Chapter 663: Leaving!

“Add more vegetables?”

Xiaobai curiously said: “I think it’s enough!

What else does the master add? ”

Su Zhan still smiled kindly: “Xiaobai Hotpot, what do you think?”

“Kang Dang!”

The big pill furnace in Xiaobai’s hand suddenly fell to the ground!

The pupils of his eyes shrank suddenly, and his body trembled. Xiao Bai said in horror: “No, no!

Master, I am loyal to you!

Don’t eat me!

Please, please! ”

“Look, this is my new dress.”

Su Zhan pointed at the oil stain on his clothes.

Xiao Bai also suddenly realized that, and quickly said: “I wash!

I will help you wash the master!

It must be cleaned! ”

“Do you still do laundry?”

Su Zhan was stunned.

He really didn’t expect that Xiao Bai Jiao could even do laundry skills!

However, in this way, besides Tang Liuxue, wouldn’t there be one more person who can do daily housework?

Thinking about this, Su Zhan smiled more kindly: “Okay, tomorrow you will wash all of our clothes at Zhan Tianfeng, and then you will sweep the floor, plant flowers, feed Xiao Bai, wash and cook, and guard if nothing happens in the future. The door… wait.

This little thing shouldn’t be a problem for you, right? ”

“No, it’s not…”

“That’s good.”

Su Zhan nodded in satisfaction.

Discovering another function of the mount, he was in a good mood.

Xiao Bai was bitter and didn’t dare to continue eating meat.

I only dared to be cautious, take a bite and glance at Su Zhan.

Seeing that Su Zhan had no reaction, he dared to continue.

This banquet lasted a full three hours.

Eleven people broke the realm on the spot with the help of the flesh and blood of the Three Tribulations Heavenly Demon!

More than 30 people, the hidden diseases in the body are eliminated!

Everyone’s physique has been increased!

I heard Su Zhan say that the banquet is over.

Those Holy Lords are still reluctant to leave.

If it wasn’t for Su Zhan’s words.

Let alone three hours, they can sit down for three months!

After all, this kind of opportunity, for them, is probably only this time in their entire life!

But since Su Zhan spoke.

They can’t help it.

Immediately one by one, Dade thanked Su Zhan, and then left.

“Langya Holy Lord.”

Just when the holy kings left the field.

Su Zhan stopped Langya Holy Lord of Langya Sacred Land.

“What’s the command from Young Master Su?”

Langya Holy Lord is uneasy.

The last time I dealt with Su Zhan, Sacred Land’s Lingqing tree was almost pulled out!

There is still a shadow in his heart!

“In this bottle, there is a drop of spiritual blood. Take it back and pour it on the tree of spiritual clarity. It should recover very quickly.”

Su Zhan said, flipping his palm, and took out a small porcelain bottle prepared in advance.

“Thank you Young Master Su!”

Hearing that he was sending something to him, it wasn’t about him asking for something, Langya Holy Lord heaved a sigh of relief, took the porcelain bottle, and exclaimed.

Su Zhan said: “Well, tell Shu Ling, when it’s almost ready, I’ll look at it again.”

As soon as he said this, the smile that had just appeared on Langya Holy Lord’s face suddenly stiffened.

I almost pulled a tree last time.

Again? ? ?

Feeling depressed, Langya Holy Lord still managed to squeeze out a smile and nodded again and again: “Okay, okay!”

I chatted a few more words.

Su Zhan watched Langya Holy Lord leave, and also took Su Tianhai and Chen Changfeng back to Zhan Tianfeng.

Since he was leaving soon, he also hoped to accompany Su Tianhai more.

Two days later.

Puppet Seventeen was completely integrated.

The combat power has reached the peak of the Four Tribulations Deva, and the defense power is comparable to the Five Tribulations!

Su Zhan tried some trials, and after feeling very satisfied, he bid farewell to Su Tianhai and the others, and prepared to go to Lintian Territory to bury Ye Xing Martial God, and then to the Central State Territory through the Lintian Territory’s teleportation array.

