Chapter 641 You are really not a good person!

“Don’t worry, I’m not dead yet.”

Su Zhan said.

At this moment, his hair was messy, his void robe had become tattered, and his originally fair skin had even cracks!

Seeing blood!

Very embarrassed!

“You’re not dead, it’s great not to die!”

Su Zhaoyue rushed over and wept with joy: “How are your injuries?”

“I’m hurt very badly!”

Speaking of this, Su Zhan is also a little afraid: “Fortunately, at the last moment, I threw that guy out for a certain distance. If he really let him explode next to me, the consequences would be disastrous!”

“The consequences could be disastrous?”

Su Zhaoyue was taken aback, and immediately thought that Su Zhan’s words were sometimes unreliable, and she asked a little hesitantly: “What are the consequences?”

Su Zhan thought for a moment.

Just wanted to answer.

Suddenly, I felt some fluctuations in the side space!

Lingqing God’s eyes are excited!

Less than a hundred meters away from him, Gen Yan held an emerald dagger in his hand and touched him silently.

Seeing that he was exposed, Gen Yan simply exploded and rushed towards Su Zhan with all his strength.

There was a grinning smile on his face: “Since you have been seriously injured, then your head, I Gen Yan–”


The words are not over yet.

A shining star fist slammed directly.

Throw him a few miles away!

The chest is sunken, and the internal organs are broken!

Blood in the mouth is vomiting!

Seeing Su Zhan walking towards him, Gen Yan knew that he could no longer run away, desperate in his heart, and at the same time roared: “Despicable Human Race!

You are not injured at all!

You lied to me on purpose! ! ! ”

“I lie to you?”

Su Zhan’s expression was displeased: “The injury I suffered may not be better even if I sleep for one night!

With such a serious injury, do I need to lie to you? ! ”

One night’s sleep may not be good?

This is also called an injury? ? ?

Gen Yan was stunned, and immediately felt extremely depressed, and another mouthful of blood was spit out, with a look of despair in his eyes.

He never thought of it.

Su Zhan actually really did abruptly take care of Zu Li’s self-explosive ass!


He was smashed to pieces by Su Zhan, in his current state.

No matter how many concealment techniques and speed secret techniques are, no matter how strong they are…

There is no way out!

Thinking that he could not escape to death today, Gen Yan smiled sadly: “Su Zhan!

You mean villain!

Today, even if you beat me to death!

I will never betray His Majesty the Purple Blood Demon!

Long live the emperor Purple Blood Demon! ”


The voice just fell.

Su Zhan has already blasted out with a punch, blasting Gen Yan to death!

He was not so happy after killing Gen Yan, but frowned.

“The Demon Race is really vicious!

The Purple Blood Demon Emperor, I don’t even know him, so I have to send so many powerful people to kill me!

If you go to the Demon World again in the future, if you have enough strength, you must look for him to get a theory! ”

He secretly wrote down the four words of Emperor Purple Blood Demon in his heart, and Su Zhan Shengyuan surged to take the things of the three Heavenly Demon.


The things from the ancestor… Basically there is nothing left.

Just one Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier, also in tatters and pits, can only be sold as a material at first glance.

After all, the power of the self-explosion secret technique is still great.

Su Zhan felt a little regretful, and immediately thought of what he had said with Su Zhaoyue.

He pointed to Zu Li’s Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier Axe that was forcibly exploded from the storage ring and exploded with a huge gap, and said: “I see it!

If that guy blew myself up just now, my fate now…”

Su Zhaoyue’s pupils shrank slightly: “Like this axe?”

“Do not”

Su Zhan shook his head: “I mean, this void robe on me.

I’m afraid it will be like this axe. It has no value. It can only be sold as a material, and it can’t even be repaired!

As for myself, the injury will become extremely serious, and it is very likely that I will need to rest for several days to fully heal! ”

As he said, Su Zhan looked scared: “Fortunately, I was not exploded next to my body, otherwise, something serious will happen!”


After listening to Su Zhan’s words.

Su Zhaoyue’s mouth twitched, and she didn’t know how to answer the conversation.

Being blew himself up by a Heavenly Demon of the Five Tribulations, it is actually an injury that can be healed after a few days of rest?


As a holy king, you have five thousand years of life!

It will be healed in a few days…

Can this be considered an injury? ? ?

Something big happened…

Big fart!

Sure enough, Su Zhan doesn’t have to worry about me at all!

If I knew this, I wouldn’t be too lazy to ask!

It makes me feel a little flustered now!

Su Zhaoyue was depressed and speechless for a while.

Su Zhan didn’t waste any more time talking about this, but turned to look at Luo Yunxiao.

Luo Yunxiao was completely confused at this time.


According to his plan.

No matter which side wins, he is likely to reap the benefits.

Su Zhan had the upper hand, so he helped Su Zhan!

But the problem is.

Su Zhan just now is not at all a question of not having the upper hand.

This is absolutely crushed!

One punch, two swords!

A Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon died!

This f*ck!

Is Su Zhan really a human?

It is ridiculously abnormal!

Perverted to ridiculous!

If it was because the mysterious power in the fire door was too strong, Su Zhan was boosted.

That is barely acceptable.

Can be behind.

A Five Tribulations Deva blew himself up only one mile away from him!

Can’t this blow him up?

Isn’t his body harder than Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier? !

Too f*ck is outrageous! ! !

It is simply a monster that does not belong to this world!

Luo Yunxiao’s heart was extremely shocked.

Immediately, he saw Su Zhan coming towards him.

Knowing that he would never run away in front of Su Zhan now, he trembled in his heart and regretted it.

Originally, when he saw that Su Zhan crushed and killed the Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon.

He intends to help out, and then he will be cheeky and sort out treasures or something.

But Na Zuli used the self-explosion secret technique again!

It made him a little expectant that Su Zhan would be killed, and he went to pick up a bunch of treasures in vain.

But I never expected that Su Zhan fart had nothing to do, and he killed Gen Yan casually!

it’s good now.

Without interference from other Heavenly Demon, with Su Zhan’s performance strength, it is impossible for him to escape at all!

Depressed and bitter in his heart, Luo Yunxiao cupped hands towards Su Zhan.

With an extremely respectful look, a smile was squeezed out on his face: “Su fellow daoist is superb, with the Holy King Realm, cut three Heavenly Demon!

Fellow daoist style is not as good as myth!

In Xia Luo Yunxiao, it is the City Lord of Luoshui City, this fellow daoist Su, you—”

“Luo fellow daoist.”

Su Zhan came to Luo Yunxiao, his eyes cold.

“Heavenly Demon is dead, you are still here.

Could it be that you wanted to attack me while I was seriously injured? ”

“No, no, no!”

Luo Yunxiao was so frightened!

Quickly shook his head and said, “Sue fellow daoist, don’t get me wrong!

I’m leaving now!

Let’s go! ”

With that, he turned around and wanted to leave.

As for the points of demon treasures and the like.

After seeing Su Zhan’s terrifying strength, of course he didn’t dare to have any thoughts anymore!

The treasure is good though.

But is life important? !


This Su Zhan didn’t look very smart, and he couldn’t see his intentions!

Let him leave immediately.

This is also a blessing in misfortune!

Just when Luo Yunxiao thought about this, he was about to speed up and escape from this area.

Su Zhan’s voice from the rear also sounded again: “You were going to run when you just met?

It seems.

You really have a ghost in your heart, not a good person! ”

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