Chapter 648 Return to the Eastern Wasteland domain!

His heart was extremely depressed, and the blood in his body was stagnant. Jiang Poyun didn’t dare to offend Su Zhan, so he had to say, “Su senior, your talent is too high.

How can I compare? ”

“There are some factors in talent, but the main thing is that you are too lazy.”

Su Zhan shook his head: “If you had half of my hard work, how could you get back on your feet for so long?”

As soon as he said this, Jiang Poyun was stunned.

How did he think that Su Zhan didn’t seem to be a hardworking person?

On the side, Su Zhaoyue couldn’t help it anymore, and muttered: “Su Zhan, can you not take out your eight hours of cultivation time a day?

You work hard to be a hammer! ”

“Isn’t that hard enough?”

Su Zhan said: “In my hometown, people still have two days off for work every seven days!

I am already very hardworking eight hours a day! ”

Work in your hometown?

What the hell is going to work? ? ?

Although Su Zhaoyue didn’t understand Su Zhan’s weird words, she also vaguely understood what it meant, and she was speechless for a while.

Jiang Poyun also spoke at this time: “Su senior, you have misunderstood me. I spend more than 20 hours in cultivation every day!

When Closed Door Training, it was normal for months and years! ”

“You actually work so hard?”

Su Zhan was surprised, and immediately shook his head: “That seems to be that your talent is too low, and it is extremely inferior.

With such an inferior talent, I think you should not cultivate.

Rather than wasting time on cultivation, it is better to marry a wife to cover a large area, raise pigs, grow farms, and wait for the old to die! ”


Jiang Poyun’s injury hadn’t healed at first, but when he saw Su Zhan, the blood in his body had accumulated, but now he couldn’t help it anymore, and he spouted a mouthful of blood!

The brain buzzed, Su Zhan’s words echoed!

Think of him Jiang Poyun, Daozi of Five Elements Daozong, recognized as a peerless genius!

In Su Zhan’s mouth, he has become extremely inferior in talent?


Let him go to raise pigs and farm?

Is this what he should do? ? ?

Jiang Poyun was extremely angry, but he didn’t dare to show it at all, and his head became dizzy with anger.

At this moment, looking at Jiang Poyun’s appearance, Su Zhan said in amazement, “What’s wrong with this?

Are you a Daoist, Saint King Realm, vomiting blood after a good chat?

Even if it is my Master, who is thousands of years old, his body is not so bad as yours.

Jiang Poyun.

It seems that I overestimated you just now.

With your physical fitness, there is no need to raise pigs and farm to marry a wife.

While there is still time, I can find a shady place to bury myself.

Otherwise, one day you will die if you talk to others, don’t you want to frighten others? ”


When Jiang Poyun heard Su Zhan’s words, he felt that his brain had lost his ability to think, his head buzzed with anger, and another mouthful of blood spurted out, his eyes blacked out, and he passed out!

Jiang Wuya hurriedly held him behind him, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Last time, Jiang Poyun was also stunned by Su Zhan.

This time, it was like this again!

The key is.

This is the site of their Five Elements Dao Sect, but how about they can’t kill Su!

Can only watch Jiang Poyun vomiting blood out of anger!

Less than a year ago, he was still an ant that he could squeeze to death.

Now grow into a terrifying existence that makes the entire Five Elements Dao Sect tremble!

This is so ridiculous! ! !

Jiang Wuya was extremely depressed, thinking that he could only sigh in a low voice in front of Su Zhan now, and didn’t dare to contradict him at all, he also felt a feeling of wanting to vomit blood in his heart.

It’s so embarrassed!

Han Xuan was trembling.

He is not worried about Jiang Poyun.

But I was afraid that Su Zhan would find another reason, such as “ineffective discipline”, and then make a fierce stroke!

Five Elements Dao Sect, really can’t stand Su Zhan’s six billion sacred stone again!

I was uneasy.

Han Xuan said in a respectful voice: “Su fellow daoist, my ineffective disciple once offended you, here I also apologize to you, and hope that Su fellow daoist forgive me!”

