Chapter 661: Building a Book Building! (The third larger chapter)

“Father, what’s the matter with you?”

Su Zhan’s body flashed, supporting Su Tianhai, Sheng Yuan Wenrun Su Tianhai’s body.

Su Tianhai also woke up, still unable to restrain his excitement: “Zhan’er, you, tell the truth to your father, are you, are you kid? Are you the best in Eastern Wasteland after all!”


Su Zhan nodded truthfully.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

Su Tianhai laughed loudly: “My son Su Zhan! He is the number one player in Eastern Wasteland!

He is the strongest player in Eastern Wasteland! ”

Those holy kings were also looking at Su Tianhai at this time.

Seeing his crazy look.

No one laughed.

They can also understand that, after all, Su Tianhai’s Cultivation Base is so humble, but his son, in a short period of time, has become the strongest cultivator in the Eastern Wasteland domain. Of course he is excited!

It’s not much better after changing these holy kings.

Of course, this is only a secondary reason.

The main thing.

Still no one dared to laugh at it.

The Three Tribulations Heavenly Demon were all killed, and now, no one has questioned Su Zhan’s strength!

Originally, those Holy Lords who came from the remote Sacred Land and hadn’t seen Su Zhan were already convinced by this time!

“Brother Su, what’s so shocking about this?”

Chen Changfeng’s hippie smile: “Don’t look at who Su Zhan introduced the cultivation path?

No. 1 in the Eastern Wasteland domain is nothing!

Waiting, Su Zhan will surely become the strongest in the spirit world! ”

Qin Jincheng chuckled, “That is inevitable!”

Su Zhan’s eyes fell on them, and he also smiled happily.

“It’s been a long time, Chen Elder, Head Qin, you still haven’t changed at all!”

“It’s only half a year, soon.”

Qin Jincheng had just finished speaking, and suddenly thought that in the past six months, Su Zhan had become the number one powerhouse in Eastern Wasteland, and he had just stabilized the Realm, which was the number one fish and dragon.

Suddenly became a little depressed.

Everyone is human, is the gap a bit too big? ? ?

Chen Changfeng saw Qin Jincheng’s thoughts, and said freely, “Senior Brother Qin, don’t you compare with Su Zhan again in your heart?

I advise you!

Even if you compare with the Wusheng Sword Emperor, don’t compare with Su Zhan!

Can this be compared! It’s purely boring! ”


Qin Jincheng smiled and nodded.

“Father, Elder Chen, Head Qin, some of these elixir can prolong lifespan, and some can be used as Ascension Cultivation Base. Take it!”

Su Zhan palmed his hand, and a pile of porcelain vases appeared in his hand.

These are Medicine Pills that are very low-level to him.

But it is very suitable for the cultivators under the holy realm.

It was also specially prepared by him for Su Tianhai and others. The Medicine Pill that everyone got was different, which was in line with their physique.

I originally planned to leave Xuantian Sacred Land and hand it over to them when I returned to Tiannan. Now that Su Tianhai and others have come to Sacred Land to meet, it is time to give it away.

Su Tianhai, Chen Changfeng, and Qin Jincheng did not shirk, and accepted them with a smile on their faces.

They also knew that to Su Zhan now, these things were really nothing, and the more they refused, the more difficult it was for Su Zhan.

“Master Su, I haven’t seen you for half a year. I didn’t expect you to be the number one player in Eastern Wasteland!

Li certain He De He Neng, can actually follow a strong Eastern Wasteland! ”

Li Qingyang was also excited, kneeling on one knee.

He is different from Chen Changfeng and others.

After all, he was just a subordinate of Su Zhan, and of course he did not dare to joke like Chen Changfeng and others.

“Li Qingyang, get up!”

Su Zhan said: “Since you have corrected the evil and returned to the right, and honestly fulfilled your original promise at Sword Sect, then you can be regarded as your own person.

Hold these things and cultivate them well. ”

“Yes, yes! Thank you Young Master Su! Thank you Young Master Su!”

Li Qingyang kowtowed again and again, and took the storage ring gratefully.

“As for you…”

Su Zhan looked at Chi Hui: “The time for you to join Sword Sect is too short, so you can eat the ignition pot later, and I haven’t prepared any gifts for you.”

“No, I dare not!”

Chi Hui hurriedly cupped hands and said: “It is a blessing for the old to be able to trace Master Su, not to mention, these Demonic Beasts are the real treasures to the old! Old people worship Master Su!”


Su Zhan didn’t mean to say much to Chi Hui.

Suddenly, he thought of something, his face was a little weird and said, “Chen Elder, what’s wrong with Wang Hao?”

“Wang Hao…”

Chen Changfeng had a headache: “I’m afraid this kid is possessed!

He is thinking about how to take care of your sunflower gardens in Immortal Cave. There are more than a dozen varieties!

