Chapter 670 Kill!


Those Deva hesitated.

Su Zhan recalled the process of using several powers to fight against the six Deva, and felt that his mastery of various powers had improved a bit, and it would be beneficial to him if he continued to fight like this.

He also opened his mouth and said: “You Sect Leader is right. I am just a holy king. When you run out of my holy essence, I can only wait to die!”

“You dare to be arrogant when you die!”

Cui Mian couldn’t bear it: “You just humiliated me just now. Now that I have joined the six major Deva of Yuan Daozong, you dare to be arrogant!

Everyone, Elder, you have seen this person too, the mere saint king can contend the Five Tribulations Deva!

It is conceivable that he does not know how many treasures and opportunities he has!

Killing this person, you can all get huge benefits! ”

When the Deva Elder heard this, they gritted their teeth and nodded.

“Okay, do it today!”

“How many Saint Yuan can a Saint King have? With the Saint King Realm, he can exert such a combat power and consume the Saint Yuan absolutely!

In ten minutes, he is going to die! ”

“Well said!”

Elder and Cui Mian attacked Su Zhan again.

And Su Zhan also responded calmly.

In the face of a combined attack of six, although he can no longer have any strong suppressing power.

But it can also present a posture of chamber resistance.

Moreover, because of his extremely strong physical defense.

Sometimes, in the face of the attack of the Yikie Deva Zhushan, he didn’t even bother to take care of it, let it come up, and then shook back. Instead, Zhu Shan was injured.

Boom boom boom boom!

With the six Deva taking turns, the battle has expanded a lot.

The main peak square is completely broken!

The surrounding mountains and palaces collapsed one after another!

Cracks appear on the earth like an earthquake!

Even the sky is full of Sword Qi, with fists bursting out, traces that cannot be calmed in a short time!

Fighting fiercely for half an hour in a row.

Seeing Su Zhan whose aura gradually began to decline, those Deva were all beaming with joy.

“Great, his Saint Yuan is about to dry up!”

“We are going to win!”

“Wait! The jade treasure in his hand actually stored the Saint Yuan for his recovery?”

“Then Chu Yuan’s jade rank is not high, how much can he recover?”

“That’s right! With him coping with the consumption of our six major Deva, at most it will be enough for him to last a few minutes!”

“Huh? Is this a fool? He actually swallowed a lot of Medicine Pill!

He is not afraid that refining will not be able to force his holy veins to burst? ”

Voices sounded one after another.

Cui Mian even laughed unceremoniously: “Ignorance junior!

Actually taking Medicine Pill for Restoring Saint Yuan during the battle?

Don’t you know that being unable to refine the medicinal power in a short period of time will impact the holy veins and cause the holy yuan to run poorly?

It’s really a cocoon, hahaha—”

The words are not over yet.

The breath of Su Zhan’s fall quickly recovered.

The smile on Cui Mian’s face suddenly stiffened.

“An illusion, it must be an illusion! Absolutely no one can refine those Medicine Pills in such a short period of time! He must be disguised by Chu Yuanyu’s Saint Yuan!

Come on, take advantage of his illness to kill him! ”

Cui Mian shook his head repeatedly, thinking that he had no way out, he gritted his teeth and rushed towards Su Zhan again.

The other Deva had to follow.

Two or three minutes passed.

It was discovered that Su Zhan had not dried up the Saint Yuan.

On the contrary, it has returned to its peak and heyday!

Those Deva finally became desperate.

“He, he is full of Saint Yuan again!”

“Monster, this is definitely a monster!”

“Sect Leader, surrender! We’re afraid we won’t be able to consume him!”

“Right, right, right! Surrender! I even suspect that this person hasn’t really shown all his hole cards at all, otherwise we would have lost!”

Seeing Su Zhan recovering to the top, Deva Elder was finally terrified and never dared to rush forward.

Don’t talk about them.

Cui Mian himself was extremely frightened. He could no longer think of resistance in his heart, and said in horror: “Su Zhan, we will not fight, we will not fight!

We can make peace!

correct! ”

As he said, he remembered something and looked at Zhu Hao: “Don’t you want Zhu Elder?

Give you!

I will leave him to you, leave him at your disposal! ”

Heard this.

