of these three people, he also felt the aura of the demon!

Lingqing God’s eyes are excited!

Suddenly, in his eyes, the demonic energy of the three people surged.

There are actually three powerful Heavenly Demons!

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