“Forget it, little thing.”

Su Zhan shook his head, and said nothing more.

It takes ten days for Five Elements Daozong to collect six billion sacred stones.

Wouldn’t they have to wait for half a month if they were to lose another six or seven billion?

His time is very valuable and cannot be wasted.

Moreover, the Five Elements Daozong estimates that there are not many holy stones available.

Besides, although Jiang Poyun is quite bad, he has no threat to him at all at present, and he has already changed his mind, and there is no need to rush to exterminate him.

With these in mind, Su Zhan left Five Elements Dao Sect after a few more casual conversations.

Watching that figure leave.

Everyone in Five Elements Dao Sect finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Zhan, finally left…

Two days later.

Su Zhan took those materials at the Luoshui Auction House, and his 1.5 billion sacred stone deposit, and left Luoshui City.

The matter in Lintianyu right now, as long as Ye Xing’s Martial God is buried.

But this needs to take Ye Qingyu with him.

Can’t do it temporarily.

Now he can only return to the Eastern Wasteland domain.

Moreover, his current strength is far beyond the peak of the Eastern Wasteland domain.

It is unlikely to stay in the Eastern Wasteland domain in the future.

Many things, such as the bumbling monster races in the Eastern Wasteland domain, evil forces and the like… It’s time to sort out.

With this in mind, Su Zhan and Su Zhaoyue began to travel to the secret teleportation formation where they had come, preparing to return to the Eastern Wasteland domain.

at this time.

Demon Realm, Purple Blood Demon domain, in the Nightmare Mountain of Luo Mo Country.

Demon Emperor Yunluo’s eyes fell on Demon King Luo, who was kneeling in front of him, and said lightly: “Is there no news about the three Gen Yan?”

“No, they still haven’t returned to the Demon Realm!

However, your Majesty the Devil, Gen Yan and the three of them are still missing, but according to the spies I sent to search, Su Zhan’s did indeed come out of the Fengling Ruins! ”

“Gen Yan Xuemei and others didn’t come back, Su Zhan came out of the Fengling Ruins without incident…”

Devil Emperor Yunluo’s eyes flashed: “I looked down on this guy.

If nothing happens.

Most of Gen Yan and others were already dead in Su Zhan’s hands! ”


Demon King Luo was startled, and he hesitated immediately: “His Majesty the Demon Emperor, Na Su Zhan, after all, is just a holy king, how could he–”

“Okay, stop talking nonsense!”

Devil Emperor Yunluo waved his hand impatiently: “I have heard these words many times!

What is impossible for Su Zhan to do things that no one else can do? ”

“Then your Majesty, do you need to plan the assassination of Su Zhan again?”

“Need not”

Devil Emperor Yunluo shook his head: “He is our devil’s enemy, but right now, he is not suitable for Yunluo’s enemy.

Although the three of Gen Yan died, they must have printed the name of Emperor Purple Blood Demon in Su Zhan’s heart.

Su Zhan, whoever has a grudge, will avenge him, and wait for the revenge of the Purple Blood Demon emperor in the future, when I regain control of the Purple Blood Demon domain!

This was also another intention for me to send Gen Yan and others. In any case, I will not lose! ”

“His Majesty the Devil is brilliant!”

Luo Mowang was convinced.

“Okay, step back and look for those space passages leading to the Central State Territory!

Right now I have recovered a lot of strength, and many of the old departments have returned. The Eastern Wasteland domain and Lintian domain are not what I am interested in. The Zhongzhou domain is my goal! ”

“Yes! Your Majesty the Devil!”

Demon King Luo retired respectfully.

“Su Zhan, as expected, he is someone who can’t calculate with common sense. He actually defeated the three Gen Yan people with the Saint King Realm…”

The magic light flashed in Devil Emperor Yunluo’s eyes, thinking of something, the corner of his mouth raised a smile.

“It’s my regret that I didn’t see the Wusheng Sword Emperor.

But now, with you Su Zhan, I, Yunluo, won’t be lonely anymore! ”

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