Chapter 667 It seems that the truth doesn’t make sense!

This statement came out.

Su Zhan was okay.

He had expected it.

But Lin Ping and Nie Kun were all dumbfounded in an instant.

what’s the situation?

Isn’t it a life and death?

Why do you have to fight and kill as soon as you meet? ? ?

“Su, Su fellow daoist!”

Lin Ping was a little frightened by Zhu Hao: “Didn’t it mean that your relationship with Zhu Elder is about life and death?”


Su Zhan took it for granted: “I came to kill him. He lives and lives. Isn’t this a matter of life and death?”

“Su fellow daoist you!”

Lin Ping’s pupils shrank suddenly, and his body trembled for a while, and he looked at Su Zhan in disbelief.

Nie Kun and others were completely dumbfounded at this time.

This is so special!

We are counting on you to speak nice things to us and find a good future.

In the end, you actually came to kill someone?

That’s it.

Are you a holy king, come to kill Deva of the Four Tribulations?

Or go to their old nest, in front of their Sect Leader?

This is so special!

You want to die, we haven’t lived enough yet!

The four of them were horrified, and quickly distanced themselves from Su Zhan.

“Sect Leader! Zhu Elder! We don’t know him!”

“Yes, yes, we just met right by the water, just on the way!”

“Su fellow daoist, bah!

The grievances between Su Zhan and you have nothing to do with us! ”

“Ahem, I just remembered that there are still some things that I haven’t dealt with. I will leave today, and I’ll talk about the matter of joining Xianyuan Daozong!”

As the four of Lin Ping said, they wanted to leave.

“Several fellow daoist, since you are an accomplice of this person, then Xian Yuan Daozong, do you think you come as you want, and leave as you want?!”

Zhu Shan reacted quickly and stopped Lin Ping.

Feeling the hostility on Zhu Shan, Lin Ping wanted to cry without tears.

This is so special!

Knowing that Su Zhan was here to do this, they didn’t even say a word to Su Zhan!

it’s good now.

Those treasures given to Su Zhan are for nothing, and there is still life-threatening right now!

“Let them go!”

At this moment, Cui Mian, Sect Leader of Xianyuan Dao Zong’s eyes flashed, and he waved his hand.

Under Su Zhan’s divine eyes, it was clear that a few marks of Saint Yuan had fallen on Lin Ping’s four.

However, for others, of course it is unaware.

“Many, thank you Sect Leader!”

Lin Ping was overjoyed, and hurriedly led Nie Kun and three people out of the Great Hall.

Just as he rushed out, Nie Kun asked, “Brother Lin, did we really leave like this?”

“if not?”

Lin Ping said in a huff: “Continue to stay there, the ghost knows that Dao Zong Xianyuan will trouble us again after he has dealt with Su Zan who doesn’t know what is good or bad?

Moreover, since this Su Zhan is the enemy of Xianyuan Daozong, even if we accept us later, he must be the bottom of Deva Elder!

It’s boring to stay!

Also subject to their suspicion! ”


Nie Kun’s eyes rolled, and he said a bit of a pity: “We can just kill Su Zhan and dedicate him to Daozong Xianyuan!”


Lin Ping pondered for a moment and shook his head: “Since that guy dared to trouble the Xianyuan Daozong, even if he is looking for death, he must have some ability!

If we are involved, it is easy to get killed!

Leave it safe! ”

“Safety is safe, Brother Lin”

Nie Kun said helplessly: “Where are we going now?”

“Ultimate Sacred Mansion!”

Lin Ping’s mind quickly turned: “The Extreme Sacred Mansion is next to the Most Sacred Mansion, and the Heavenly Book Tower of the Extreme Sacred Mansion is a first-rate force in the Central State!

If we enter the Heaven Book Tower of the Extreme Sacred Mansion, we will definitely get more benefits than the Xianyuan Daozong! ”


Nie Kun hesitated: “But as far as I know, the income from outside Elder of the Tianshulou is very strict. Some people who want to join the Second Tribulation, or even the Third Tribulation, may not be successful!”

