Chapter 671 Don’t Understand Exaggeration?

Xianyuan Dao Dan?

Su Zhan’s heart moved slightly, and immediately shook his head: “Since you have told me where I am, I will dig it out later, you are extremely sinful and unforgivable!”

“Su fellow daoist wait a minute!”

Cui Mian hurriedly said: “If it is forcibly dug out, it will only destroy the Xianyuan Dao Dan!

In addition, Sue fellow daoist, I also know that I am guilty!

As long as Su fellow daoist spares my life, I Cui Mian is willing to abolish Cultivation Base and spend the rest of my life as a mortal! ”

Self-abolished Cultivation Base?

Su Zhan thought.

The other two Deva hesitated, looked at the other Deva Elder who died tragically, and gritted their teeth: “As long as Su fellow daoist doesn’t kill us!

We are also willing to abolish the Cultivation Base ourselves, and will never step into the cultivation world again, and will not pose any threat to you, fellow daoist, Su! ”


After thinking about it for a while, Su Zhan felt that it was almost time to abolish Cultivation Base.

After all, the Cultivation Base is abolished, that is, an ordinary person with a stronger physical body. Even with some aids such as elixir, Shouyuan is afraid that he will not live for one or two hundred years.

Moreover, if the enemies of these people learn about this, they will be easily killed by the enemy.

Although these people deserve to die, I am a good person who doesn’t like killing.

With this in mind, Su Zhan continued: “Since you have all abolished the Cultivation Base yourself, those treasures in the cultivation world are useless. Give them to me!

In addition, I want a copy of all the Cultivation Techniques of your Xian Yuan Dao Zong!

This is what you should compensate me! ”

“It should be!”

Cui Mian didn’t even think about it, and even nodded: “But Su Fellow Daoist, Xian Yuan Dao Dan needs our Elders to work together to take it out. When Su Fellow Daoist you get the Xian Yuan Dao Dan, we will abolish the Cultivation Base. How about handing over those Cultivation Technique treasures to you?”


Su beheaded and nodded, he was not short of this time.

“Su fellow daoist, you leave the main peak for now, we will use the secret method to take out the Xianyuan Dao Pill from the spirit vein without sacrificing the power of the medicine!”

Cui Mian looked solemnly.


Su Zhan tipped his toes a little, and left the main peak. The clouds gathered under his feet, forming a white cloud, supporting his body.

“Everyone, Elder, don’t I need to talk about the power of Xianyuan Dao Dan?”

Cui Mian took a deep look at the remaining two Deva Elders: “This time, we must go all out. If the medicine is damaged, we will not survive!”


The two Elders glanced at each other, also realizing a certain meaning, and nodded in response.

Afterwards, the three of them began to play a rune, falling into the broken main peak under their feet!

Su Zhan watched from the side.

The huge movement here also shocked many deacons and disciples of the Xianyuan Dao Sect.

But those people only dared to wait and see from a distance. Some people didn’t even dare to look anymore after discovering that Su Zhan had killed Deva Elder.

Fleeing in fear and shock and hiding.

I am afraid that it will affect myself.

Su Zhan also ignored those who didn’t threaten him at all.

Three minutes later.

Suddenly light appeared on the mountain of Sect Leader Peak in Xianyuan Road!

One by one huge runes appeared on the bare rock walls of the mountain!


The space trembles!

The vitality of heaven and earth is suddenly converging towards the mountain!

A Medicine Pill with infinite golden light flew out of the main peak. Just after flying out, Cui Mian grabbed it and sent it to Su Zhan: “Su fellow daoist, this is Xianyuan Daoist!”

“What’s the use of this Dan?”

Su Zhan took the Xianyuan Dao Pill and sensed that it was definitely the largest vitality energy he had ever seen in Medicine Pill, and he asked curiously.

“Xianyuan Dao Dan, wash the tendons and cut the marrow!

Enhance cultivation talents, control the vitality of heaven and earth, and Ascension of Cultivation Base! ”

Cui Mian said: “Su fellow daoist, I know you are a god body, but the god body, have you really reached the peak of your physique?