“Su Zhan, the Zhongzhou region is the largest region in the spirit world!”

Before leaving, Tang Wujian patted Su Zhan’s shoulder: “Moreover, in the past 100,000 years, the Central State Region has been concealed to dominate the spirit world, and even the Primordial Region has been crushed!

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the Central Region, the supreme Deva is afraid that it will be no less than ten!

When you go to the Zhongzhou region, you must converge a little bit. Be careful in everything! ”

“Master, I know.”

Su beheaded nodded.

Su Tianhai was also very reluctant: “Zhan’er, how long will you be back when you go this time?”

“I don’t know, but it won’t be more than a year at most!”

“One year… that’s not a long time!”

Su Tianhai breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, they bid farewell to Chen Changfeng and others one by one.

Su Zhangang was about to leave.

Tang Liuxue suddenly took a step forward, tears flickering in his eyes: “His Royal Highness, can you take me with you too?

I can do a lot of things, washing, cooking, searching for information…”

“Zhongzhou Territory is very dangerous, even I don’t understand at all, you can only cause trouble with the past.”

Su Zhan shook his head: “I took Xiaobai with me on this trip. You and Xiaobubai will continue to stay at Zhantian Peak. If I stabilize in the Central State Region, I will let you over.”

“Then, your highness, you must be careful!”

“Don’t worry, I can’t die.”

Su Zhan smiled.

After chatting for a few more words, he stopped staying, and took Ye Qingyu and rode away on Xiao Bai Jiao.

One day later.

Su Zhan arrived at the original Ye Family of Lintianyu Starlight.

When he arrived, everyone in the Ye family was horrified and gave way.

Su Zhan didn’t pay attention to those people either, just picked a good place with beautiful scenery and let the Ye Family set this place as a descendant of the forbidden land, so he buried Ye Xing Martial God here.

In front of the tomb, Su Zhan looked at the reddish eyes and knelt for a long time, Ye Qingyu, who had just gotten up, thought for a while and said: “Emperor, if you want to regain control of the Ye family, I can help you.”

“Forget it”

Ye Qingyu shook his head: “With my current strength, even if I become the Patriarch of the Ye Family, it is just a fake name. My strength is still too weak.”

“Well, I will send you to the teleportation formation, and you will return to the Eastern Wasteland domain.”

“Su Zhan”

Ye Qingyu hesitated for a while, still a little hopeful: “Can you take me with you?

I can stay in your cave ring forever! ”

“The battle between Deva, the ring of the cave is not safe, the last time the Five Tribulations, Heavenly Demon, blasted his own space treasure to pieces?”

Su Zhan said: “If you have reached the Holy Realm and want to come to the Central State Territory, maybe I can help, but I still can’t do it now.”

“Holy Land…”

Ye Qingyu’s eyes showed a firm color: “I will definitely work hard to cultivate and reach the holy realm soon!”


Su Zhan nodded and smiled.

After a while, and after an important confession with the people of the Ye family, Su Zhan sent Ye Qingyu back to the Eastern Wasteland domain.

“Everything is finally over. Right now, it’s time to go to Zhongzhou Territory!

The Xianyuan Dao Sect is very powerful. The later I go, the more likely it is that they will find my identity and harm innocent people in the Eastern Wasteland domain!

Moreover, a sinister, vicious, cruel, cunning, and extremely bad guy like Zhu Hao…every day he lives in the world is an insult to the justice of this world!

Although I am not a messenger of justice, I am also a good person with a conscience. In this case, I can’t delay anything!

I must go to the Zhongzhou region immediately, Xianyuan Daozong, kill Zhu Hao, and accomplish the kind deeds I haven’t done yet! ”

Watching Ye Qingyu disappear into the teleportation formation.

Su Zhan murmured, with a firm look in his eyes, took out the map that the person from the Ye family had just picked up, discerned the direction, his body suddenly turned into a flash of light!

Towards Lintian City, which has a large array of ultra-long-distance teleportation!

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