Chapter 639 City Lord of Luoshui City! (Third more)

Heavenly Demon is not staying in the Demon Realm, how come here?

Moreover, also pretending to be an adult?

What is the purpose of taking such a big risk?

Su Zhan was a little puzzled, and said, “You don’t need to pretend, the three demons, what are you doing here at the Fengling Ruins?”

“You can actually see through our disguise?”

The man in the middle, the man in the dark red robe was a little shocked, and his contempt was slightly reduced: “Sure enough, it’s the same as the Lord Demon Emperor said!

You are not an ordinary person! ”

“The Devil?”

Su Zhan’s eyes were cold: “Demon Emperor Yunluo asked you to kill me?”

“Who is Devil Emperor Yunluo?”

The man in the dark red robe thought of Demon Emperor Yunluo’s instructions, and shook his head again and again: “My blood falls only for the master of the great Purple Blood Demon domain, the Purple Blood Demon emperor!”

“Purple Blood Demon Emperor?”

Su Zhan was taken aback.

He can’t think of it.

Where did I meet another Purple Blood Demon Emperor?

Moreover, also forge animosity?

Just when he was puzzled.

Another strong man with the tallest stature and almost two meters sneered and said, “Su Zhan, you are acting in the Purple Blood Demon domain!

Do you think the great Purple Blood Demon Emperor would not know these things? ”

It turned out to be for this!

Su Zhan suddenly realized, “Then you are coming to kill me by the order of the Purple Blood Demon Emperor?

its not right!

How does he know that I am here? ”

“How do you know you are here?”

The three Heavenly Demon glanced at each other, and Xueyu said: “Emperor Purple Blood Demon has hands and eyes open to the sky. As early as when you entered the demon world for the first time, you had been targeted by Emperor Purple Blood Demon!

With his old man’s methods, using certain secret methods to master your whereabouts is easy!


We don’t necessarily mean to kill you! ”

Xueyuxie smiled and said, “Su Zhan, you still have a chance!

As long as you transfer the great opportunity you got to us, and are willing to be loyal to Emperor Purple Blood Demon, we can let you go!

Moreover, Emperor Purple Blood Demon cherishes his talents!

If you take refuge, you will definitely get reused!

If you don’t vote…

You see it too.

We are two Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon, one Four Tribulations Heavenly Demon, it is impossible for you to escape.

One way to survive, one dead end.

You choose it yourself! ”

After finishing speaking, Xue Mei folded his hands on his chest, waiting for Su Zhan to make a choice without worrying.

The other two Heavenly Demon are also full of confidence.

Think of Su Zhan as the fish on their chopping board.

Just now.

Su Zhan hasn’t answered yet, yet another escape light lasses from a distance!

He is a white-haired old man who has reached the Four Tribulations Deva Realm!

The old man’s eyes swept across several people, falling on the huge flame door behind Su Zhan, a trace of greed appeared in his eyes.


Su Zhaoyue saw a strong celebrity rushing over, and said quickly: “These three are all demons in disguise!

The demons don’t share the same meaning with our human races!

You came in such a hurry, it should be to punish the demons! ”


The old man was taken aback, then shook his head: “The old man didn’t see any demons!

However, there is a saying that is good, and those who see it have a share, since the great opportunity of this Fengling relic has already appeared.

How do you say the old man has to share it! ”

This statement came out.

The three Heavenly Demon were immediately upset.

The strongest Xueyue immediately lost his aura: “Get out!

We have a business today, otherwise we will kill you now! ”

The old man was also a little annoyed, but because of the fall of blood, Realm was indeed taller than him, so he could only swallow his anger, and said with a cupped hands: “Several fellow daoist, Luo Yunxiao, Lord of Luo Water City!

Five Tribulations Deva knows a lot, and Six Tribulations Deva’s friends are not without them, but like a few such arrogant people, I have never seen them! ”

“What shit Luoshui City Lord!”

