Chapter 659 You can rest assured!

If you can’t be a spiritual pet, just make a hot pot?

Still feeling well?

I feel so good about your uncle!

The abyss demon snake roared in his heart.

He was originally the great demon of the Primordial Realm, and he didn’t grow up in Fengling Ruins like Xiaobai, so of course he understood what Su Zhan meant.

This is going to eat him!

As the Three Tribulations Heavenly Demon, he has always been the only one who eats others from the Abyss Demon Snake, so there is no reason for others to eat him!

If it is really some ancient fierce beast, that’s it!

But right now, he was actually going to be eaten by human ants!

This is simply a great shame!

I was very angry in my heart, but the Abyss Demon Snake still had a strong desire to survive, and he still didn’t give up, and said in horror: “You spare me, I can bring you a lot of benefits!

Do you want to eat the demon?

I can grab it for you!

you want–”


Before he finished speaking, Su Zhan hit it again!

The dying Abyss Demon Snake’s head just raised suddenly fell to the ground weakly.

The two huge eyes were full of unwillingness, remorse, and resentment.

Originally, he had the opportunity to heaven-defying to survive the third calamity of the heavenly demon!

After returning to the blood moon domain, you can become a demon king!

Moreover, with the help of the unique cultivation environment of the Blood Moon Region against the monster race, he can even go one step further!

What a bright future!

But now, it’s all gone!

And all this is just because he wants to use a small Eastern Wasteland human race that doesn’t even have Deva as a blood food…

The Abyss Demon Snake was unwilling to repent with infinite regret, completely died, and died of vitality!

As the huge body of the Abyss Demon Snake stopped struggling, this Xuantian Square also became quiet.

Looking at the huge demon snake that was easily killed by Su Zhan’s three-and-a-half punches, those desperate holy kings just gave birth to a feeling of dreaming!

The sky demon is already extremely powerful!

The Three Tribulations Sky Demon is much stronger than the average Sky Demon!

Just now, he even just waved his hand at random to kill the Holy Lord of Baichuan!

But it is such a powerful existence.

In front of Su Zhan, he didn’t even have the power to resist!

Then, Su Zhan, how terribly strong it should be! ! !

The hearts of the saint kings were so shocked that even their breathing became heavy!

Mo Wentian and others were also shocked.

Although they believed that Su Zhan was capable of slaying the Abyssal Demon Serpent, they did not expect that they would be killed in such a crushing posture!

This was the first time they saw that Su Zhan truly opposed the existence of the sky demon!

Of course, there was a shock in my heart at this time.

However, on Xuantian Square.

The most shocking thing was the four half-step sky demon!

The four-headed demon was already dumbfounded at this time, rubbing his eyes vigorously, thinking that he had seen it wrong!

what’s the situation?

The Demon Snake senior of the Three Tribulations Sky Demon just died like this?

Was beaten to death by a few punches by a saint king?

Is the demon snake senior not as strong as he imagined, or is Su Zhan too perverted? ? ?

After the shock in my heart.

The four-headed demon king immediately became frightened!

The reason why they dare to come to Xuantian Sacred Land so arrogantly is because of the existence of the abyssal snake!

There is a sky demon as the backer, of course they dare to do whatever they want!

But now.

Backer was beaten to death!

They lose their sense of security all of a sudden!

“Su, Lord Su, spare your life! My Anaconda King is willing to surrender Lord Su!”

“My Yan Xiong King is willing to charge for Young Master Su for generations!”

“I am willing too!”

“Begging Lord Su to forgive us, all of this is threatened by the Abyss Demon Snake! It’s none of our business!”

The Four-Headed Demon King knelt on the ground, begging for mercy in horror.

At this time, Su Zhan also looked at the four Demonic Beasts, with a calm tone: “Abyss Demon Snake is the main dish, you can also make do as a side dish.”

As soon as these words came out, the four Demonic Beasts were shocked. They looked at each other, and they all saw the despair in the eyes of the other party!

An existence that can easily kill the Three Tribulations Sky Demon, even if they want to escape, they probably won’t have any chance!

“Let’s run separately! Maybe there is still a chance to survive!”

The Purple Lion King really couldn’t accept the torment of waiting for death, roared, turned around and fled!

But as soon as it rushed out of Xuantian Square, a huge claw was embedded in his flesh and blood, and the terrifying power contained in it exploded, shattering his whole body!


Xiao Bai threw the Purple Lion King at Su Zhan’s feet, looking like he was inviting credit.

“Well, I’ll eat more later.”

