Chapter 655 (Fourth)

“This is also…”

Chen Changfeng nodded, feeling that what Qin Jincheng said was reasonable.

Elder Chi Hui, a sixth-order holy realm who had just joined Xuantian Sacred Land, smiled and said, “Xuantian Square is indeed very magnificent.

When I saw Yaoyao for the first time that year, I was also a little shocked! ”

“Chi Lao is right”

Li Qingyang was full of worship and awe: “That is the most sacred place in the entire Profound Sky Dynasty!

But the true Sacred Land in the hearts of each of our cultivators!

Who sees it, can you not be moved?

Speaking of it, I never dreamed that I was away from Qingyang, a little ichthyosaur, the second Practitioner, and one day, I could come to a place like Xuantian Sacred Land to eat and drink with the strong!

Back then, following Young Master Su was probably the most wise decision I had ever made in my life away from Qingyang! ”

Li Qingyang recalled the past, feeling full of emotions.

Su Tianhai looked at the huge square, recalling the last time Su was cut back and he had become a sacred existence, and even used heaven-defying means to abruptly uplift him from the Cultivation Base!

His eyes were full of pride, and he laughed loudly: “My son Su Zhan, he is only seventeen years old, he has already been sanctified!

Such talent is rare in ancient and modern times!

With Zhan’er talent, at most ten or a hundred years, among the top powerhouses in the entire Eastern Wasteland domain, he will definitely have his place! ”

Heard this.

Qin Jincheng, Chen Changfeng and others nodded again and again.

“Brother Su is right! With Su’s talents, he will become the strongest in the Eastern Wasteland in the future!”

“That’s not it!”

Chen Changfeng looked smug: “Don’t look at who brought him into our Yun Tian sword gate?

I, Chen Changfeng, Cultivation Base is not enough, but in terms of human ability, who can compare? ”

“It’s okay, when it’s the banquet, don’t talk nonsense and let people watch jokes!”

Qin Jincheng looked disgusted.

The principal of the sixth ichthyosaur changed watching everyone laugh and hesitated, but still did not tell them that Su Zhan is now the number one powerhouse in the Eastern Wasteland domain.

Now that the Holy Lord said, I want to give them a surprise.

Then just keep it secret!

The principal thought with a smile on his face.

Soon, Feizhou arrived at Xuantian Square.

The principal gave a few words to the deacon notified by Shimen, and then left with a smile.

The deacon’s gaze at Chen Changfeng and others suddenly became respectful, and at the same time he opened his mouth to report: “Tiannan region, Yun Tian Jianmen, head of Qin Jincheng, Elder Chen Changfeng, Li Qingyang, Chi Hui, here! ”

Yun Tian Jianmen, what is it?

Hearing this, those holy kings glanced curiously.

After seeing the inferior Cultivation Base of Chen Changfeng and others easily, they all looked back with a little disdain.

In their eyes, the ichthyosaur realm really exists like an ant.

I didn’t even bother to take a look.

But soon, with the sound of the second announcement, all the holy kings suddenly got up!

“Tiannan region, Young Master Su’s biological father, Patriarch Su Tianhai is here!”

Su Zhan’s biological father!

The sage kings looked at Su Tianhai with scorching eyes.

I ignored the extremely low Cultivation Base that he didn’t even reach the Yulong Realm!

One by one came forward to salute.

“Hello, Mr. Su! I’m the Holy Lord Zhao Jiu of Jiuhe Sacred Land!”

“Holy Lord!”

Su Tianhai was taken aback. He looked at Zhao Jiu who was the first to greet him, and then at the deacon on the side: “I heard that the Holy Lord is all, they are all…”

“Holy King.”

The deacon guessed what Su Tianhai wanted to say, and quickly said: “This Jiuhe Holy Lord is also an existence of a great holy king, and is about the same as the peak holy king!”

The holy king’s great position!

The pinnacle holy king!

That is to say.

The person in front of him is not only the saint king who is stronger than the holy realm in the legend, but also the strong one among the saint kings!

Su Tianhai was shocked, and he quickly bowed respectfully and said: “See, I have seen Jiuhe Holy Lord senior!”

“Don’t dare!”

Jiuhe Holy Lord also hurriedly returned the courtesy, his body pressed lower than Su Tianhai.

Seeing this, Su Tianhai was shocked.

He is just such a humble cultivator, how can he let this senior pay such a big gift?

Could it be that this senior was dissatisfied with his attitude just now, and deliberately made such a move to vent his dissatisfaction?

This is a strong man among the holy kings!

Zhan’er is only in the holy realm!

I can’t cause him trouble!

