Chapter 653 Demon Race Gathers!

Slandered in his heart.

Xiao Bubai looked at Xiao Bai with a proud face and hesitated: “Xiao Bai Dage, I have an immature suggestion for your bold idea…”


“I suggest Xiaobai, Dage, you better stay steady, even if you really become a real dragon, don’t mess with your master…”

Xiao Bubai said seriously: “Because I have seen a lot of people who provoke the master, but then they all died!”

It’s all dead!

Xiao Bai was startled, and the arrogance on his face faded a little: “Don’t worry, you Xiao Bai, Dage, I am not a fool. Even if I want revenge, I must first find out my strength!

Will not act rashly! ”

“Yeah, Xiaobai Dage must be careful!”

Xiao Bubai smiled: “Okay, let’s not talk about this, Xiaobai Dage, I will show you my den!

There is also a big pond in the spirit beast park, Xiaobai Dage, if you like water, you can make a nest there! ”


Xiaobai nodded.

Immediately, two Demonic Beasts talked and laughed towards the spirit beast park.

Cut the top of the sky.

Su Zhan confessed to Tang Liuxue and asked him to talk to Ye Qingyu, saying that after Ye Xing’s Martial God matter was delayed for about half a month, he also walked into Immortal Cave.

Take a sip of tea and lie down for a while.

He went directly to the place of Closed Door Training.

Seventeen followed him, somewhat puzzled: “Master, what are we going to do?”

“You are too weak.”

Su Zhan waved his hand, took out the materials of the eight billion sacred stones, threw out a refining furnace, and said: “I brought back a lot of materials this time.

After a while, you will begin to reform, during which your consciousness will fall asleep, and the connection between your spiritual heart and the control hub will be temporarily cut off by me. ”


A trace of fear appeared in Seventeen’s eyes: “If I fail… Am I going to die?”


Su Zhan glanced at Seventeen with a little surprise: “You haven’t lived yet, what’s not going to die?”


Seventeen suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Feeling blocked.

Maybe, this is the kind of feeling called depressed in the hearts of living beings, right?

Seventeen thought secretly in her heart, and immediately nodded: “Although the master does it, Seventeen is just a puppet and shouldn’t be afraid of death!”

“Relax, after the transformation is complete, you will still be you.

It just becomes stronger. ”

Su Zhan said with a smile.

At the same time, there are some sighs in my heart.

Since the seventeenth merged into Lingxin.

He is no longer a simple puppet.

Even, there are all kinds of emotions that only living beings have.

I will also be afraid of death.

Would also be grateful.

Will also be happy, angry, sad…

Of course, this is not a bad thing.

At least I am bored in the future, and I have one more person who can chat.

Su Zhan smiled slightly.

The puppet aura and the refining aura are on at the same time!

One by one rune shot from his hand and penetrated into Seventeen’s body.

One minute later.

Seventeen closed his eyes tightly and fell into a deep sleep.

And Su Zhan also began to dismantle each part one by one, using those new materials to reconsolidate and forge.

Although there is a refining halo, Innate Holy Fire.

But those materials are too large and complicated.

Even if Su Zhan had almost no difficulties in forging, it would take a long time.

Moreover, after the forging is completed, it is necessary to connect the spiritual heart control vein in the seventeen body, which is definitely a very huge project!

Such a huge project.

It is obviously impossible to complete it in a mere three or four days!

Su Zhan also took five days to do it!

Five days later.

There is very little left of the eight billion rare materials.

And the appearance of Seventeen is very different from before!

The seventeenth person today is only about 1.8 meters tall, and his muscles are perfect. He is not the kind of strong man, but he looks very powerful!

And the skin is no longer the metal it used to be.

It looks the same as the human skin!

It’s just that there is a pale golden light in the skin and flesh, which looks quite peculiar!

The five senses have not changed much.

In the eyes, the fundus turned into a white mist, and in the mist, there was a golden ball of light like a small sun!

Those are his pupils!

In general.

It’s more human than before!

Su Zhan looked around and was very satisfied with own’s transformation.

However, this is only the first step!

Next is the continuation of various runes and re-characterization.

Su Zhan took out the prepared high-rank spirit pen and used it to portray the Demonic Beasts blood of rune with a dozen different attributes, or the spirit branches and leaves, etc., and began to portray it.

When Su Zhan Closed Door Training was transforming puppet Seventeen.

The major forces in the Eastern Wasteland domain have also received Su Zhan’s invitation letter.

Most forces.

When I saw the above specifically stated that it was Su Zhan’s personal invitation, he made up his mind instantly and headed to Xuantian Sacred Land!

But there are some exceptions.

Eastern Wasteland domain, deep in a mountain.

Demonic Beasts of the three-headed half-step sky demon level are entrenched here.

“Yan Xiong King, Purple Lion King, have you also received the invitation letter from that Human Race Su Zhan?”

A Demonic Beasts, ten meters high, with a single horn, was covered in frost, and looked like a giant deer with the mouth open.

In front of him, a giant flame bear and a giant lion with purple and blue fur glanced at each other, nodding their heads.

“The Giant Deer King, have you received it too?”

“Our two brothers called you out for this!”

“Speaking of which, we have the four major monster races in the Eastern Wasteland, and now we are all here, why hasn’t the Anaconda King come yet?”

“Perhaps it is far apart, and it will take some time!

Everyone, let’s discuss the invitation letter first! ”

“What is there to discuss, why are we Yaozu going to his human banquet?

I think they are uneasy and kind! ”

“But, Su Zhan is powerful, if we don’t give him a face, will he come to him?”

Three Demonic Beasts, you and I will discuss them one by one.

Discussed for half an hour.

There was no result.

If you talk about real ideas, of course they are not willing to go!

After all, that is the territory of the human race!

Moreover, it is still the core of the human race, the strong are like clouds, don’t they leave their own life in the hands of the human race?

Don’t go…

I’m afraid that Su Zhan will come here again!

Very tangled!

Just when the three Demonic Beasts couldn’t make up their minds.

Another voice came: “What are the three fighting for? I can hear your voices ten miles away!

Okay, now that I am here too, let’s decide!

This time Su Zhan’s invitation, our monster clan goes to the appointment! ”

The voice fell.

That huge anaconda came riding a wave of water!

On its head, there is also a middle-aged man in a black robe, with his hands on his back, standing on the head of the Anaconda King, looking down at the three Demonic Beasts below.

The three Demonic Beasts had heard the dogmatic words of King Anaconda, and they all looked at it with a little uncomfortableness.

But when his eyes banged against that of the middle-aged man in black robe, his body trembled, and a sense of fear came from the depths of the blood and the level of life!

The black-robed man glanced at the three Demonic Beasts and said lightly: “Little anaconda, are these the other three strong monsters in the Eastern Wasteland domain in your mouth?

Sure enough, they were all little demons with inferior bloodlines and low strength.

However, you little monsters were lucky and ran into me.

It just happened that I just finished Transcends Tribulation, my vitality has not yet recovered, and I need some good-quality blood food to supplement it.

There is nothing too advanced in this small domain, and those half-step Deva-level holy kings can be considered improvised.

This time I go to Xuantian Sacred Land to replenish my vitality, so I will take you there!

I eat meat, and you guys also have a mouthful of soup! ”

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