Chapter 660 Excited Su Tianhai!

This statement came out.

King Yan Xiong and King Julu flicked again, terrified.

Tang Liuxue was dumbfounded.

Looking at the huge body of the Abyss Demon Snake, I feel the breath of Demonic Beasts that has not yet completely dissipated!

She was shocked!

It turned out that the Three Tribulations Heavenly Demon Hot Pot that His Highness said was true!

He really, really killed a sky demon to make hot pot!

This is too, too exaggerated!

After a few seconds, Tang Liuxue came back to her senses, pointed at the huge body of the Abyss Demon Snake, and stuttered: “Hall, Your Highness, you really, really want to use these Demonic Beasts to make hot pot?”

“Yes, is there any problem?”


Tang Liuxue was slightly shocked in her heart, and gave a wry smile: “Where do we have such a big pot?”

“It’s okay.”

Su Zhan thought of something, his gaze swept across the group of holy kings, and he found the Holy Lord of Heavenly Fire. He smiled and said, “Heavenly Fire Holy Lord, your Heavenly Fire Cauldron in Sacred Land is a Heavenly Dao Holy Soldier. It’s great to be a hot pot, if you don’t mind, I hope to borrow it.”

“No, don’t mind!”

Heavenly Fire Holy Lord heard Su Zhan’s words, and just recovered from the shock, and took out a small fire-red mini cauldron with his palm.

Skyfire Sacred Land, there are a total of two Heavenly Dao Saint Soldiers.

But only Skyfire Cauldron is the heritage of Skyfire Sacred Land through generations. For Skyfire Sacred Land, it is extremely precious.

But even if it is precious, the Holy Lord of Skyfire is not at all reluctant.

If Su Zhan hadn’t arrived in time, his life would be lost, so what would he care about?

Moreover, Su Zhan’s strength is too strong!

Far beyond his expectations, with this terrifying growth rate, perhaps, in a few decades, Su Zhan might really become the mythical existence standing on top of the entire spiritual world!

With this in mind, Heavenly Fire Holy Lord held the small cauldron in both hands, walked to Su Zhan, and handed it up respectfully: “Su Zhan, you saved us today, this Heavenly Fire Cauldron, if you can use it, even Take it!”

“I don’t want to make Sky Demon hot pot every day. The fire cauldron is of no use to me. I will pay you back when I use it up.”

Su Zhan smiled and took the Skyfire Cauldron.

Skyfire Holy Lord heard his words, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Tianhuo Ding was originally used to pill refining refining tools.

When did it become hot pot?

Of course, as long as Su Zhan is yours.

Not to mention making hot pot, just cooking pot, that’s okay!

Of course, the Holy Lord of Skyfire would not have any opinions.

Su Zhan doesn’t need it, he is too late to be happy!

The Aura of Different Treasures opens.

Su Zhan directly ignored the restrictions imposed by Skyfire Sacred Land on the Skyfire Cauldron, which inspired the Skyfire Cauldron!


The flames are soaring!

That heavenly fire cauldron turned into a kilometer-sized giant cauldron!

Fall from the sky!


When it fell on the ground, the entire Xuantian Square trembled!

Immediately afterwards, the shadow of the law of water attribute in Su Zhanzi Mansion shone, and the water attribute Spiritual Qi between heaven and earth was captured and gathered by him!

A wave of water is formed, and pours into the giant tripod!

Under the power of the Heavenly Fire Cauldron, the water soon boiled!

“Tang Liuxue, take care of it next!”

After doing all this, Su Zhan moved towards Tang Liuxue.

Tang Liuxue was stunned for a moment, and then nodded quickly.

Put those seasonings into the giant pot.

At the same time, he began to use the fake Heavenly Dao saint weapon sword that Su Zhan gave him, cut open the scales of the abyss demon snake, cut the flesh and blood into strips, and threw it into the giant cauldron.

Because the body of the Abyss Demon Snake is too huge.

There is no need to actually crack it, just the outermost meat, so many people can’t finish it!

Not to mention, there are also King Anaconda and King Violet Lion.

Xiao Bubai and some deacons on Xuantian Square also began to help Tang Liuxue to speed up efficiency.

And this time.

After all the troubles were resolved, Su Zhan also breathed a sigh of relief, and headed in the direction where Mo Wentian and Su Tianhai and the others were.

“Su Zhan, your Star God Body Tempering fist already has the true meaning of my ancestor Martial God!”

As soon as he walked over, Ye Qingyu, who stood behind Mo Wentian, was already full of worship, even obsessed: “This is just such a short time, you can actually cultivation the Star God Body Tempering to this point. The fist made that giant python lose its combat power!

Your talent in refining the body, I am afraid that it has reached the point where there is no one before, and there is no one in the future! ”

Su Zhan shook his head: “The Star God Body Tempering fist is still very difficult to cultivate. At least I spent ten days at the beginning and only cultivated to Xiaocheng. You look great, it’s because that stupid snake is too weak.

The weaker the enemy, the stronger I am. In fact, it is not. ”

Ten days, cultivation to Xiaocheng, this is also called difficult cultivation?

What other enemy is weak to make you strong… I have seen that magic snake blasted a Holy Lord with a wave of his hand!

Can this be called weak?

Well, for your pervert.

It’s really weak.

Ye Qingyu was slanderous in his heart, a little speechless: “You are good, you are strong, and you are right!”

“Su Zhan, you kid well done! I just saw him upset when this stupid snake was just so powerful!”

Tang Wujian also came over, patted Su Zhan on the shoulder, and laughed loudly: “Sure enough, in front of my apprentice, in the Eastern Wasteland domain, who is the enemy?”

Mo Wentian smiled: “Tang Elder, this is correct, but it also includes yourself, so don’t be smug!

By the way, Su Zhan”

As he said, Mo Wentian remembered something, his smile narrowed, and he leaned closer and whispered: “The flesh and blood of the Three Tribulations Sky Demon is definitely an extremely precious treasure!

Better than many Medicine Pills used for cultivation!

Su Zhan, do you really want to distribute such a treasure to everyone? ”

“The most valuable thing about Demonic Beasts is the Monster core. These flesh and blood are second. Moreover, such a big snake, as well as the purple lion king, the anaconda king, can’t finish eating, and then put it in the Sacred Land treasure house. Some cultivation resources are saved.”

“How can this work! Su Zhan, take it away by yourself!”

Su Zhan shook his head: “My storage ring is not a place to hold these bloody things. Of course I want the Monster core and those scales.

Don’t just throw away the others that are not of high value. I’m not interested anyway. ”

“Then, that’s all right!”

Seeing that Su Zhan was so determined, Mo Wentian didn’t continue to say more, with a smile on his face.

What Su Zhan didn’t want was a treasure to them!

Say hello to Mo Wentian and others, Su Zhan also walked to Su Tianhai and Chen Changfeng and others who were protected by Mo Wentian and some distance behind him.

“Zhan, Zhan’er you, you, you, you really, really—”

Su Tianhai’s excited mouth was trembling.

He knew that Su Zhan was very good.

But I never expected it to be so powerful!

Even the Abyssal Demon Snake, who was desperate for all the Holy Lords that had just been suppressed, was easily killed by Su Zhan!


Say it like this…

Is what the Holy Lord Li said just now true?

My son Su Zhan is really the number one in Eastern Wasteland!

Not ten years, not a hundred years!

Today, he is the number one in Eastern Wasteland, the number one strong in Eastern Wasteland! ! !

I was extremely excited.

Su Tianhai only felt that the blood rushed to the top of his head, his brain banged, his head was hot, and his eyes were black.

In the doubtful eyes of other people, he fainted straightly.

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