Chapter 654 The feast begins!


The three Demonic Beasts looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

“What are you doing in a daze? Haven’t seen the devil snake senior yet!”

The giant anaconda roared: “The Demon Snake Senior’s body is the Abyss Demon Snake with the blood of the wild beast Swallowing Python!

The Cultivation Base has even reached the terrifying Three Tribulations Heavenly Demon!

Do you dare to be rude to the devil snake senior? ! ”

Abyss Demon Snake!

Three Tribulations Heavenly Demon!

The three-headed Demonic Beasts was shocked and knelt down quickly: “Participate in the Devil Snake senior!”

The Abyss Demon Snake waved his hand: “Alright, get up!”

“Thank you Snake senior!”

The three-headed Demonic Beasts rose from the ground.

Immediately, there were some doubts.

The flame-filled Yan Xiong King asked cautiously: “Devil Snake senior, you, are you the Three Heavenly Demon?

But the Eastern Wasteland domain hasn’t had a demon for a long time! ”

“In the barbarian land of the Eastern Wasteland, the power of luck is suppressed so much. If there is a demon, there will be a ghost!”

Abyss Demon Snake curled his lips: “I came from the Primordial Realm.

I wanted to follow the endless sea to find the Blood Moon Region and see if I could return to the Sky-Swallowing Python clan.

As a result, I didn’t expect it. In the waters surrounding the Eastern Wasteland, I found a superb demon Spiritual herbs that greatly assisted me in breaking through.

After swallowing the demon Spiritual herbs on the bottom of the sea, I took advantage of the Transcends Tribulation to break through.

Later, by chance, I met this little anaconda, because he gave me some rejuvenating panacea.

In addition, I also need to rest for a while, so I promised him to stay in the Anaconda clan for the time being and guide him in cultivation.

Unexpectedly, it was possible to encounter the gathering of all the strong human races in this small domain. Although the slaughter of so many human cultivators, I am afraid that it will attract the strong from other big domains to take action.

But anyway, I just escaped from the celestial demon prison built by Deva in the Primordial Realm. I want to escape to the Blood Moon Realm, so I don’t care about it anymore!

Moreover, for small domains like the Eastern Wasteland domain, unless I really slaughtered those human races by half, it wouldn’t be a big deal.

Of course, I didn’t intend to take action against those ants, but since they actively invited, provoked and threatened our monster race, I sent them to the door by myself.

Then I have nothing to be polite, just go to Xuantian Sacred Land, and fill my stomach with the flesh and blood of those ants who think they are powerful! ”

It turned out to be like this!

The three Demonic Beasts suddenly realized what the Abyssal Snake said.

But soon, they still hesitate.

“Magic snake senior, of course you are extremely powerful!

But Su Zhan of Xuantian Sacred Land is also very strong! ”

“Yes, I heard that Su Zhan once killed Deva!”

“Devil snake senior, should we go back, or don’t mess with him?”

The Abyss Demon Snake glanced across the three Demonic Beasts, and said, “Nasu Zhan, what Realm?”

King Yan Xiong hurriedly said: “The Great Heaven is the Holy King Realm!”


King Julu said: “Yan Xiong Wang, your news is out of date, Su Zhan, he has broken through to the Realm of the Little Extreme Saint King!”

“Little Extreme Saint King Realm?”

The Abyss Demon Snake was taken aback, and immediately disdainful: “That’s it?”

The Anaconda King quickly explained: “Devil Snake senior, Na Su Zhan is not an ordinary person, although he is only in the Little Extreme Saint King Realm, but there have been rumors in the Eastern Wasteland domain that he can kill Deva!”

“Oh, so what?”

The Abyss Demon Snake sneered: “Deva Heavenly Demon, there are nine calamities.

Then Su Zhan will be heaven-defying, and at most he will kill Deva, but I have already survived the Three Tribulations!

Even if it is a hundred Su Zhan, it is not my opponent! ”

“That’s natural!”

The King Anaconda was full of admiration: “Devil Snake senior, you are a great demon, and the entire Eastern Wasteland domain is not worth mentioning in front of you!”

