Chapter 656 The Demon Race Arrives!

Hearing Su Tianhai’s words, the smile on Li Yuandong’s face of Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord suddenly solidified.

Let me teach Su Zhan Kendo?

He can slash Deva!

What can I teach?

Did I teach him or did he teach me?

As for letting me, Li Yuandong, accompany your son Su Zhan to practice sword… and pay 10,000 swords?

This is so special!

Father Su, if you want me to die, you can just say it directly, there is no need to engage in these bells and whistles!

I am gone with one sword!

Ten thousand swords back?

Do you want me to die without a corpse? ? ?

The corners of Li Yuandong’s mouth twitched, his heart slandered, his face paled in shock, and he waved his hand quickly: “Don’t!


Su Zhan Kendo Realm far surpasses me!

I, Li Yuandong, didn’t have the ability to teach him, so don’t hurt me, Brother Su! ”

“This… Lee Holy Lord is too modest.”

Seeing Li Yuandong’s resolute refusal, Su Tianhai had to give up the idea of ​​letting Li Yuandong teach Su Swordsmanship.

Immediately, he looked at the holy kings who were kneeling and hadn’t gotten up, and quickly cupped hands and said, “Seniors, hurry up, don’t betray me!”

When the holy kings heard this, they also got up, not dissatisfied or displeased, but walked over to salute with smiles.

“Hello Mr. Su, I’m Qi He Sacred Land Holy Lord Qi Yun, I have met Mr. Su!”

“To watch Mr. Su’s heroic appearance today, Bufan, it is true that if you have a father, you must have a son! Old South Vietnam Sacred Land Holy Lord Yungu, good Mr. Su!”

“Mr. Su, I have met Mr. Su in the Sacred Land Holy Lord Jiang Han!”

Voices sounded one after another.

At the beginning.

Su Tianhai could return a few more words.

But as more and more people said hello from self-reported status, his breathing became rapid, his expression became tense, and even speaking became difficult.

Never thought of it.

The people who just kneeled in front of him were actually the Holy Lord!

They are all strong among the holy kings!

Originally, the identity of Jiuhe Holy Lord was already shocking enough.

But now, with so many people who are not weaker than the Jiuhe Holy Lord one after another, Su Tianhai’s heart is overwhelmed. Look at this Holy Lord and look at that Holy Lord.

He opened his mouth, trying to say something, but couldn’t say it.

He took a deep breath, and after three full seconds, he turned his head to look at Li Yuandong: “This, this…”

“Master Su”

Before Su Tianhai finished speaking, Li Yuandong guessed what he wanted to say, and said with a smile: “Your son Su Zhan is not just an ordinary Saint King.

He is now the number one powerhouse in the Eastern Wasteland domain! ”

The first strongest in Eastern Wasteland!

Su Tianhai’s pupils shrank, his face full of disbelief.

Although he is also very proud of Su Zhan, but it has been more than half a year since the last meeting, Su Zhan has become the number one powerhouse in the Eastern Wasteland from a holy realm?

How is this possible! ! !

Unbelievable in his heart, Su Tianhai shook his head repeatedly: “This is unlikely, Li Holy Lord, you are too exaggerated. Zhan’er is only 17 years old this year!

The number one in Eastern Wasteland is still too far away…”

When Chen Changfeng heard this, he thought of Su Zhan’s abnormality, and he smiled: “Others, even if the inanimate sword emperor is resurrected, it is said that in less than a year, he has grown from the tenth-order holy realm to Eastern. The first strongest in the Wasteland domain.

I definitely don’t believe it!

But Su Zhan…

Not to mention that he became the number one in Eastern Wasteland, even if you tell me that he can play ten second place in Eastern Wasteland, he is stronger than the number one Eastern Wasteland in the past, I believe it!

Nothing else, I was almost numb by the shock of Su Zhan!

If he is really as we expected, step by step, and still an ordinary holy king, then I would find it a bit strange, hehe! ”

Qin Jincheng Li Qingyang and the others also nodded.

Su Zhan can indeed turn the impossible into possible.

