Chapter 657 Three Jietian Demon Hot Pot!

Soon, as the distance got closer, he also saw clearly, and said in amazement: “It’s the four half-step demon king Anaconda, Yanxiong King, Giant Deer King, and Purple Lion King!

They actually came together! ”

“It seems that the name Su Zhan is still useful.”

Mo Wentian smiled. Immediately, his gaze fell on the giant anaconda that was flying through the waves with the Spiritual Qi beneath him. A trace of doubt appeared on his face: “Who is that person on the head of the Anaconda King? ”

Tang Wujian said, “You’ll know after you ask those monster races.”

With that said, he flew towards the square.

Looking at the black robe man, Mo Wentian felt a little uneasy.

But at this time, he had no other way to detect the identity of the black-robed man, so he had to follow Tang Wujian to the square.

Soon, the four-headed half-step sky demon fell on the edge of the square.

As it was stated in the invitation letter that the demon clan will be invited to come this time, the holy kings are not too surprised.

Just look at the four Demonic Beasts with hostility in his eyes.

“Four demon seniors, please take human form to the banquet!”

At Shimen, the deacon reminded.

The Holy Land can already be transformed into a human form in a short time. It is not difficult to participate in the banquet in the form of a human race in the Cultivation Base of Demonic Beasts such as Anaconda King.

But the few big monsters simply ignored them.

The King Anaconda was even more mouthful, swallowing that deacon in front of everyone!

“Presumptuous! King Anaconda! You are looking for death!”

“To slaughter our human race in front of our human race, King Anaconda, today I am nine in Sacred Land with you!”

“So does Sacred Land in South Vietnam!”

“Xuantian Holy Lord! You are the master here! Please give your order quickly and allow us to take action to kill these bastard monster races!”

Seeing the same clan being eaten, the Holy Lord, who is extremely distinguished in their respective territories, only felt that being slapped face to face was unbearable and roared!

Mo Wentian’s face was gloomy, and his eyes surged with killing intent. If it hadn’t been for Nian Zai Su Zhan to call these monster races over for something, he had already taken action at this time!

But even so, this account has to be counted!

Just when he planned to control King Anaconda and waited until Su Zhan arrived and dealt with the matter before killing him.

The Anaconda King was unscrupulous, and said again: “The human race of the Eastern Wasteland domain, let this king listen!

After half a step Deva, willing to surrender to our monster race, there can be a way to survive!

As for the half-step Deva…hehe!

That is the blood food of the devil snake senior, just wait for death! ”

This statement came out.

The strong human races who were already burning with anger were all furious!

One of the Holy Lord directly broke out the law Realm, with Sheng Yuan’s aura, shouting at the King Anaconda: “King Anaconda!

Daddy’s son was eaten by your crap!

Do you want daddy to submit to you?

dream! ”

The Anaconda King looked at the Holy Lord, with a flame of hatred in his eyes: “Holy Lord Baichuan, it’s you!

My son’s blood is even stronger than mine. It was the arrogant genius of our Anaconda and Spirit Snake clan, you killed him! ”


Baichuan Holy Lord gritted his teeth: “Not only will I kill your son, I will kill you today and give my son a revenge!!!”

With a roar, a large river of phantoms appeared around the Holy Lord of Baichuan!

Every extra one.

His breath is strong!

In the end, thirty-six large rivers appeared, and the Holy Lord of Baichuan was supported by a huge wave and rushed towards the Anaconda King!

Although he is only the pinnacle of the Saint King’s Great Extreme, the cultivation technique’s supernatural power just restrains the Anaconda King, so he is not afraid at all!

“Great pinnacle…Forget it, now I haven’t recovered my vitality, so I won’t be picky eaters.”

Seeing the Holy Lord of Baichuan rushing, the black-robed man standing on the head of King Anaconda frowned slightly and waved his hand at the Holy Lord of Baichuan casually.


The next moment!

A look of horror appeared on the face of the Holy Lord of Baichuan, and his body was abruptly crushed by the power of the terrifying law of heavy water that appeared suddenly!

Turned into a rain of blood and minced meat!

It was at this time.

The black robe man flew towards the bloody rain.

In the air, it turned into a giant snake with a length of a thousand meters and covered in pitch black scale armor, with a big mouth, swallowing all the bloody meat into the abdomen.


After blasting the Holy Lord of Baichuan, the Abyssal Demon Snake suddenly flew into the sky with a big mouth, and a burst of black air was sprayed out!

The black gas turned into a field and spread to the surroundings, like an inverted giant bowl, covering the entire Xuantian Square!

Cover the sky!

After confirming that no one could escape, the huge body of the Abyss Demon Snake was suspended in the sky, and his eyes coldly swept across the human race below: “A group of frogs at the bottom of the well, I don’t know how high the sky is!

Perhaps, only when death is imminent can you know how humble and ridiculous you are!

Oh, right”

Thinking of certain things, the Abyss Demon Snake didn’t rush to do it, anyway, these people couldn’t run away now, looking for those holy kings.

The Abyss Demon Snake sneered and said: “I heard that there is a Su Zhan in your human race, who can kill Deva, the sky demon?

What about others?


Call him over!

He is so powerful, you should let him come and try!

Can you kill my Three Tribulations Heavenly Demon? ”


Three Tribulations Heavenly Demon!

Below, those holy kings who were shocked by the abyss demon snake easily killing Baichuan Holy Lord, after hearing this, their faces were full of horror!

Even the body trembled!

“Heavenly Demon! In the legend, it exists like Deva and Heavenly Demon!”

“Su Zhan can indeed kill the sky demon, but after all, he is just a holy king, and at most he can kill a heavenly demon!

This monster race has already survived the Three Tribulations, and I am afraid that Su Zhan can’t stop it! ”

“Three Tribulations Sky Demon, horror! It’s horrible!

Just now, he just waved his hand, and the Holy Lord of Baichuan who was stronger than me died instantly! ”

“Could it be that today, our Eastern Wasteland human race Sacred Land, is it really over…”

A series of desperate voices sounded.

After knowing that the Abyss Demon Snake was the Three Tribulations Heaven Demon, those holy kings had no hope.

In their opinion, Su Zhan is already very powerful in killing One Tribulation Deva. As for Three Tribulation…

Su Zhan’s Cultivation Base is still too low, which is obviously impossible.

The Holy Lord who was just so energetic, tasting wine and discussing things, was full of despair at the moment.

And this time.

Cut Tianfeng.

Just put on a new clothes, washed his face, walked out of Immortal Cave, rode on Xiao Bai, and was going to Xuantian Square, Su Zhan Yaoyao saw the black air, his eyes condensed suddenly.

Lingqing’s eyes were aroused, and even though they were very far away, he probably saw that it was a giant snake making waves.

“This is… the snake that crossed the sky demon’s third calamity that I encountered in the Eastern Wasteland waters?

I didn’t pay any attention to it that day. I didn’t expect it to go to Xuantian Sacred Land to do evil? ”

Su Zhan murmured, frowning.

After thinking about it, he turned his head and said to Tang Liuxue, who was just about to ride Lei Shi to Xuantian Square with him: “Go back to the kitchen and bring all the seasonings in our house.”

Tang Liuxue was suddenly stunned: “His Royal Highness, what is this going to do?

The dishes for the banquet are all ready! ”

“It’s okay, add one more.”

“Add one…”

Tang Liuxue curiously asked, “What to add?”

Su Zhan looked in the direction of Xuantian Square, his eyes fell on the giant demon snake, his tone was slightly cold:

“Three Tribulations Sky Demon Big Hot Pot!”

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