Thinking like this in his heart, Su Tianhai simply knelt and bowed his knees: “Su Tianhai has seen Jiuhe Holy Lord!”

Anyway, Jiuhe Holy Lord is also a senior to him, so it’s okay to give a big gift.

But with him kneeling.

Jiuhe Holy Lord was so scared that his face turned pale, his knees suddenly bend!


His body also knelt on the ground!

And lower than Su Tianhai.

There was some fear in his mouth and said: “Mr. Su’s gift, Zhao can’t bear it!

Hope the old man gets up! ”

It’s not just him!

Su Tianhai’s kneeling direction.

All the saint kings of Little Sacred Land have their pupils shrunk.

Thinking that the ordinary middle-aged man in front of him was Su Zhan’s biological father, and also remembered the horrible rumors that Su Zhan walked all the way, killing people without blinking, and destroying the crowd if they didn’t agree.

Suddenly, one by one, they were terrified and knelt down one after another!


Just in front of him, Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord Li Yuandong, who was drinking, saw this scene, his eyelids twitched, his hands trembled, and he quickly moved away!

When Su Tianhai bowed down and worshiped, everyone was afraid to stand and appear in the direction of his kneeling.

This is because.

The entire Eastern Wasteland domain.

No one can stand Su Zhan’s father’s bow!

There is no one.

Dare to accept this worship!

And this time.

See this scene.

Hearing Zhao Jiu’s words that were even trembling because of fear, Chen Changfeng and others who were about to follow Su Tianhai to salute the Holy Lord of Jiuhe were immediately bewildered!

what’s the situation?

A holy king, or a strong one among holy kings, actually kneeled to a low-level cultivator?

Isn’t he wanting face?

Moreover, among the other people in front, a few people just happened to be talking to Zhao Jiu. Looking at them, it seems that they are all inter-generational exchanges.

With that said, those people are also Saint Kings? !

So many holy kings would kneel down on Su Tianhai’s face regardless of their dignity. What the hell is this? ? ?

Chen Changfeng, Qin Jincheng and the others stared wide, startled in a daze.

Even Chi Hui of the sixth-order holy realm is unbelievable!

Although Su Zhan is strong, he still exists in a holy realm after all, how could it have caused so many holy kings to look terrified?

Could it be said that in this short period of half a year, he has grown into an existence that the Holy King is also afraid of?

Chi Hui was so shocked that he couldn’t even speak!

Su Tianhai was even more shocking than them, and even more daunting!

There was a buzzing in my head, I don’t know what happened!

“Master Su, get up quickly!”

Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord Li Yuandong flashed, appeared on the seashore of Su Tian, ​​and helped him up.

Su Tianhai looked at the Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord. He only felt that the Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord was unfathomable and more powerful than the Jiuhe Holy Lord. He quickly cupped his hands and said, “Under Su Tianhai, are you?”

The Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord is not as cautious as the Jiuhe Holy Lord, smiling with cupped hands and bowing back: “I am Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land Holy Lord, Li Yuandong.

Elder Su, looking at you like this, it’s probably because the old fellow Mo Wentian hasn’t told you about Su Zhan, right?

Your precious son Su Zhan is already the Holy King! ”

“What! I haven’t seen it for more than half a year, Zhan’er has actually become a Saint King!”

Su Tianhai opened his eyes wide, and his breathing became quicker!

It took a full ten seconds before he slowed down a little, and said in a pleasant surprise: “I’m the Holy King!

Doesn’t that mean!

He can be compared with you, Holy Lord Li!

Hahaha! ”

The words just came out.

Su Tianhai thought of something, a little embarrassed, and apologized: “Li Holy Lord, forgive me!

I almost forgot, the Saint King is also divided into a lot of Realms!

To you, it must be the peak powerhouse among the holy kings!

It hasn’t been long since Zhan’er joined the Saint King, how can he compare with you?

By the way, Li Holy Lord! ”

Su Tianhai paused and smiled openly: “If you can come over and tell me about Zhan’er, it must be one of his seniors!

Zhan’er is very fond of kendo, I think Li, Holy Lord, you also sabre!

If you have spare time, I hope that Holy Lord Li will give you more pointers to teach him the truly powerful Sword Technique!

If a strong man like you accompanies Zhan’er to practice sword, his kendo will definitely advance by leaps and bounds!

I will also let Zhan’er repay you, Holy Lord Li, in the future!

Li Holy Lord, don’t worry, Zhan’er can endure hardships very much, and his physical fitness is very good!

Even if he practiced 10,000 swords against you every day, he was completely able to withstand it! ”

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