Chapter 666: The Friend of Life and Death!

Suspended in his heart and whispered a few words on his lips, Su Zhan withdrew his gaze and didn’t think about it anymore.

These things are not something he can figure out now.

Only when he has the power to kill the Martial Dao myth, some people may be willing to tell him about these mysteries.

With a breath, Su Zhan followed Lin Ping and left.

After a short stay in Xihai City for half an hour, purchasing some information about the major forces in the Central Region, and a dozen maps with varying details, Su Zhan and Lin Ping continued to go to the Xianyuan Dao Sect.

Two days later.

Su Zhan appeared in front of the realm of Xianyuan Daozong of the Most Holy Mansion.

According to the information in Xihaicheng, Xianyuan Taoist School was established more than 30,000 years ago.

Sect is not too old.

Moreover, the strength has been declining in these 30,000 years.

Nowadays, there are only two Deva in the Five Tribulations of Xianyuan Daozong, and one of them is a deputy Sect Leader who travels all year round. Basically, it can be regarded as non-existent.

This is also the reason why Su Zhan was so relieved and went straight to the main gate of Xianyuan Dao Zong.

Otherwise, according to his original plan, he wanted to assassinate Zhu Hao with his unparalleled perfect assassination technique!

“Several seniors, what’s the matter with our Xianyuan Dao Sect?”

Several people had just appeared in front of Xianyuan Daozong Mountain Gate, and a disciple who watched the Mountain Gate rushed over and said respectfully.

“Is such that”

Before Su Zhan could speak, Lin Ping was already smiling and said: “Our four Deva are here to take refuge in Xianyuan Taoist, as for this fellow daoist Su.”

As he said, Lin Ping paused and added a tone: “He has an extraordinary relationship with Deva Elder, one of the Four Tribulations of the Xian Yuan Dao Sect!

I’m here to find someone! ”

Four Deva!

There is also a relative of Deva Elder of the Four Tribulations?

The guard disciple was surprised and quickly said, “Please come in with me, and wait in the banquet room. I will immediately ask Elder to come and deal with it!”


Su beheaded nodded.

Together with Lin Ping, he followed this disciple to enter the Xianyuan Taoist School.

If you can make sense and ask Xian Yuan Daozong to hand over Zhu Hao, he doesn’t want to do more.

I just hope that the Sect Leader of Xianyuan Daozong is a man of sensible things, and he won’t embarrass himself anymore.

Entering Xianyuan Daozong, in the outer area of ​​Daozong, a luxurious hall waited for a while, and a Xianyuan Daozong Elder, who was also a Deva Deva, walked in.

Looking at Su Zhan and others, he moved towards the highest Cultivation Base, and Lin Ping’s cupped hands, who had reached the late stage of the catastrophe Deva late stage, said: “In Xia Zhushan, it is Elder of the Xianyuan Dao Zong. How do you call the fellow daoist?”

“I wish fellow daoist, in Xia Linping!”

Lin Ping pointed to Su Zhan and the others: “This is Su Zhan, who came to Guizong to find someone!

This is Nie Kun!

This is Li Hai, Xie Yu!

We want to join Xianyuan Taoist School! ”

“Several fellow daoist Cultivation Base Bufan, of course we Xianyuan Daozong welcome!”

Zhu Shan smiled, and immediately looked at Su Zhan, cupped hands and said: “Su fellow daoist, dare you ask which Elder Su fellow daoist is looking for?”

“Zhu Hao!”

“Zhu Hao Elder?”

Zhu Shan froze for a moment, and continued to ask: “The relationship between fellow daoist and Zhu Hao Elder?”

The relationship with Zhu Hao?

Before coming this time, I was ready to give birth to Zhu Hao and die!

Say it like this…

Su Zhan pondered for a moment, and said seriously: “It’s about life and death!”


Zhu Shan was taken aback, and his tone became more polite: “Fellow Daoist Su and Elder Zhu Hao turned out to be friends of life and death!”

The turn of life!

Lin Pingping was also taken aback, and he was overjoyed immediately!

