Chapter 669 Fighting the Six Deva!

“How can this be?!”

Seeing Su Zhan as if nothing had happened, Cui Mian’s smile instantly solidified, his eyes widened, and the whole person was stupid!

Su Zhan is strong in kendo, he admits it!

Su Zhan is physically strong, he admits it!

Su Zhan’s Magic Treasures are so powerful, he still recognizes it!

But his strongest mysterious technique is also the secret technique that only Sect Leader can cultivate in Xianyuan Dao Zong!

Almost below the Supreme Deva, the most powerful seal of destruction that can be cultivated!

Obviously, Su Zhan’s mind has been rushed into Su Zhan’s mind, but Su Zhan has nothing to do with it?

Moreover, daddy is a dignified Five Tribulation Deva, Xianyuan Daozong Sect Leader’s trick, you let me hit you a hundred times?

Do you think it’s Chinese cabbage?

Can be used unlimited? ? ?

That’s all!

A mere saint king was hit by my Five Tribulations Deva a hundred times with the seal of destruction, and your injury was only one night that could not be healed?

This f*ck!

Are you talking human words? ? ?

Cui Mian’s heart was about to collapse, and Su Zhan’s discourse Qi orifices gave rise to smoke, and the injuries that had been suppressed in his body suddenly broke out.


Blood spurted out!

After staggering and retreated a few steps before barely standing still, Cui Mian already had a trace of fear in his heart!

When Zhu Hao on the side saw this scene, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Although he knew that Su Zhan was very strong.

But I never thought of it.

It’s so strong!

Even Xianyuan Daozong Sect Leader, Zhu Hao’s biggest reliance, Cui Mian, is not Su Zhan’s opponent!

Zhu Hao subconsciously wanted to escape, but suddenly remembered that with his current state of unhealed injuries, he was afraid that he would not be able to escape Su Zhan at all!

Can you continue to stay here, isn’t it just waiting to die?

Just when he was desperate in his heart, several rays of escape light suddenly came here at extreme speed!

Seeing those escape lights, Zhu Hao’s eyes lit up!

It’s Deva Elder from Xianyuan Daozong!

There are a total of nine Deva in Xianyuan Taoist School. Except for the Deputy Sect Leader and one guarding other places, the remaining four people happened to be cultivated in Xianyuan Taoist School.

Received Zhu Hao’s subpoena, Dang Even came at full speed!

Su Zhan looked at the four Deva, and found that, except for one Deva of the Four Tribulations, the remaining three were Realm of the Three Tribulations.

With that said, Xianyuan Daozong, isn’t it the only one named Zhushan Deva?

Su Zhan was a little surprised, but immediately relieved.

The holy king wants to become Deva, how many times more difficult it is to know Deva’s first five calamities before Deva wants to survive the sixth calamity!

In fact, as long as you have the qualifications to break into Deva, generally speaking, with a little chance and not being affected by foreign objects, you can basically survive the second or third calamity before your life is burned out.

Of course, this is also the limit.

If you want to reach the Four Tribulations, Five Tribulations, and even the Supreme Deva, you need to greatly advance the time of Transcends Tribulation in front, leaving plenty of time to impact the Realm behind.

This is also the reason why Lin Pingping is obviously a young person in Deva, but he must travel to Zhongzhou to seek a breakthrough.

Breaking through Deva is difficult. It’s relatively simple to overcome the first few catastrophes. It also leads to many forces before a new Deva appears after a long time, and the old Deva is broken. Therefore, it will appear. One catastrophe is rare, two catastrophes and three catastrophes But more strange phenomena!

Su Zhan thought about this, watching those Deva come to Cui Mian, he didn’t immediately make a move.

After just fighting Cui Mian, he found that Cui Mian seemed not as strong as he thought.

There is no bloody battle at all.

With the addition of Puppet Seventeen and his many methods, he has already grasped this battle.

Now that I’m sure, it’s a good time to fight with these people, and to hone and hone the response to Deva’s various magical powers.

“Sect Leader, what’s the situation?”

Several Deva came to the ruins of the square and looked at Cui Mian with some doubts.

“Zhu Hao Elder broke his arm, that’s what this person did!”

Cui Mian pointed at Su Zhan, gritted his teeth and said, “Furthermore, today he wants to kill our Xian Yuan Dao Sect!”

Upon hearing this, the four Deva looked at Su Zhan at the same time, all of them a little unbelievable.

“He broke Zhu Elder’s arm?”

“Isn’t it? Although I can’t see his specific Realm, it is obvious that this person has never reached Deva!”

“A holy king, cut off Zhu Elder’s arm, and also destroy our Xianyuan Daozong?”

“Sect Leader, isn’t this too outrageous?”

Cui Mian glanced at the four Elders with unbelieving faces and roared: “Even I borrowed the power of the Xianyuan Great Formation and was suppressed by him!

Do you think I’m joking?

Stop talking nonsense, each of you connects the Xianyuan Great Array with tokens, and the few of us formed a battle formation, killing this person will not be a problem! ”

Hearing Cui Mian’s words, several Elders were surprised again.

But at this time they also had to believe, and they looked solemn and established a connection with the Xianyuan Great Formation.

A few seconds later.

On the square here, in addition to Zhu Hao, who is still unhealed, including Zhu Shan, who has been looking for a chance to escape, a total of six Deva’s bodies are connected!

Respond to the Great Formation of Xianyuan above!

Six creamy white beams of light descended from the large array above, covering the six figures into six white battle suits.

And any one who uses Shengyuan to make a shot, there will be a rune flashing on the battle suit, and the power characteristics and the power of the big formation of the other people will bless him!

“Xianyuan Great Formation, plus the power of the six Deva battle formations…should there be no problem, right?”

Zhu Hao murmured, and his heart settled slightly.

At this time, Cui Mian also shot Su Zhan again!

Take a huge palm print with one palm!

Together with Su Zhan’s Sword Qi dissipated at the same time.

When he shot, the other five Deva also attacked Su Zhan!

“Xianyuan trapped the enemy lock!”

“Broken Sky Slash!”

“Zhenshan Great Seal!”

A series of attacks blasted.

Su Zhan slapped two of them into the air with a fist, mobilizing the power of the law of space and avoiding the other two attacks.

Then, relying on the body protection demon energy of the Demon God Art, he forcibly took Zhu Shan’s palm, and even when the power of his demon energy body broke out, Zhu Shan’s body that was hit by that palm on Su Zhan’s body was shaken off, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood. !

Under the battle clothes of the Xianyuan Great Array and the defense of the six people’s strength, even though the two of them only had the Three Tribulations Deva Cultivation Base, there was nothing serious about it, but the blood surged in their bodies and suffered minor injuries.

“This person is so powerful!”

“Under the defense of the Xianyuan Great Array, although I only have the Three Tribulations Deva Realm, my defense has surpassed many Four Tribulations Deva!

But even so, he was hurt by a punch! ”

“This person actually knows the law of space!”

“The speed is extremely fast, the physical body, and the kendo are so strong, we can’t help him if we join hands!”

“I slapped him, he didn’t do anything, but I vomited blood! How can I hit him?!”

A round of attacks came down.

Finding that Su Zhan fart had nothing to do, those Deva were afraid, and they didn’t dare to go anymore.

“What are you afraid of!”

Seeing this, Cui Mian was anxious, and quickly roared: “He is indeed a little bit stronger than me, but you forgot, he is just a holy king!

How many Saint Yuan can the Saint King have?

How long can it last if he uses it like that?

Now that we have the strength of the Xianyuan Great Array to defend, he can’t do anything with us. As long as we run out of his holy yuan, he can only let us handle it! ”

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