Chapter 665 Central State Domain!


Su Zhan was a little helpless: “Although mine is indeed a good person, and this time I went to Xianyuan Daozong to do good deeds.

But for your favor, I really can’t help. ”

“Su fellow daoist, you are…”

Lin Ping hesitated for a moment, and suddenly showed a look that I know I understand, smiled and flipped the palm of his hand, and took out a roll of Jade Slip: “Su Fellow Daoist, this is a hidden Cultivation Base that Lin had accidentally obtained in his early years. Mystery, hidden mystery!

Not only can you converge your own breath, make it difficult for the other party to see your specific Realm, and even pretend to be a low Realm cultivator!

Although it is not very useful for fighting, it is very useful on some special occasions where it is inconvenient to reveal your identity!

Today, as soon as I met Su fellow daoist, this mystery technique was given to Su fellow daoist!

From the Xianyuan Taoist side, I also hope that the fellow daoist Su will have a lot of good words. Our brothers don’t have too high demands, but I hope that by then I can give the Xianyuan divine power cultivation as soon as I get started! ”

The fat-eared Nie Kun rolled his small eyes and flipped his palm, and took out an incense burner: “Su fellow daoist, this tranquil incense burner is placed in the Immortal Cave, so that the entire Immortal Cave can be filled with a faint fragrance!

Moreover, it will remove air Impurities by itself, making the air more pure!

I have two in total, and this one is useless, so I will give it to you fellow daoist Su!

The Xianyuan Taoist side…

In addition to granting Xianyuan Divine Art, it is best to get a few of my brothers to supervise the veins, guard a certain fortress city, which is rich in oil and water, and has more resources than the average Elder! ”

“Sue fellow daoist, this is Chu Yuanyu, you can usually store part of your own holy yuan in it, and when you need to activate this jade, you can quickly restore the holy yuan, faster than most Medicine Pill!

Please take care of Xianyuan Daozong’s affairs! ”

“Su fellow daoist, I have nothing to give you. I am a craftsman. This is my experience of craftsmanship for many years, so I will give it to fellow daoist Su. It is my heart!”

The remaining two were also immediately aware, and quickly took out the treasure and gave it to Su Zhan.

Seeing the four people in front of them presenting the treasure with smiles, Su Zhan was a little dazed.

Although I have long thought that someone might give me gifts on this trip.

But just now we met, and without saying a few words, there were treasures coming to the door… Isn’t it a bit outrageous?

After a few words in his heart, Su Zhan swept over the treasures.

In fact, except for Yinxuanshu and the Ning Shen incense burner that is equivalent to an air purifier, the others are of no use to him.

He has a refining aura, and the Holy Yuan is exhausted and eats Medicine Pill, but Chu Yuanyu has little effect.

As for the refining experience.

He still needs a devastating experience of Deva?


Useless to useless.

If someone else takes the initiative to deliver it to your door, you won’t lose money if you hold it!

Thinking like this in his heart, Su Zhan also smiled and accepted the four treasures: “Four fellow daoist, I agreed to your request.

But some things need to be clarified first.

Although I will help you with these things, my words may not be useful! ”

Not necessarily useful?

Lin Ping looked at each other and all laughed.

Everyone knows the Four Tribulations Deva, and spends 100 million sacred stones to seek refuge in such a remote place as Taoist School of Xianyuan.

Even if you can think of it with your toes, Su Zhan must have an extraordinary relationship with the Four Tribulations Deva of the Xian Yuan Dao Sect!

Since it is not an ordinary shallow relationship, those things about them are not too difficult for a four-knack Deva real power Elder.

Why not help?

Su Zhan’s words are purely modest!

Thinking about this, Lin Ping laughed and said, “Fellow Daoist Su is too modest!

In your capacity, how could it be useless? ”

“Yes! As long as you speak, fellow daoist Su, it is impossible for the Four Tribulations Deva, who has an extraordinary relationship with you, to not give me a face, right?”

Nie Kun is not worried either.

The remaining two nodded again and again, obviously feeling that the big deal was done.

Seeing this, Su Zhan was also somewhat helpless.

He couldn’t always say that he was going to Xianyuan Daozong to kill people, right?

After all, before doing this kind of thing, it is best not to disclose it, so as not to produce other changes.

never mind.

The words have been said clearly.

How these people will happen then has nothing to do with him.

Shaking his head, Su Zhan did not continue to struggle with the matter, but asked about some things about the Zhongzhou region.

Lin Pingping was also happy to inform.

From their mouths.

Su Zhan learned that there were three hundred mansions in the Zhongzhou Region, and the Most Sacred Mansion where the Xianyuan Dao Sect was located was one of them.

In the Zhongzhou region, there is only one country, the Zhongzhou Heavenly Dynasty!

The Zhongzhou region was also jointly controlled by the Zhongzhou Tianzong and the Taishang Tianzong.

Below are the seven superpowers, below are the 21 first-rate powers with the supreme Deva, and further down are the Deva-level powers!

In the Zhongzhou region, it is also known as a second-rate force.

The Xian Yuan Dao Sect of the Supreme Sacred Mansion is such a second-rate force!

Of course, Xianyuan Daozong is already the strongest Sect in the Most Sacred Mansion, and his strength is by no means weak!

Just as Su Zhan wanted to ask about the specific strength of Xianyuan Dao Zong, the surrounding space suddenly buzzed!

A series of space runes flew from the ground, forming a chain of rune light, covering the five people including Su Zhan!

“Spatial Teleportation will last for one minute. In the boundless darkness, you must not destroy the space node channel that has been set. Otherwise, where you go, whether you will be involved in the spatial turbulence, it all depends on your luck. !”

The old man guarding the teleportation formation is very serious.

Su Zhan also nodded, signalling to understand.

In fact, the space channel is not that fragile, and the old man is just a routine warning.

If the stability of this Spatial Teleportation formation is so poor, the lions would not dare to open their mouths to collect 100 million sacred stones for each person. Five talents must be gathered to start it.


A few seconds later.

The space formation suddenly oscillated, and Su Zhan also suddenly felt that his body merged into another space!

One minute later.

The surrounding world lights up again.

He has already appeared in a formation almost exactly the same as the teleportation formation of Lintian City Boundary Mountain!

And seeing them come out, the man waiting next to the formation also immediately said: “Everyone, you have already arrived in the Zhongzhou region. This place is the Xihai City of Liangxi Mansion. If you are coming to the Zhongzhou region for the first time, you can go to the city to buy some Data of the Zhongzhou domain.”

“Thank you deacon for the reminder, but we are all ready.”

Lin Ping was the first to walk out of Immortal Cave and smiled and said to the man.

“The Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi in Zhongzhou Territory is so rich! It is almost three times more than Lintian Territory!”

“This is only a remote place. If it is the core of those big forces, the gap can be increased by ten times, dozens of times are possible!”

“It’s weird to say, I actually feel that the sun in Zhongzhou Territory is bigger than that in Lintian Territory, and the air is better, and the scenery is better. In short, everything is better!”

Nie Kun and the others also sighed.

At this moment, Su Zhan raised his head and looked at the sky of Zhongzhou Territory, with some doubts in his eyes.

“Spiritual Qi can talk about everything, but this heavenly Dao, under the influence of my Qi Luck Aura, the Central State Region actually exceeds the Eastern Wasteland Territory by at least ten times!

Earlier, the demon snake also said that the Eastern Wasteland region’s air luck was greatly suppressed.

Could it be said that those mythological methods in the spirit world are already so powerful!

Can you deprive a field of luck abruptly? ! ”

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