Seeing this, the other three Demonic Beasts didn’t dare to say any more, all standing there in fear.

“Okay, bring all the elixir and spiritual relics of the holy king level of your three races to restore vitality.”

The black-robed man in the incarnation of the Abyss Demon Snake said: “There are still ten days left until the day that the kid has set. In these ten days, I will regain my vitality.

Don’t let the sound of the wind leak out, so as not to stun the snake.

Although they are ants in my eyes, it would be very annoying if these ants run around one by one.

It’s more comfortable to gather together and annihilate in one fell swoop! ”

“Yes, Demon Snake senior!”

The three demon kings quickly responded.

“Xuantian Sacred Land, Su Zhan…”

The Abyss Demon Snake murmured, then smiled and shook his head.

They are all ants, not worthy of his worry.

The Eastern Wasteland domain was just a place to pass by for him, and he left when he finished replenishing his vitality.

After he killed those strong human races, what kind of chaos the domain will fall into, whether the two races of humans and monsters are fighting, it has nothing to do with him.

Three days later.

Su Zhan portrayed the rune of Puppet Seventeen, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

However, although rune has been portrayed.

But it will take a while for the Seventeen Spirit Heart to establish contact with the many runes and Shenmu Mailuo, and to fully integrate.

However, in this final stage, Su Zhan didn’t need to spend too much effort.

Just look at it every day, and modify the talisman array if it is difficult to integrate.

Therefore, he also rested.

After resting for an afternoon, Su Zhan flipped his palm and took out the Phoenix Spirit Feather that Feng Ling had given him.

Fengling Shenyu is not only a token Feng Ling gave him, but also a treasure!

It contains Fengling’s perception of the law of space!

Su Zhan has never touched the law of space, just so, you can use Insight to find out!

After all, the law of space, like the law of chaos, is also one of the eternal laws. If cultivation is successful, it can definitely bring many benefits!

that’s all.

Su Zhan, while insight into the law of space, continued to work on the final stage of the seventeenth transformation.

Seven more days passed.

It was the day of the banquet set by Su Zhan.

Xuantian Sacred Land, on that huge Xuantian square floating in the sky.

The tables and chairs are neatly arranged.

They are all the best things to use, tables and chairs, hip flasks, tableware…all of them are the best in the Eastern Wasteland domain!

In the center, an artificial pond was created. On the stone platform in the center of the pond, a woman of the Peacock Demon Race is dancing.

On the square, Xianle curls up.

at this time.

There are already many strong people seated.

Of course, more powerhouses are coming.

“Sacred Land, the Holy Lord is here!”

“Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land, the Holy Lord is here!”

“Langya Sacred Land, the Holy Lord is here!”

At the edge of the square, at the huge stone gate specially built for the banquet, a deacon from the ichthyosaur realm announced loudly.

Every strong coming will attract the attention of many people.

Of course, for the people of Little Sacred Land, it’s basically just a glance.

For example, Skyfire Sacred Land, Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land, they all greeted each other with smiles, saluted, and wanted to make a good impression.

“Oh my God! That square actually flies in the sky!”

It is more than a hundred miles away from Xuantian Square.

On a flying boat.

The people in the Tiannan region who were brought by a Xuantian Sacred Land principal looked at the majestic Xuantian Square, and they were all dumbfounded.

Chen Changfeng exclaimed even more!

“Ahem! Brother, why are you so inexperienced?”

Qin Jincheng was also shocked at first, but when he heard Chen Changfeng’s words, he saw that the person in front of him said it was an invitation from the Holy Lord of Xuantian, and the master of Yulong Realm Peak who had brought them here specially turned his head and looked at them.

Feeling a little embarrassed, he quickly put on a well-informed and calm look: “It’s just a floating square!

We cultivators, know all about the world, what’s so surprising about this? ”

After speaking, he approached Chen Changfeng’s ear again, and said slightly annoyed: “Don’t make a fuss about you!

Our family Su Zhan is also a holy realm existence, the strength can even compete with the holy king!

Aren’t we embarrassing Su Zhan like we have never seen the world! ”

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