Chapter 652 Xiao Bubai’s Survival Guide!

Hear Lei Shi Xiaobubai’s words.

Xiao Bai froze for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth twitched.

Sure enough, the owner doesn’t know how to tame animals at all!

He’ll beat people up!

No, beat the demon!

Seeing Xiaobai who was crying very sad, Xiaobai recalled the humiliation process of being almost beaten to death, and his nose was sore and choked.

“Xiaobai Dage, why are you crying?”

Seeing Xiaobai crying, Xiao Bubai was puzzled: “I cried because I remembered the half-dead humiliation of being beaten by the master.

You haven’t been beaten, why are you crying? ”


Xiao Bai couldn’t stop the flow of tears, and finally let it out, choked up: “Who, who said I was not beaten?

I…oooo…I’m worse than you!

You were beaten to death, I was almost beaten to death!

Oh oh…

Originally, I lived a good life, it was nothing to catch birds, catch fish, how comfortable!

Suddenly a man wearing a robes came and exploded my house!

I managed to escape from his palm, but I did not expect to fall into the master’s hand again!

I was almost beaten to death…I was suffering!

Oh oh oh! ”

Xiaobai stretched out his only two front paws and cried with Xiao Bubai.

Xiao Bubai was still a little confused: “I am too weak to beat the master…

But Xiaobai, Dage, you are a demon!

Why don’t you resist? ”

“Resist, resist the ass!”

Thinking of the scenes where he was violently beaten up in front of Su Zhan, Xiaobai cried even more sadly. He opened his mouth and pointed to his own teeth: “Look, have a look!

I had all succeeded in the sneak attack, but I bit him, but my teeth broke!

My Xiaobai has lived for so long, and I have never seen such a hard person, damn it!

Harder than Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier!

Should I resist? ! ”

“This… Almost seeing our master is a super invincible pervert! It’s useless to resist!”

Xiao Bubai glanced at Xiao Bai with some sympathy, and immediately said: “Xiao Bai Dage, if you can’t beat it, you should take the initiative to surrender, and you shouldn’t resist stubbornly!

Then I won’t be beaten…”

“I didn’t resist!”

Xiaobai’s face was depressed: “I gave up and surrendered. He said that I would surrender if I was so simple. There must be a conspiracy!

Then a violent beating!

I didn’t surrender, and he said that I was unruly and had to work harder!

It was another violent beating!

Talk about it!

What can I do?

I am also desperate!

Oh oh oh! ”

At the end, Xiaobai cried again.

Xiao Bubai was also heartbroken: “The same people who have fallen from the end of the world, why do you know each other before!

Xiaobai Dage! ”

“Little white girl!”

The two Demonic Beasts cried again.

It took a few minutes.

They were slightly relieved, Xiao Bubai flipped his paws, took out a booklet and handed it to Xiao Bai: “Xiao Bai Dage!

This is a survival guide I researched out!

You must read them all, otherwise, we are very dangerous by the master’s side! ”

“Survival guide?”

Confused, Xiao Bai took a look at the brochure.

“Destroying the master’s medicine field, dangerous level: two stars, consequence: will be criticized and educated!

Destroy the owner’s sunflower sea, danger level: three stars, consequence: will be spanked!

Disobey the master’s command, dangerous level: five stars! Consequence: You may be killed!

Cultivation is too slow, causing dissatisfaction with the owner, dangerous level: five stars! Consequences: Become a Demonic Beasts hot pot!


Xiaobai looked at the shocking dangers, and sweat broke out on his forehead.

“Xiaobai Dage, you now know why I didn’t let you question my compliments to the master just now, right?”

Xiao Bubai had a serious face and raised his small paw and said: “As far as I know, among the few things that the master can’t tolerate, IQ and kindness are among them!

You can even say that the master is very weak, but you must never question the kindness of the master Dao heart!

Otherwise, it will really become a hot pot! ”

“Hot pot…what is it?”

“Just cut off your meat piece by piece and put it in boiling water filled with peppers!”

“So scary!”

Xiaobai’s pupils shrank, and his body shook!


What cruel punishment is this!

Cut the meat and put it in boiling water filled with peppers!

Under the world, there is actually such torture as “hot pot”!


so horrible!

Xiaobai was very scared, with cold sweat on his forehead, and quickly thanked Xiaobubai: “Fortunately, Xiaobubai, you winked at me, otherwise I am afraid I will be finished!”

“It’s okay, who made you my Dage!”

Xiao Bubai shook his head, and immediately thought of something, and said solemnly: “By the way, Xiaobai Dage!

At Zhan Tianfeng, you can do nothing else, but there are two things you must do! ”

Xiaobai wondered: “What?”

“Selling cute, and pretending to be pitiful!”

As he said, Xiao Bubai tilted his head and rubbed his head against Xiao Bai: “This is cute!”

Afterwards, it lay down, tears flashing in its eyes, nose twitching, and a grieved look: “This is called pretending to be pitiful!”

Xiaobai hesitated: “Are you sure, the master is really sympathetic?”

“I don’t know if the master has it, but Don Big sis has it!”

Xiao Bubai said: “Tang Big sis, Ye Big sis on the mountain next door, and Su Big sis that I have seen once, they all like me!

As long as they open their mouths to intercede with their masters, we generally won’t have a big deal if we make a mistake!

After my observation of my master, Su Big sis’ words should be the most useful!

Next is Tang Big sis, and then Ye Big sis, but Su Big sis does not live here, we can only have more relations with Tang Big sis and others! ”

“It turned out to be so, I understand!”

Xiaobai nodded seriously!


Xiao Bubai smiled suddenly: “Xiaobai Dage, although it is a bit dangerous for us to follow the master, the master is very powerful!

We follow the master and don’t have to worry about issues such as cultivation resources at all!

So we just need to cultivate well, and if we have time, we can help Tang Big sis to water the flowers or something, and the days are quite comfortable! ”

“Well, that’s the only way for the time being…”

Xiaobai felt lost, and immediately thought that the blood in his body had strengthened the true dragon attributes because of Su Zhan’s drop of spiritual blood. It showed an arrogance: “But Xiaobai, you Xiaobai Dage will become true in the future. The existence of the dragon!

It’s just a short-term humiliation and surrender of your Xiaobai, Dage, waiting for the day when I become a true dragon…

Be sure to beat up the master to let him know that my Xiaobai is not annoying, huh! ”

“Xiaobai Dage mighty!”

The little bit echoed in vain.

But my heart was speechless.

Waiting for you to become a real dragon?

With the master’s cultivation speed.

Xiaobai, Dage, when you became a real dragon.

The master is afraid that he would be able to punch the real dragon on the ground long ago!


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