Chapter 668 You are too strong, too powerful, too terrifying! (Fourth)

The big golden sun, the cold and bright moon, and the nightfall. The three heaven and earth visions of the Star instantly flood the sky over the Great Hall!

Immediately afterwards, the sea of ​​chaos and fog appeared!

The power of Five Elements rotates!

This is just the beginning.

In the next second.

The devil’s tactics broke out!

The blood of the devil is excited!

The veins are running!

A surge of strength is emerging!

Facing a Deva of the Five Tribulations, or the Deva of the Five Tribulations, who is still used for convenient location, Su Zhan did not hesitate to burst into the strongest state!

“How could this be a holy king!”

In the Great Hall.

Elder Zhushan was bent a bit in that superpower!

Run Shengyuan in a hurry to counter the pressure of the mighty power.

In his eyes, he looked at Su Zhan with horror.

At the same time, there was some rejoicing in my heart. Fortunately, I just stopped the stupid idea of ​​attacking Su Zhan and cutting off Su Zhan’s head for credit!

Otherwise, Su Zhan’s head is still there, and his head is not good!

While fearful in his heart, Zhu Shan also took a distance and retreated to the entrance of the Great Hall. If something went wrong, he drove away immediately!

He is not alone in doing this.

Zhu Hao was also afraid that Su Zhan would shoot at him desperately, hiding behind a golden beam behind Cui Mian.

Cui Mian was also shocked at this time.

He also didn’t expect that Su Zhan could explode with such power!

“Five Elements Divine Body, Chaos Power, Sun Moon Star, Divine Veins and Divine Bone, extremely powerful magic power… No wonder, no wonder you can actually fight so many Realm against Deva!”

Cui Mian’s eyes are already a little hot: “It seems that you have more secrets, opportunities, and treasures than I thought!

That being the case, after killing you, I will get more! ”

The voice just fell.

Behind Cui Mian, the law of vitality appeared!

At the same time, he patted Su Zhan with his left hand!

Xianyuan big mudra!

Zhu Hao has also used this trick.

However, compared with Zhu Hao, Cui Mian’s palm is obviously too tyrannical!

When this palm is shot.

The vitality of the space here is obviously reduced a bit!

Su Zhan’s eyes fell on that huge palm print, his expression solemn.

At the Feng Ling Ruins, although I killed the Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon, it was thanks to Feng Ling’s divine power increase!

Now that I have lost the power increase, I am afraid that only a bloody battle can I have a chance to win the Five Tribulations Deva!

Thinking like this, Su Zhan Demon God Jue urged to the extreme, and the Meteorite Gloves appeared in his hands!

The left hand suddenly made a fist, the power of the Tianlei Volcano erupted, and at the same time, the Star God Body Tempering fist!


He punched with all his strength!

A starlight fist print hits Xianyuan’s handprint!


The two forces collide, forming a violent hurricane shock wave sweeping toward the surrounding!


The beams of Great Hall shattered under this force!

The entire Great Hall suddenly collapsed!

The shadow of the law of space in Su Zhanzi’s mansion shone, unscathed, and appeared about a hundred meters away from the ruins of the Great Hall without even a bit of dust.

Zhu Hao and Zhu Shan also appeared above the ruins of the palace.

And Cui Mian who took Su Zhan’s full punch.

At this moment, he was standing on the ground with an ugly face, his right hand was trembling hidden in his sleeve robe, and drops of blood dripped from his sleeve robe!

“Zhu Elder told me, your kendo is very strong!

But I didn’t expect that the so-called kendo was just a cover up!

Your strongest is actually the power of the flesh! ”

Cui Mian’s trembling right hand slowly recovered, and the blood stopped dripping. He solemnly said: “Such a terrifying physical power, if in other places, I am probably not your opponent, Cui Mian!

However, this is Xianyuan Daozong, I can mobilize the power of the big formation! ”

After speaking, Cui Mian flipped his palm and a white jade token appeared in his hand.

As his holy yuan poured into the token, several runes flew out of the token!

Break into the ground under your feet!


The sky above suddenly showed a large array of light curtains!

A stream of milky white aura formed a whirlpool above Cui Mian!

That’s the power of the big array infusing him!

Unlike other formations, Xianyuan Daozong’s large formation does not have the power to attack and kill, but it can give the practitioners an increase!

With the blessing of the Xianyuan Great Array, Cui Mian’s injury quickly recovered, and at the same time, the aura that had already begun to fall returned to its peak!

Even, become stronger!

Feeling the increase in his own strength, Cui Mian did not immediately shoot, but took out another token and said towards the token: “Xianyuan Daozong, all Elders above Deva come to the main peak to help me kill the enemy!”

After speaking, he put away the token and looked at Su Zhan again. The vitality of the heavens and the earth gathered in front of him into a light group. He punched out and shouted in his mouth: “Today, you will definitely lose!”

Innate vitality punch!

Su Zhan had also seen Zhu Hao perform this trick, knowing that it was more powerful than Xian Yuan’s big mudra. A little star flew out from the center of his eyebrows, and the Da Ri Star sword fell into his hand.

Then, a sword cut out!

Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship!

Brilliant Sword Qi cuts on the vitality giant fist!


The giant fist and Sword Qi dissipated almost at the same time!

Su Zhan’s body stood still, Cui Mian’s footsteps were retreated for more than a dozen steps before he stood firm!

He looked at Su Zhan in disbelief.

He did not expect that Su Zhan could still crush him when his strength was blessed by the big formation!

“Mountain map!”

Cui Mian’s face was ugly, his palm turned over, and a picture scroll was thrown out by him. It was 10,000 meters in size and hung in the sky. Among them, a giant mountain suddenly rushed out of the picture scroll, humming the space and releasing it. A horrible force of suppression fell towards Su Zhan!

Seeing this, Su also directly threw the Tianlei Volcano!


When the two peaks collided, Cui Mian wailed and returned to the mountain map.

“Treasures, flesh, kendo, you are better than me, but I don’t believe it, you can still block my mark of destruction!”

Cui Mian took back the mountain map and roared angrily.

Immediately, his holy thoughts surged wildly, converging into a peculiar mark with the power of destruction and appeared behind him!

As soon as this mark appeared, it sent a force of shock and collapse towards Su Zhan!


Su Zhan’s body suddenly stopped.

It seems to lose consciousness all of a sudden.

“Sure enough, as long as it is a human being, it is impossible to know everything!”

Seeing this, Cui Mian let out a sigh of relief, and said with a sneer: “You have a strong kendo!

You are physically strong!

Your Magic Treasures are strong!

Then your mental energy, your holy thoughts, and your soul will inevitably be weak!

The weak and small soul that is not worth mentioning, under the seal of destruction that I need to consume a lot of sacred thoughts, in addition to the end of a consciousness dissipated, the soul collapses, and the body and spirit are destroyed!

There will be no other possibility! ”

“Is this divine refining technique called the seal of collapse?

It is indeed very strong, and I will also cultivate if I have the opportunity! ”

At this moment, he opened his heart aura, Mental Energy aura, and Su Zhan, who was extremely resistant to Mental Energy’s attack, was surprised that he was caught off guard by the explosion of the mark of destruction in his mind.

He looked solemn and said with a serious face: “This should be the strongest divine refining technique I have ever seen!

without any exaggeration!

If I stand still, let you hit a hundred times with the seal of collapse!

Then the injury of my soul, I am afraid it will be so serious that it will not get better all night!

Your seal of collapse is so strong! so amazing! so horrible! ”

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