Sure enough, this Sue fellow daoist is self-effacing!

Since he and that Zhu Hao Elder are friends of life and death, the matter of us begging him is not a matter of a word!


The four of them looked at each other and they were all overjoyed.


Lin Ping gave a light cough and looked at Su Zhan: “Su fellow daoist, what we said before…”

“I see!”

Su beheaded nodded, and said to Zhushan: “I wish fellow daoist, fellow daoist Lin, their strength, Bufan, want a job like mine city supervision.

In addition, you can directly give them cultivation if you have any Divine Art of the First Yuan Dao Sect! ”

This statement came out.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Lin Ping was dumbfounded.

You just said these things in the dark box operation so openly and arrogantly?

It’s worthy of being the friend of Zhu Hao Elder’s life and death!

Talking is arrogant!

Zhu Shan was also taken aback for a moment. In fact, he saw a lot of things like going through the back door.

However, as Su Zhan said directly, I’ll see you for the first time!

He coughed slightly, thinking of Su Zhan’s identity, Zhu Shan couldn’t refuse.

After thinking for a while, Zhu Shan said, “Sue fellow daoist, I am not in charge of this matter.

But since fellow daoist Su and Zhu Hao Elder have such a good relationship, just talk to Zhu Hao Elder!

If I remember correctly, Elder Zhu Hao is currently discussing matters with Sect Leader in Great Hall!

It just so happened that the four Deva started to meet with Sect Leader, fellow daoist Su, you can join us! ”


Su beheaded nodded.

Afterwards, followed Zhu Shan to leave.

Xianyuan Daozong, the main peak Great Hall.

Sect Leader Cui Mian sat in the main seat, listening to Zhu Hao’s explanation below, frowned slightly: “I said, how come you have suffered such a serious injury, and you can only come to see me after more than half a month of training. Use the burning element secret technique!”

“Sect Leader, my injury is not too serious, it’s just that the Cultivation Base has fallen a little bit. Now I still have 60% to 70% of my strength left. When I am severed to give birth, it will be fine!”

When Zhu Hao talked about this, he was full of hatred: “Sect Leader, you must believe me!

That guy named Su Zhan is really just a holy king!

Defeating me with the Saint King Realm, his secrets and opportunities are perhaps greater than our Xianyuan Daozong waiting for tens of thousands of years!

As long as you visit Sect Leader yourself and kill him, you can definitely take this opportunity to cross the sixth Heavenly Tribulation!

And, it must be fast!

If you wait for three to five years, maybe that kid will be able to contend the Five Tribulations Deva! ”

“If it’s like you said, that kid is like Bufan, of course I have to take a trip.”

“Sect Leader, all the characteristics of that man are in this Jade Slip!”

As soon as Zhu Hao heard this, he quickly took out a roll of Jade Slip, gritted his teeth and said: “After Sect Leader finds this person, please take him along with his family and friends, and kill them all!

Kill him all in order to vent my hatred! ”

“Well, as long as I can really get the big opportunity in your mouth, it’s all trivial.”

Cui Mian said lightly.

Suddenly, he looked at the hall door.

Seeing Zhu Shan come in with five strangers, he was a little surprised.

“Sect Leader!”

Zhu Shan cupped hands and said: “This is Lin Ping fellow daoist, Nie Kun fellow daoist, Li Hai fellow daoist, Xie Yu fellow daoist, they all want to join our Xianyuan Taoist!

As for this Su Zhan fellow daoist, it is Zhu Hao Elder’s life and death friend, who specially came to Zhu Elder! ”

Su Zhan?

Cui Mian, who had just heard the name from Zhu Hao, was taken aback.

Zhu Hao suddenly turned his head in disbelief.

With his eyes fixed on Su Zhan, in Lin Ping’s expectant gaze, he clenched his fists and yelled: “It’s really you!

Su Zhan!

You broke my arm, so you dare to come to our Xianyuan Daozong!

Well, since you are looking for death, today next year will be your sacrifice day! ”

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