“They are them, we are us, we have to try!”

Lin Ping made up his mind: “That’s it, let’s go to the Tianshulou!”

Afterwards, the four speeded up and left Xianyuan Daozong.

At this time, the Great Hall of Sect Leader Peak, Xianyuan Road.

Zhu Shan was puzzled: “Sect Leader, those people who came with the surname Su must be accomplices, how can they let go–”

“I have left a trace of my mark, and I am waiting to solve the immediate matter, and I am going to find them to settle accounts, they can’t escape!”

As he said, Cui Mian’s gaze fell on Su Zhan, a little surprised: “I really didn’t expect that you, a mere saint king, would actually dare to come to our Xianyuan Dao Sect!

I really want to ask, what do you think? ”

“Is such that”

Su Zhan said: “Your Xian Yuan Dao Zong Zhu Hao’s heart is not righteous, sinister and vicious. You murdered me in Lin Tianyu. Although I fought back and escaped, how could this sinister and vicious person live in the world?

Therefore, I want Xianyuan Sect Leader to give him to me and let me kill him. After that, I will leave Xianyuan Daozong. We don’t owe the water to the river. How about? ”

“You asked me to hand over Zhu Elder and let you kill?”

Cui Mian was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly: “Little brother, are you kidding me?

I, Cui Miantang, the Sect Leader of Xianyuan Daozong, will be threatened by a holy king and surrender my own Elder?

If you really do this, do you want the face of my Sect Leader? ”

“If you say that, you don’t want to reason with me?”

“Be reasonable…”

Cui Mian sneered again: “The so-called reason is just the reason of the strong!

Now, I, Cui Mian, Five Tribulations Deva, here, I can even use the power of the Xianyuan Great Array!

Even the other Five Tribulations Deva, dare not fight with me here!

And you, the trivial saint king, look like an ant in front of me!

I am better than you, my words are justified!

How about it.

Is what I said clear enough? ”

“Sect Leader, what nonsense with him!”

Zhu Hao was already furious, but he knew that he couldn’t beat Su Zhan, and he didn’t dare to make a move. He said with infinite hatred: “Kill this person, snatch his treasures, and unearth the secrets from him. This is the right thing to do. way of doing!”

“What do you know?”

Cui Mian was a little displeased: “There are some things that can’t be obtained by killing him, for example, why can he defeat Deva of the Four Tribulations in the Holy King Realm!”

With that said, Cui Mian looked at Su Zhan again, with his hands on his back, without worrying about any threat from Su Zhan, and said lightly: “Su Zhan.

You cut off Zhu Elder’s hand. Originally, you were bound to die.

But I, Cui Mian, give you a chance to live.

As long as you hand over the secret of why you can defeat Deva of the Four Tribulations with the Holy King Realm, abolish your Cultivation Base and cut your hand.

I will let you leave this place alive! ”

Su Zhan’s eyes were cold: “Sure enough, snakes and rats nest, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked!

Zhu Hao is sinister and vicious, you, Sect Leader, are not a good person! ”

“Good guy?”

Cui Mian sneered, with disdain on his face: “In this world, the strong are knives, and the weak are fish. What kind of people are you telling me?

Ridiculous, extremely ridiculous!

Well, I have no time to talk nonsense with you! ”

With that said, Cui Mian suddenly broke out with the terrifying coercion of the Five Tribulations Deva, and the shocking space was buzzing!

With his gaze fixed on Su Zhan, his tone was stern: “I’ll ask you one last time, can you hand over the secrets that you will be able to fight so many Realm enemies!”

The secret of the vietnamese enemy?

Su Zhan took a deep breath: “It’s better to teach by example. Since you want to know so much, you can feel it yourself today!”

The voice just fell.

There was a sudden burst of dazzling light on him!

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