Chapter 662 Xiaobai, do you want to add more dishes? (Large chapter two in one)


Su Zhan felt a little embarrassed that he hadn’t been taken care of as soon as he finished speaking, and said displeased: “Do you think what I said is false?

If you don’t believe me, you can try it yourself and see if my Sword Technique is as powerful as I said! ”

As soon as these words came out, the Holy Lords looked at each other suddenly, and no one dared to be the first to speak.

Su saw this, flipped his palm, and the Star Epee appeared in his hand: “In this case, I will randomly select a lucky audience member to experience my Sword Technique!”

“no, do not want!”

“Master Su, wait a minute!”

“Young Master Su’s Sword Technique is infinitely powerful, and Eastern Wasteland is number one, so why not talk about it?”

“I’m waiting for Ant, I don’t even have the qualifications to let Young Master Su practice the sword, and I hope Young Master Su will not defile the Excalibur!”

As Su Zhan said this sentence.

Those Holy Lords who had been silent before finally couldn’t help it, and they all began to persuade them.

Although there are one or two hundred of them, the chance of being drawn is very small.

But feel Su Zhan Wanxiangyuan swordsmanship this kind of thing.

There are actually two odds for everyone.

Or you didn’t get a draw and live.

Either you win or die.

The Holy Lords are not fools. If you don’t persuade them now, if you can really draw yourself, wouldn’t you dig your own grave?

“Su Zhan~”

Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord Li Yuandong also cautiously opened his mouth at this time: “I think your idea of ​​building a book building is very good, but about your need to give your swordsmanship no points to all the later cultivators…

I have another immature suggestion—”

“Since you are immature, don’t say it.”


Li Yuandong was choked.


At this moment, Mo Wentian coughed slightly and said, “Su Zhan, your Sword Technique is indeed unparalleled in the world!

I can also understand your wish to spread your own Sword Technique to the world and carry forward your idea.

But, the side effects of your Sword Technique…”

“A little side effect!”

Su Zhan shook his head: “Holy Lord, haven’t you heard a word, you will die in the evening!

What’s more, my Sword Technique is not bound to die!

Of the three people who have successfully cultivated now, only one has died! ”

Hearing this, Mo Wentian’s mouth twitched.

A little side effect?

Of the three people who succeeded in cultivation, only one died?

This is so special!

Don’t you think I don’t know that the one who died is the God of Blood Demon!

Such a powerful existence can train itself to death, let alone us!

As for the Lu Elder of Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land, he was lucky, and the Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord came to rescue him.

Otherwise, grass will start to grow on the tomb now!

That’s it, you tell me a little bit of side effects? ? ?

I believe in your ghost!

Mo Wentian was slanderous in his heart, his mind turned rapidly, he suddenly thought of a way, his eyes lit up: “Su Zhan, your Sword Technique is indeed strong!

But you want to!

Such a strong Sword Technique doesn’t even need points. Does anyone really believe in its power?

The more expensive, the better.

But how can a good thing be cheap, even without money?

This is not your Sword Technique! ”


Su Zhan was taken aback, pondered for a moment, and then nodded: “It makes sense!”

“So, I suggest that your Sword Technique not only requires points, but also a lot!

As the supreme kendo martial arts secret book of the book building!

Only the best people can cultivate!

The harder it is to get, the more it will be valued!

Only in this way, your Sword Technique will survive in the Eastern Wasteland domain and become a legendary sword technique! ”

“Okay, then do what you said Holy Lord!”

Su beheaded nodded.

Own Sword Technique is the highest martial arts school that gathers the top Cultivation Technique martial arts of the entire Eastern Wasteland domain!

In the future, as long as they enter the book building and climb up step by step, their destination and purpose are all his Su Zhan’s Wanxiangyuan swordsmanship!

When I think of the countless cultivators, earning points hard, just to finally get the appearance of this supreme swordsmanship.

A relieved smile appeared on Su Zhan’s face.

so perfect!

