Chapter 647 Goodbye Jiang Poyun!

Su Zhan said: “Are you willing to help?”

“Yes, I do!”

“Are you willing to do so, or are you being persecuted, but you don’t want it in your heart?”


Luo Yunxiao cried and greeted all the eighteenth generations of Su Zhan’s ancestors in his heart.

This f*ck!

Who would be willing to give away seven or eight billion sacred stones to others if his brain is broken?

If it weren’t for you to kill people without blinking, I would like your uncle!

He cursed in his heart, and said: “I volunteered!

No persecution at all!

This is my heart, I hope, I hope Su fellow daoist must accept it! ”

“That’s good”

Su Zhan smiled: “You know, I never force others, this is not my style.”

“Yes, yes, Sue fellow daoist, you are so kind and kind…”

Luo Yunxiao squeezed out a smile that was more ugly than crying.

“Well, in that case, you can help me pay the money, fellow daoist, Luoshui. Just report my name at the Luoshui auction house.”

Su Zhan put away the Heavenly Star Epee, remembering something, and then said: “By the way, I paid a deposit of 1.5 billion sacred stones, remember to let Luo An retreat.”

“Yes Yes Yes!”

Luo Yunxiao nodded again and again: “According to it, it must be done!”

After taking another sip of tea, Su Zhan stood up as he felt that there was nothing missing.

“Luo fellow daoist, then I will go first, there will be a period later!”

After speaking, Su Zhan glanced at Lorraine Hai with a smile in his eyes: “Luo fellow daoist, you really have a good son.

Such a compassionate person, knowing that I am in trouble, he brought me to ask you for help, what a great person! ”


Luo Yunxiao was speechless for a while.

Seeing Lorraine’s wimpy look, he was already too angry to speak!

Seeing this, Su did not continue to delay, and left the City Lord’s Mansion with Su Zhaoyue.


Seeing Su Zhan leave.

Luo Yunxiao finally couldn’t suppress his anger, “pop”.

A slap in the face of Lorraine Hai, knocked his body that had just stood up to the ground again!


Luo Linhai was also very wronged and said loudly: “What are you doing! I am your son!”

“My son?!”

Luo Yunxiao was anxious: “I shouldn’t have given birth to you, a bastard and prodigal thing!

Seven or eight billion, seven or eight billion holy stones!

Our Luo family has accumulated for thousands of years, and we have been defeated by you bastard! ”

“Father, actually”

Luo Linhai cautiously tentatively said: “We may not really want to pay the sacred stone to that surnamed Su!

Dad, have you forgotten?

Our Luo family has a very wide network. Those seven or eight billion sacred stones, only need to spend three billion, you can invite the strong in the Deva realm to deal with that surnamed Su! ”

“The strong?”

Luo Yunxiao sneered: “You pig brain can think of it, I can’t think of it?

But supreme Deva, the total Lintian domain does not exceed ten, so please?

As for the supreme…

Do you know that I saw with my own eyes that Su Zhan forced a Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon to the ground and killed it! ”


Lorraine couldn’t believe it: “But the surname Su is just the Holy King, how could he—”

“I saw it with my own eyes, can there be fakes?!”

Luo Yunxiao said angrily: “Now you know, what kind of scary existence you have brought me?!

It is no exaggeration to say that if we tear our skin with him, our entire city lord’s mansion will be bloody!

Originally, I had already been robbed of billions of sacred stones by him at the Fengling Ruins!

After finally getting rid of it, you were actually attracted by you again!

You bastard! ”

The more you speak, the more angry.

Luo Yunxiao slapped again.

“Don’t! Father, I know it’s wrong, don’t fight, don’t fight!”

Lorraine cried.

“stop fighting?

Don’t play long memory!

Today, I have to ask you, the rebel, to have a long memory! ! ! ”

With that, Luo Yunxiao took off the belt made of Sky Demon grade material around his waist.

Afterwards, the sound of “Papa Papa” in the city lord’s mansion was endless.

Mixed with the screams of the Lorraine Sea!

Walking out of the City Lord’s Mansion, Su Zhan threw out the Heavenly Star Epee, and took Su Zhaoyue on to the Five Elements Dao Sect.

“Su Zhan”

On the Heavenly Star Epee, Su Zhaoyue recalled the affairs of the City Lord’s Mansion, and said: “You are really amazing, you actually stole another seven or eight billion sacred stones from the Luoshui City Lord!”

“You made a mistake, what do you mean by picking it off?”

Su Zhanpo was a little unhappy, and said seriously: “You think!

Did I help him at the Fengling Ruins?

Now that I have arrived in Luoshui City, he will help me once.

Isn’t it reasonable?

At best, we are just helping each other! ”

help each other……

Su Zhaoyue’s mouth twitched.

You help him, he gives the holy stone.

He helps you, or he gives the holy stone.

Are there such people who help each other?

She was slanderous in her heart, but when she thought that Luo Yunxiao was indeed not a good thing, Su Zhaoyue also smiled, and didn’t worry about it anymore.

after an hour.

Su Zhan arrives at Five Elements Daozong.

Different from last time.

This time he just arrived, and the Elders of Five Elements Dao Sect, Han Xuan, Sect Leader of Five Elements Dao Sect, and Lu Hai, Sect Leader of Sword Dao Sect of Heaven, all came out to greet them in a hurry!

The look is very respectful!

“Su fellow daoist!”

Han Xuan bowed to Su Zhan’s cupped hands.

“Han fellow daoist”

Su Zhan said directly: “Are the six billion sacred stones ready?”

“alright, alright!”

Han Xuan quickly took out a storage ring: “Six billion sacred stones, one is quite a lot, please also Su fellow daoist to count!”

Su Zhan took the storage ring, scanned the huge sacred thoughts roughly, and nodded: “Okay, fellow daoist Han is really trustworthy, since the matter has been done, then I will–huh?”

While talking, Su Zhan’s eyes fell on Jiang Poyun behind the crowd, and he suddenly remembered this person, and said in amazement: “You Daozi came back so soon?”

Han Xuan quickly turned around: “Poyun!

Don’t apologize to Sue fellow daoist yet! ”

Jiang Poyun looked at Su Zhan who had a calm expression among the Deva, and even his Master needed to deal with it tremblingly.

Han Xuan’s voice awakened him.

He hurriedly walked to Su Zhan and bowed respectfully: “For the rudeness before Poyun, I still look at Su, Su senior, forgive me!”

“Jiang Poyun, why are you still a little heavenly holy king?”

Looking at Jiang Poyun, Su Zhan could easily see his Realm, surprised.

“Su senior joked”

Jiang Poyun squeezed a smile: “It has been less than a year since I broke into the Saint King, how can I break the mirror so quickly…”


Su Zhan continued: “When I was in the eighth-order holy realm, you were the little heavenly holy king.

Now I am in the Extreme Saint King Realm.

Why are you still a little king?

A year has passed, and you are still standing still, how did you cultivate? ”


When talking about this, Jiang Poyun was very depressed.

Generally speaking, the breakthrough of the Holy King Realm.

A Realm for decades, even hundreds of years, is normal!

Even though he Jiang Po Yun Tian is peerless, but it will take at least ten years to break into the Central Heavenly Saint King Realm.

But who can think of it.

Su Zhan broke the mirror in one year.

This is not critical.

The point is, he’s not broken!

Instead, he jumped directly from the eighth-order holy realm to the middle extreme holy king! ! !

Seven Realms!

This is so special!

Is it still a human? ? ?

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