When Li Yuandong heard those words, the corners of his mouth twitched, his expression a little bit resentful.

Can ten Eastern Wasteland be second?

Isn’t this just me?

How do you know that Su Zhan can beat ten of me?

Even if you know it, don’t tell me you damn!

Am I dignified Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord, don’t Deva want to face in half a step? ? ?

Li Yuandong was depressed and waved his hand: “Master Su, and fellow daoists from Jianmen, let’s sit down and have a drink and talk.

If you want to know about Su Zhan, you can ask me, I know everything. ”

With that said, Li Yuandong took Su Tianhai, Chen Changfeng and others to the seats, and talked about the things he knew about Su Zhan’s growth.

Su Zhan is no longer that junior Su Zhan now.

It’s an existence that can kill Deva!

Although Li Yuandong consciously didn’t like to engage in relationships and things like that, Su Zhan and him were already quite familiar. Now that Su Zhan’s friend and his biological father have arrived, he would entertain you. That is also normal.

Moreover, it is better to have a relationship with someone who can kill Deva. Surely no one in the Eastern Wasteland domain will refuse, right?

With these in mind, Li Yuandong’s tone became more gentle and normal, facing Chen Changfeng and others with an equal attitude.

As for Chen Changfeng and others, they were also very respectful, without the slightest gesture of arrogance relying on friendship with Su Zhan.

Of course, they don’t talk much.

Basically, they are listening.

It’s not that they don’t want to talk.

It’s just that the things Li Yuandong said, such as winning the opportunity of the gods, defeating the Lintianyu Tianjiao, creating the strongest Sword Technique, destroying the Blood Demon sect, and saving the Vajra dynasty demons from the battlefield crisis…

Each piece, to them, is like listening to a fantasy.

Too bizarre, too shocking!

So that even the words are not easy to speak!

At this time, seeing that Su Tianhai and others were invited by Li Yuandong, the other Holy Lords who wanted to invite returned to their seats in disappointment, and continued to wait for Su Zhan’s arrival.

Two more hours passed.

All the human forces invited in the Eastern Wasteland domain, except for a few small Sacred Land’s Holy Lords, it’s true that they couldn’t catch up with important things. They sent a big Elder to replace them, other Sacred Land Holy Lords, and some neutral leaders. arrival!

However, none of the monster clan forces that were invited was present.

“Holy Lord, it seems that the monster race will not come.”

Xuantian Plaza, on the front platform of the Great Hall.

Tang Wujian looked at the square, and moved to his side, who had just walked out of the Great Hall and signed an urgent matter that needed to be dealt with. The Holy Lord Mo Wentian was on the body of Xuantian.

“It shouldn’t be…”

Mo Wentian frowned: “As far as I know about the four great monsters in the Eastern Wasteland domain, they are all bullying and fearful of hardships, and being tough on the outside and counseling on the inside.

The invitation letter was issued in Su Zhan’s personal name, and it also specifically stated that this time it is to discuss and determine the future of the Eastern Wasteland domain!

No one, no force can be absent!

Otherwise, it will be against Su Zhan and our Xuantian Sacred Land!

The big monsters in our Sacred Land are really not serious…

But Su Zhan’s fame has long been spread throughout the Eastern Wasteland domain. Among high rank cultivation people, the monster clan definitely knows Su Zhan’s terrifying strength!

They should come, and they will bring gifts. This is the style of the big demons in my impression! ”

“I’m coming early.”

Tang Wujian shook his head: “Maybe they thought that the news that Su Zhan could kill Deva were all rumors!”

“It’s possible, forget it, don’t come if you don’t come!”

Mo Wentian smiled and said, “No matter how much he is, it will be fine if Su Zhan is here, and the banquet will be held as usual!”

“Well, the Holy Lord will contact Su Zhan’s Young Master Order with the Holy Lord Order! Time is almost up, let him pass quickly-eh, that’s it?”

The words are not over yet.

Tang Wujian’s gaze fell on the sky, and on the figures that were approaching here quickly, their expressions instantly condensed!

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