Mo Wentian was also relieved, with a smile on his face.

Since Su Zhan is leaving, the construction of this book building must fall on his head.

At that time, he had to set Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship to a point that was basically impossible to achieve!

In this way, it will be possible to avoid some stunned cultivation in later generations who do not believe in evil, or do not know the side effects of Wanxiangyuan Sword Art at all!

It can also prevent the spread of this Sword Technique in the Eastern Wasteland domain!

so perfect!

The other Holy Lords also breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as they don’t let them cultivate Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship, everything else will do!

“By the way, Su Zhan”

At this moment, Li Yuandong thought for a while and said: “Since you have integrated the Eastern Wasteland domain Cultivation Technique martial arts, why not also integrate the forces!

It’s not that it must be merged, but when something major happens in the Eastern Wasteland domain, only one voice can appear and command the others, so that the Eastern Wasteland domain will not fall into chaos!

There is no doubt about your strength, and we absolutely believe in your character. I suggest that you might as well become the co-master of all the forces in our Eastern Wasteland domain today! ”

The other forces, the Holy Lord, froze for a moment, after a little thought, they also supported them one after another.

“Young Master Su casually smashed and killed the Three Tribulations Heavenly Demon, this level of strength is enough to command Eastern Wasteland!”

“I’m nine in Sacred Land, willing to surrender to Young Master Su!”

“Nan Yue Sacred Land, I would like to help Young Master Su, never hesitate to die!”

Voices sounded one after another.

All Sacred Land wanted to seize the opportunity to succumb to Su Zhan.

In this way, when Su Zhan becomes stronger in the future, they will naturally get a lot of benefits like today’s Xuantian Sacred Land!

Eastern Wasteland co-owner?

I don’t even want to be the Holy Lord, so why should I be a co-lord?

Isn’t this going to be troublesome?

Su Zhan frowned slightly, and refused without hesitation: “I have no interest in being a Communist, but what Li Holy Lord said makes sense.

In this way, if there is a major event in the Eastern Wasteland domain in the future, the Xuantian Sacred Land command will be honored.

What do you guys think? ”

“very good!”

“Master Su is really wise and martial!”

“From now on, our Eastern Wasteland domain will respect Xuantian Sacred Land!”

Upon hearing this, although those Holy Lords were disappointed in their hearts, they were still flattered.

Seeing this, Su didn’t waste any more time talking nonsense with them, and glanced at the Giant Deer King and the Yan Xiong King: “Your Cultivation Technique of the Monster Race will also be included in the library.”

“Yes Yes!”

“It’s all up to Young Master Su!”

Both Demonic Beasts nodded again and again.

I was very upset in my heart.

It turned out that Su Zhan asked them to come over just for this!

Knowing that they didn’t clean up so many moths, and honestly handed in Cultivation Technique, wouldn’t they be able to be a demon king at ease?


It’s really a bloody mold for eight lifetimes, and I believe in that devilish snake’s nonsense!

Just when the two Demonic Beasts were upset and regretful, Su Zhan found that the square was already full of meat.

He glanced at Tianhuo Ding, smashed his mouth, and said, “Well, now that the matter is over, let’s start eating hot pot now!”

Tianyao hot pot!

Everyone’s eyes lit up and looked at the Heavenly Fire Cauldron.

“The sky demon can be used as food… This is something I never dreamed of!”

“The Abyss Demon Snake is extremely arrogant and wants to eat us, hehe, now we are eating him!”

“After today, the Eastern Wasteland monster clan can only be reduced to a subordinate of the human clan, and can no longer make waves!”

“Hmph, let me say, it’s cheaper for them! Of these monsters, which one wants to eat our human races as blood food?”

“You know what a shit! The terrestrial environment ruled by the demons is not suitable for living!