Zhu Hao was so scared that his face turned pale, and he didn’t dare to stay here, his face turned into a fleeing escape!

But he had just escaped for a mile when he was stopped by Su Zhan, who was already prepared.

“Don’t, don’t kill me! Have something to say!”


Su Zhan didn’t even think of talking nonsense with Zhu Hao, and punched him directly on his skull!

Zhu Hao’s face was full of blood, the vitality in his body quickly dissipated, and his body fell into the sky!

There was still an expression of horror and regret on his face.

He didn’t even dream of it.

Before he went to find Su Zhan to settle the account, Su Zhan found his lair, and killed him directly in front of the six Deva!

Saint King, Su Zhancai Saint King!

How could there be such a perverted existence in the world! ! !

Unwilling to roar in his heart, Zhu Hao smashed to the ground with a “bang”, severing his vitality!

With a punch to kill Zhu Hao, Su Zhan looked at Cui Mian and others.

Although Zhu Hao is dead.

But Cui Mian and others are no different from Zhu Hao, they are not good people!

That being the case, do good things to the end and send the Buddha to the west!

Su Zhan’s eyes were cold, his body flickered, and the Big Sun Star Sword in his hand directly slashed towards Zhu Shan, the weakest of the six!


Caught off guard, and other people simply didn’t have the courage to fight again, Zhu Shan faced Su Zhan alone and was instantly beheaded!

Seeing this scene, the other five people were panicked and begged for mercy.

“The fellow daoist is merciful, I don’t even know fellow daoist, fellow daoist don’t kill innocent people!”


Su cut an eyebrow, heard the begging for mercy from behind, turned around with a sword, and slashed the Three Tribulations Deva: You just beat me the hardest, are you innocent?

“Run away! This person will not let us go!”

The remaining people knew they had no hope of begging for mercy, and they all fled in all directions.

But they were wounded, and Su Zhan mastered the laws of space, and they couldn’t escape much at all.

Su Zhan didn’t even chase after him.

One sword beheaded the one who had escaped three miles, and Heavenly Demon’s hand appeared, and the one who had escaped five or six miles fell to the ground.

The remaining Deva who wanted to wait for the two to attract Su Zhan’s attention before taking the opportunity to escape suddenly despaired.

He didn’t dare to run away, but knelt on the ground repeatedly begging for mercy.

“Su fellow daoist! You want to kill me, I don’t blame you!”

Just when Su Zhan was about to kill all of these people, Cui Mian thought of something, and said with a heart: “After all, I want to kill you first!

But Sue fellow daoist, I am willing to buy my life with a treasure!

Since fellow daoist came to our Xian Yuan Dao Sect, we should know that our Xian Yuan Dao Sect is the legacy of the Heavenly Dao Sect of the ancients!

First, the Heavenly Dao Sect, there are three most famous treasures!

First Heavenly Dao Sutra, first Heavenly Dao Dan, Innate Excalibur!

The Innate Excalibur is already a legend in the spiritual world. First, the Heavenly Dao Sutra is very famous, but in fact, its effect is mediocre. After all, it is not necessarily a useful thing in the book of myths!

And the first Heavenly Dao pill, as the treasure that accompanied the first Heavenly Dao sect and never appeared again after the extinction, we first Yuan Dao sect–”

Hearing this, Su Zhan was a little surprised: “Do you have Xian Yuan Dao Sect?”

“No, we didn’t—wait! Sue fellow daoist don’t make a sword! Listen to me!”

Before he finished speaking, when he saw Su Zhan being angry, he would cut it with a sword. Cui Mian was frightened and quickly said: “Although our Dao Sect did not have the Heavenly Dao Dan first, we Xian Yuan Dao Zong also got the information about Heavenly Dao first. Some information on pill refining methods!

After spending a lot of money, at the core of the first Heavenly Dao sect’s spiritual veins, a Xianyuan Dao Pill with an effect similar to that of the First Heavenly Dao Pill was cultivated!

It has been cultivated for more than 1,300 years. I originally planned to take this pill when I attacked Deva’s sixth calamity.

But now, I am willing to dedicate it to Sue fellow daoist you, just ask Sue fellow daoist you to spare my life! ”

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