Su Zhan patted Xiaobai, and looked at the other three trembling big monsters: “Well, this lion is dead, it’s your turn to take the next step—”

“Wait! Lord Su, I still have something to report!”

Just when Su Zhan was about to make a move, King Julu thought of something, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, and shouting hoarsely: “Master Su!

The King Anaconda just swallowed a human cultivation!

An anaconda spirit snake family, the stomach is like a water prison, after swallowing the prey, if it is not anxious to digest and replenish physical strength, it will generally not die immediately!

That person is still saved! ”

Upon hearing this, King Yan Xiong suddenly roared!

While the King Anaconda on the side was not paying attention, two huge arms clung to King Anaconda tightly: “Master Su, I have controlled King Anaconda, and I hope Master Su will give us a chance to guilt and do meritorious service!”

Is there someone in the anaconda king’s belly?

Su Zhan was also slightly startled, and immediately his eyes were cold, the holy thought surged, and the soul-slashing and sword-splitting slashed out!

In the horrified gaze of King Anaconda, Soul Slashing Sword directly slashed his soul!

King Anaconda’s huge body fell limply to the ground.

Afterwards, Su cut and pointed like a sword, and directly broke open the abdomen of King Anaconda, the power of the Holy Yuan burst out, and took out the deacon that was swallowed by King Anaconda.

“I, I’m not dead yet?”

The dirty liquid covered in the deacon’s body was taken aback after he came out. He immediately saw the dead body of King Anaconda and Su Zhan. He immediately understood, and quickly knelt on one knee, and said with great gratitude: “Young Master!

Thank you young master for saving my life! ”

Su Zhan’s eyes flashed, and he said, “You have damage to your muscles and bones, but it’s okay.

Go take a shower first, wash it clean, and you can recover when you come to eat the ignition pot. ”

Is it okay to eat the ignition pot?

Deacon was puzzled, but at this time he did what he said, and left Xuantian Square temporarily after answering.

“You two…”

Su Zhan looked at Yan Xiong King and Julu King again.

King Yanxiong said quickly: “Master Su, my Yanxiong clan is infinitely powerful!

We are very useful!

You save my life, Yan Xiong clan can move with Master Su! ”

“Our Julu clan occupies more than ten thousand miles of the Eastern Wasteland domain. They are all spiritual tree forests. The spiritual fruits are abundant. I am willing to give all those territories to Young Master Su!

Please spare my life, Lord Su! ”

The Giant Deer King also said in horror.


Su Zhan thought about it, thinking that these two Demonic Beasts could only save a life, and they are indeed useful places, he said: “From now on, you Yan Xiong clan, help us Sacred Land mine veins, giant deer clan. , Just help us pick the spirit fruit.

As for you two demon kings…

From now on, stay in Xuantian Sacred Land and watch the mountain gate! ”

“Yes, yes, thank you Master Su!”

“Master Su’s great grace, unforgettable forever!”

The Two Demon King breathed a sigh of relief and quickly thanked.

Immediately, they glanced at each other, and they all saw the bitterness on each other’s face.

Originally, Gao Gao Xinxin came over happily, ready to take advantage of the prestige of the magic snake senior to have a good meal.

As a result, this hasn’t started to eat yet!

The Devil Snake senior killed people!

It will be made into hot pot!

That’s it.

But who did they provoke?

Just followed the Abyss Demon Snake, it didn’t start hurting the human race, it became a gatekeeper!

This is so special!

I have only heard of watchdogs.

When will their dignified Yan Xiong King and Julu King be the gatekeepers… alas!

What is this called!

The two Demonic Beasts collapsed in their hearts.

Can be soon.

Thinking of the fate of the Abyss Demon Snake.

They gave birth to a sense of rejoicing.

The gatekeeper is the one who watched the gate. Even being a dog is better than being treated as a hot pot, right? !

The two Demonic Beasts leaned together tremblingly and carefully moved to the edge of the square. They didn’t dare to leave or actually come forward to the banquet, so they had to shrink there and gather together to keep warm.

Su Zhan didn’t pay attention to them anymore, looking at Tang Liuxue who had just arrived at Xuantian Square riding a Thunder Lion Xiao Bubai, and saw the huge Demonic Beasts corpses in Xuantian Square, stunned Tang Liuxue.

“Tang Liuxue, you are here at the right time.

The ingredients are ready, you can start. ”

As he said, he thought of something, and glanced at the trembling Yan Xiong King and Giant Deer King: “If you need bear paws and venison, there are spare ingredients, you can rest assured.”

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