Even sleep, sleep on the edge of the flower field! ”

“So outrageous?”

Su Zhan was a little surprised, and immediately took out a storage bag and handed it to Chen Changfeng, with a smile: “It seems that Junior Brother Wang is indeed a good material for farming!

There are some seedlings of elixir in it, let him plant them on Baiyun Peak!

After the elixir matures, Jianmen can also get a lot of benefits. ”

“Okay, I’ll tell him, Su Zhan, won’t you return to Tiannan again?”

Chen Changfeng just took over the storage bag, thinking that Su Zhan had just given them those things, so he asked quickly.

“The Eastern Wasteland domain has come to an end. If I stay here again, my cultivation speed will drop drastically.”

Su Zhan looked at the sky far away: “I’m going to the largest realm of the spirit world, the Central State Region. Only there can I Ascension myself and accomplish my small goal!”

“The true dragon is not trapped in the shallows. Su Zhan, you will become the strongest mythical person in the future. It is reasonable to leave the Eastern Wasteland domain.”

Chen Changfeng was also relieved.

I chatted with Su Tianhai and the others for a while, mainly to answer some of their questions about why cultivation is so fast, why it is so strong, and why they can kill so many Realm and so on.

For these.

Su Zhan all used the words “work hard” to deal with it.

“As long as you work hard like me, you will catch up with me sooner or later, come on!”

Finally, after speaking to the dumbfounded people, Su Zhan smiled and walked away.

When he came to the high platform, he glanced across all the holy kings and said directly: “This time I am calling you over because I am leaving the Eastern Wasteland domain.

But before leaving, there is one more thing to do.

According to my observations, the Sacred Land, Sect, and the dynasties of Eastern Wasteland are still friendly on the surface, but in reality, they are fighting with each other.

Moreover, the Eastern Wasteland domain Martial Dao could not develop. A large part of the reason was that the various forces were on guard against each other, and Cultivation Technique martial arts were strictly prohibited from spreading.

Martial Dao, it was originally to communicate with each other and learn from each other to find out the drawbacks. You only know that you are working behind closed doors. You only know the old ways of the predecessors. How can it be done?

Therefore, I thought of a method.

That is to build a bookstore!

In the Eastern Wasteland domain, all forces reaching the Sacred Land level need to put their most powerful Secret Technique into the book building.

In this way, you can learn from others and learn from each other!

Of course, the book building is also divided into levels.

Calculated by points, pay different levels of Cultivation Technique martial arts, the points you get will also be different, and the corresponding points can only enter the corresponding book building floor to watch other forces of the same level Cultivation Technique martial arts!

However, points can be earned through other credits such as improving Cultivation Technique and discovering a secret realm somewhere!

This time, the six top Sacred Lands in the Eastern Wasteland domain will also come up with their top and best Cultivation Technique secrets!

In other words, as long as you work hard, it is entirely possible to cultivate the top Sacred Land’s Cultivation Technique martial arts! ”

The voice just fell.

The entire Xuantian Square was a sensation!

“Can you cultivate to the top six Sacred Land’s Cultivation Technique martial arts? That’s what I want in my dreams!”

“But don’t forget, we also need to hand over our own Secret Technique!”

“If you hand it over, you can hand it over! You can exchange for something else without losing money!”

“How can you say that? The same level of Cultivation Technique martial arts is also very different, maybe what you handed over is the real Secret Technique, and other forces just put some bad Cultivation Techniques?”

When the saint kings talked about it, some were optimistic and some were unwilling.

Seeing this, Su frowned slightly.

It seems that just these are not enough to make everyone’s heart beat.


Doesn’t I still have one in the entire spirit world, and below Deva, it can definitely be regarded as a strong sword technique in cultivation Sword Technique?

Is this enough?

I thought so in my heart.

Su Zhan palmed his hand, a roll of Jade Slip appeared, and said loudly: “Everyone!

If you join the library, in addition to what I said above.

There is also a very strong Sword Technique to learn!

This Sword Technique, called Wanxiangyuan Sword Technique, is absolutely powerful!

And, more importantly.

This Sword Technique does not require points, as long as you join, you can learn!

Join now and cultivate on the spot, I can also give some guidance!

How about it, now you should be able to make a choice! ”

After Su Zhan finished speaking, he looked at those holy kings with some expectation, and wanted to find a few suitable roots to cultivate the inheritance of this Sword Technique.

But the result.

After he finished saying that he wanted to cultivate Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship to everyone.

Those saint kings who were still arguing, blushing and thick-necked all closed their mouths, showing scared expressions one by one.

I wanted to say something, but when the words came to my lips, he seemed to stop with some fear.

The Xuantian Square that was still noisy just now.

Suddenly fell into a dead silence.

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