Xueyue dismissed it, and was too lazy to pay attention to Luo Yunxiao at this time, and turned to look at Su Zhan: “Well, you can now tell your choice!”

“I won’t take refuge in your demons.”

Su Zhan shook his head.

The voice just fell.

The three Heavenly Demon glanced at each other.

At the same time give up disguise!

Appeared in the form of the demons!

At the same time, each erupted into Heavenly Demon aura, coercing dozens of miles in a radius!

“Luo senior! You see it!”

Su Zhaoyue hurriedly said: “These demons are so arrogant. As the City Lord of Luoshui City, you are definitely not the ordinary Four Tribulations Deva!

United with Su Zhan, it may not be impossible to win! ”

Luo Yunxiao was also a little dazed at this time.

never expected.

He would actually meet three Heavenly Demon in the Fengling Ruins!

Moreover, the strength is extremely strong!

He is definitely not something he can fight against!

Luo Yunxiao was shocked, and looked at Su Zhan again, and found that Su Zhan was just a mere saint king, he did not hesitate to withdraw and retreat!

Cooperate with a holy king to fight two Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon, one Four Tribulations Heavenly Demon?

Give me a break!

He Luo Yunxiao doesn’t want to die!

Just now.

That huge door of flame shattered!

The flame rune in Su Zhan’s palm suddenly lit up!

An extremely huge energy penetrated his whole body!

Makes his Realm’s strength abruptly raised a level!

It was the last force exploded from the destruction of Feng Ling!

At the same time, Su Zhan also directly inspired the Sun Moon Star Chaos Body!

The golden sun, the cold and bright moon, and the night, Star’s three visions of heaven and earth envelop dozens of miles of regions!

In the sea of ​​chaos and fog, the power of Five Elements revolves!

The blood of the devil, the one hundred and eight divine veins, and the devil’s tactics… all exploded in an instant!

For a time.

Su Zhan’s body surface was entwined with demon energy, and the demon power radiated out, even overwhelming those Heavenly Demon!

Luo Yunxiao, the lord of Luoshui City who had escaped for dozens of miles, sensed the movement behind him, and immediately turned around.

After seeing Su Zhan’s majesty, his eyes were shocked.

Immediately, thinking of certain things, his body stopped moving.

A middle and extreme saint king who actually possesses such strength, one can imagine how heaven-defying Su Zhan’s chances are!

How many treasures should he have!

Now that he is in a safe area, he can sit and watch Su Zhan fight those demons!

If Su Zhan has the upper hand, he will help Su Zhan himself. By then, he can also divide the treasures of Heavenly Demon!

If Su Zhan prevailed, he would slip away!

Anyway, he has already opened such a long distance, and his speed is so fast that he can’t catch up with those Heavenly Demon who slipped away in advance!

If both are seriously injured…

Then take everything as your own!

In this way, no matter what, isn’t Luo Yunxiao invincible?

What do you say?

Two dogs fight, play off!


I am Luo Yunxiao, this fisherman!

Luo Yunxiao thought in his heart, the corner of his mouth raised, showing a triumphant smile.

Dozens of miles away.

Su Zhan also glanced at Luo Yunxiao.

After discovering that the old guy was neither helping nor leaving, his eyes were cold.

Obviously, Luo Yunxiao was not at ease.

However, this is not the time to trouble him…

Thinking of the three powerful enemies in front of him, Su Zhan withdrew his gaze.

And this time.

The three Heavenly Demons were shocked when they saw Su Zhan’s power!

Looking at Su Zhan in disbelief, he immediately spoke:

“In that fire gate, what is it! It has caused your strength to soar so much!”

“Although relying on some kind of energy to temporarily improve your strength, no matter how you say it, you are only a holy king!

Are you really going to fight us? ”

“Su Zhan, we will give you one last chance to return to the Demon Realm with us and surrender to His Majesty the Purple Blood Demon, you can still live!”

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