Moreover, the monster race has been entrenched in those places for tens of thousands of years, and letting them continue to stay there, helping us mine mines and picking spirit fruits, is much more beneficial than eating them directly! ”

“Yes, yes, Young Master Su is really far-sighted!”

Voices sounded one after another, and all the holy kings looked at Tianhuoding with scorching eyes.

They couldn’t wait a long time ago, but Su Zhan didn’t have the first to eat. Of course, they didn’t dare to get ahead of Su Zhan, so they had to look at him with eagerness.Su Zhan came to the huge sky-fire cauldron and said: “Well, you don’t need to be restrained, just take the Shengyuan photo and eat it in a bowl, but be careful not to splash.

You can cut the meat of these two Demonic Beasts directly if you want to eat them.

Tang Liuxue, you don’t have to be busy, they have hands and feet, and let them come by themselves after eating. ”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

Tang Liuxue let out a sigh of relief and stopped cutting the meat.

After Su Zhan finished speaking, he took a piece of meat directly with Sheng Yuan and put it into his mouth.

“The flesh of the Three Tribulations Sky Demon is indeed unusual, and the delicious taste is second. In addition to the powerful Blood Qi energy, it also contains the power of the law!

Although it is extremely weak, if it can be eaten for a long time, it will definitely help the understanding of the corresponding law!

It seems that in the future, it’s okay to eat more sky demon…”

Thinking of this in his heart, Su Zhan took a large piece of meat into the big bowl in front of him, and began to feast on it.

Seeing Su cut open and eat, those Holy Lords dared to do it.

“Sky demon flesh and blood, as expected, Bufan! The Blood Qi energy contained in it is too strong!”

“Just eating a bowl of meat, my physical body has been obviously strengthened, it’s too exaggerated!”

“Speak out you don’t believe me, the injury I suffered ten years ago has not been completely healed, and there are hidden diseases, but today, it is actually completely healed!”

“It’s amazing, the wound I was swallowed by the Anaconda King just now is recovering quickly!”

Surprise sounds sounded.

At this moment, all the Holy Lords are very thankful that they can come to Xuantian Sacred Land to participate in the banquet.

Xiao Bubai had already grabbed a piece of meat from the Abyss Demon Snake with his paws, and ate it, and even, in order to eat more, it deliberately didn’t transform into a human shape, keeping its body form, and eating faster!

Xiaobai smelled the scent and swallowed a mouthful of water, expecting: “Master, can I eat too?”


“Thank you Master!”

Xiao Bai stretched out his claws, learning from Su Zhan, taking a large piece of meat, some side dishes, and soup into the big bowl in front of him.

A bowl was finished in two bites.

It still had some meaning, but after discovering that Su Zhan hadn’t looked at it at all, he filled a big bowl again.

After a bowl, there was another bowl. After discovering that Su Zhan didn’t care, Xiao Bai became more and more bold.

In the end, when he found that a bowl of bowls was not full of pleasure, Xiao Bai’s head tilted, and with an idea, he simply took out from his own storage bag a pill furnace that he had obtained from the unlucky human race at the Fengling Ruins!

Under the operation of its demon power, the pill furnace became ten meters in size and suspended in front of it!

Xiao Bai was also unceremonious, and directly filled most of the magic snake hot pot, and began to eat with excitement.

This scene made everyone stunned.

Oh shit!

We all use bowls.

Do you use a ten-meter stove directly? ? ?

Even Xiao Bubai was stunned for a while, and immediately showed admiring eyes: As expected, it’s my Xiao Bai Dage, I’m so majestic to eat!

Su Zhan looked at Xiaobai, who was grabbing the pill furnace with soup and meat with one paw, and looked at his new clothes that Xiaobai had splashed with oil stains on his body, frowning.


“Master, what’s the matter?”

Xiao Bai put down the pill furnace and looked at Su Zhan curiously.

In Xiaobai’s puzzled gaze, Su Zhan patted Fear Xiaobai’s head and revealed a kind smile:

“Why don’t we add another dish today?”

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