No matter what kind of divine body, it is by no means the limit state that Human Race can reach!

However, for a divine body like you Su fellow daoist, ordinary elixir has no effect!

But Xianyuan Dao Dan can definitely make your physical talent go further!

Breaking into Deva in the future is no problem!

But Sue fellow daoist”

As he said, Cui Mian paused and said, “The mysterious effect of the Xianyuan Dao Pill will quickly dissipate after leaving the place of accumulation, you’d better refine it as soon as possible!”

“Yes, yes, yes! Xianyuan Dao Dan contains the meaning of Dao law, if it is finished, I am afraid that Insight will not be able to see this Dao meaning!”

The other two Elders also joined together.

When Su Zhan heard this, he didn’t think much, and swallowed Xianyuan Dao Pill in one bite.

But then, he only felt that the Xianyuan Dao Dan exploded in his body like a nuclear bomb!

The terrifying vitality hits his Dantian Qi Sea, the viscera Meridians!

Su Zhan’s face changed slightly, and he instantly activated his xinxing aura, refining the aura!

The medicinal force of the riot suddenly calmed down.

But because the medicine was too powerful, there was still some tingling sensation from among the Meridians.

“Sue fellow daoist, how do you feel?”

Just when Su Zhan was about to release Seventeen to protect, refining, and refining, Cui Mian asked.

how are you feeling?

Su Zhanluo thought about it, and said truthfully: “This Medicine Pill is too powerful!

I even feel that there is a nuclear bomb…

You can understand that a little sun suddenly exploded in my body!

The power of horror swept through my body!

Shock my Meridians, viscera!

I just felt that I was suffocated, and I felt like I was dying! ”

Like a little sun exploding in the body?

Have a feeling of dying?

When Cui Mian heard these words, the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing a smug smile.

The other two Deva’s faces changed when they saw Su Zhan, and based on their understanding of Xianyuan Dao Dan, what Su Zhan said was their expected normal reaction. At this time, they were all ecstatic, haha!

A Deva Elder laughed and said, “What kind of Medicine Pill is Xianyuan Dao Pill?

Even if it is me, I need to carefully prepare a lot of auxiliary elixir to swallow and refine beforehand, so as to suppress the violent power!

How dare you swallow it directly?

Really looking for death!

It seems that we don’t need to abolish Cultivation Base by ourselves, hahaha! ”

“You deliberately designed to lie to me?”

Su Zhan said in amazement.


The other Deva Elder was full of contempt: “How about a little bit of strength?

Heartless city, unbearable use!

It’s really foolish for you to get caught in such a small trick! madness! Stupid! stupid–”


Before he could finish speaking, Su Zhan couldn’t bear it anymore.

In the horrified gaze of the Elder, a punch hit his face, smashing all the bones on his face, distorting his facial features, and flying out with blood all over his head!

“It’s so vicious to dare to insult my IQ!”

Su Zhan was a little angry. He pulled the stunned Elder next to him and pressed it on the mountain below, and punched the Elder directly through the mountain behind him!

The rumbling, the mountain collapsed, burying the dead Elder body with an expression of horror!

After that, Su Zhan appeared in front of Cui Mian instantly.

Cui Mian was already frightened at this time, a trembling hand pointed at Su Zhan, and his voice trembled: “You, don’t you feel that a little sun is exploding in your body, isn’t it about to die?

What, how can you actually urge Sheng Yuan, this, this shouldn’t be! ”

“When I said there was a sun explosion, there would be a sun explosion?

I said I’m dying, so I’m dying? ”

Su Zhan looked at Cui Mian like a fool: “Don’t you understand exaggerated expressions?

Just like some people will say ‘I love you to death’ when pursuing dao companion, is that really going to die?

Have you ever read a book?

Why don’t you even understand such a simple thing?

I have also seen many people with mental disabilities, deafness, physical disabilities, and ugly people, but they are as stupid as you are.

It’s really the first time I saw you.

Come on, tell me well, did you get water in your head or got caught in the door when you were a kid, how could you be so stupid? ? ? ”

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