Chapter 642 It’s my nature to be helpful!

Just took a step.

Hear the words of Su Zhan behind.

Perceived the killing intent in Su Zhan’s words.

Luo Yunxiao felt a horrible feeling in his heart.

He turned around and said in horror: “Don’t!

Sue fellow daoist Don’t get me wrong!

I never meant to disadvantage you Sue fellow daoist!

As for me staying here…”

Luo Yunxiao’s mind turned sharply, and after a hand, an emerald green branch appeared in his hand: “It’s true.

Sue fellow daoist, I met you right away!

This jade branch is an excellent material for refining a Heavenly Dao-level sword with wood attributes!

I think Sue fellow daoist, you are a sword lover. You are a mere gift, but I hope you will accept Sue fellow daoist! ”

Su Zhan hesitated: “I will accept your stuff as soon as I meet. Isn’t that good?”


Luo Yunxiao thought of the combat power that Su Zhan had just shown, and moved in his heart, showing a look of disdain for these external objects: “Luo really wants to befriend Su fellow daoist.

What is a jade tree branch in a mere mere amount?

without any exaggeration!

As long as Luo has something on him, fellow daoist Su is interested in it, just take it!

Some things outside of the body, how can I compare your respect for Sue fellow daoist? ”

After speaking, Luo Yunxiao looked at Su Zhan with some expectation.

According to common sense.

Su is no more than a holy king.

I am a Deva of the Four Tribulations, meet so frankly, and have such a high sincerity.

He should be grateful for Dili already in his heart now, right?

Next, it is better to take advantage of the trend and worship him!

Recognize him as a little brother!

If something happens in the future, wouldn’t I have an extra strong person to help?

The more Luo Yunxiao thought about it, the more he felt perfect, with a happy smile on his face.

at this time.

Su Zhan was also a little surprised: “Are you serious?”


Luo Yunxiao was taken aback for a moment, his smile on his face gradually stiffened, and when he heard Su Zhan’s words, he faintly felt a little uncomfortable.

But the words are out.

It’s impossible for him to say it’s fake in front of Su Zhan, right?

Then you can’t be hammered to death?

Thinking of this in his heart, Luo Yunxiao forced a smile: “Really, naturally take it seriously!”


Su Zhan nodded: “I think this robe on you is pretty good.”


The corners of Luo Yunxiao’s mouth twitched.

This f*ck, all storage rings are needed?

This is to copy his house!

Although it is impossible for him to carry all his wealth with him, the materials and treasures in the storage ring still contain two or three billion sacred stones!

With so many holy stones, even he feels very distressed.

But now.

I gave all the treasures.

It is not for this thing to finally anger Su Zhan.

Lead to abandonment of all previous efforts!

Luo Yunxiao gritted his teeth helplessly, and took off the storage ring: “Since you like Su fellow daoist, then give it to you!”

“Since Luo fellow daoist insists on doing this, then I will accept it.”

Su Zhan said with a smile.

“By the way, fellow daoist, you gave me everything. You won’t hate me secretly, will you?”

“No, no!”

Luo Yunxiao quickly said: “How is this possible!

This is all my self, voluntarily gifted to you Sue fellow daoist, I made my own decision, why should I hate you Sue fellow daoist? ”

Su Zhan nodded: “That’s true, I didn’t force you.”

When Luo Yunxiao heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Didn’t force me?


If I don’t send you off, you will go crazy.

I’m going to die when you go crazy.

Can I not “voluntarily”? ? ?

Her heart was extremely depressed, Luo Yunxiao just wanted to leave Su Zhan as soon as possible, leave the Fengling Ruins, and never want to see Su Zhan again.

So he cautiously said: “That fellow daoist Su, I just remembered that Luoshui City still has a lot of things waiting for me to deal with, and I plan to return to Luoshui City a few days earlier.

You see, or I will leave today for the time being…”


Su Zhan nodded, patted Luo Yunxiao’s shoulder, and said, “Luo fellow daoist, money is trouble.

The more precious stones you have, the more troubles you have.

Now that I have taken all your troubles, you should be very relaxed! ”


Luo Yunxiao completely collapsed, crying without tears, and squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying: “Fellow Daoist Su is right.

Thanks, thank you Sue fellow daoist for freeing me from my troubles…”

“Well, you’re welcome.”

Su Zhan smiled all over his face.

“It’s my nature to be helpful. If you still need to solve these troubles next time, I can help you again!”

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