Chapter 672 First Heavenly Dao Dan was born! (Fourth)


Cui Mian is stupid!

I’m fighting here with you, are you exaggerating with me?

I praise your uncle!

Moreover, a Saint King who swallows Xianyuan Dao Pill, can actually use Saint Yuan freely, how is this possible?

Even me, it is impossible to do this!

It’s too ridiculous!

I was shocked and unbelievable, but watching Su Zhan kill two Elders with his own eyes, Cui Mian couldn’t accept it anymore and could only choose to believe it.

“Forget it, since you are so stupid, what you want to say is of little value, I don’t want to listen.”

At this moment, Su Zhan looked at Cui Mian’s unacceptable look and shook his head.

“Su fellow daoist, wait, I have something to say–”


Su Zhan’s left hand Tianleiji Volcano imprint shined, and the Star God Body Tempering fisted and blasted out!

Cui Mian flew upside down and landed on the ruins of the Great Hall, the main peak!

Of course, he is the Five Tribulations Deva.

The punch just wound him.

But immediately, Su Zhan appeared in front of him again, punching out again!


Cui Mian’s body just got up was blown away again!

Break a mountain miles away!

“Sue fellow daoist listen to me–”


“I know I was wrong, please Sue fellow daoist forgive me—”


Hit six punches in a row!

After beating Cui Mian with blood all over his body, there was only one breath left at the top of a mountain, and he couldn’t even get up!

Su Zhan is preparing to blast the seventh punch to end Cui Mian’s sinful life.

But at this moment.

The ground under his feet started to tremble!

The vitality of the world has become extremely violent at this moment!


The mountain collapsed!

The river breaks!

There are bottomless cracks on the surface!

In that rift, a holy white light burst out!

Shoot straight into the sky!

This is just the beginning!

As those white lights become more and more shining, the laws of heaven and earth in these thousands of miles are revealed!

The power of the laws is circulating in this space!

The world went dark!


It was only thirty miles away from Su Zhan.

That ground suddenly exploded!

A pure white ball of light flew out of it!

At that moment when the light ball flew out!

The laws of heaven and earth that appear are all converging towards the light group!

“That is……”

Su Zhan’s eyes narrowed, before he could see what it was.

The dying Cui Mian suddenly widened his eyes, holding his hands on the ground, staring at the light group, blood in his mouth, and extremely excited: “First Heavenly Dao Dan!

It turns out that the land occupied by our Xian Yuan Dao Sect really has a great opportunity left by the ancient first Heavenly Dao Sect!

If I can get the first Heavenly Dao Dan, I will definitely become the Supreme Deva!

Even, maybe there is hope to condense the legendary, Wanfa first Heavenly Dao body!

This is the great opportunity of my Xianyuan Taoist school!

This is my great opportunity for Cui Mian! ! ! ”

“First Heavenly Dao Dan?”

Su Zhan was also taken aback, and immediately said: “No, you are wrong. This is not your chance, but mine.”

After speaking, his Saint Yuan surged and took the light group thirty miles apart.

The first Heavenly Dao Dan did not resist, and even took the initiative to fly towards Su Zhan and was held in his hand!

“no no!!!”

Seeing this scene, Cui Mian’s Qi orifices bleed and shouted hoarsely: “That’s the chance that we Xianyuan Daozong has been waiting for tens of thousands of years!


Why don’t you come early or late, but come at this time!

why! ! !

For tens of thousands of years, making wedding dresses for others!

God is unfair!

I am not reconciled to Cui Mian, and I am not reconciled to death! ! ! ”

Cui Mian was so angry that he hammered the ground with his hands angrily, while roaring, blood mixed with visceral fragments poured out of his mouth!

Soon, he opened his eyes wide and died unwillingly.

Be alive to death!

“It turns out that it’s not just stupid, but also narrow-minded. I just picked up a Heavenly Dao Dan and made myself angry.”

Seeing Cui Mian’s anger, Su Zhan shook his head.

Immediately, he looked at Heavenly Dao Dan in his hand.

If we say that Xianyuan Dao Dan is the essence extracted from the heaven and earth vitality energy Ascension.

First, Heavenly Dao Dan is a gathering of the power of the laws of heaven and earth!

Of course, the Heavenly Dao Pill is no weaker than the Xian Yuan Dao Pill in terms of the energy of Heaven and Earth’s vitality.

Turn on the pill refining halo.

Su Zhan looked carefully for a while, the more he looked, the more satisfied.

“The first Heavenly Dao pill is worthy of being the first Heavenly Dao pill of the ancient times to dominate the Zhongzhou region!

There are more than ten thousand runes on the surface of this Medicine Pill!

Moreover, all runes are extremely mysterious, and they are not mentioned in all pill refining books I have seen!

Such a strong power of law, as well as the mysterious energy that makes people feel reborn, if it is refined, my Sun Moon Star chaotic body will definitely get a great Ascension!

Cui Mian actually said that what Xianyuan Dao Dan is similar to Heavenly Dao Dan…

If you want me to say it, it’s almost the same name!

First, the value of Heavenly Dao Pill is definitely more than a hundred times more than Xianyuan Dao Pill! ”

Whispering in his mouth, General Su Zhan will first enter Heavenly Dao Dan into the sky.

Immediately, he cleaned the battlefield and took away all the belongings of Cui Mian and others, including the seal of destruction he wanted.

As for the remaining Xianyuan Taoist treasure house.

Su Zhan didn’t even bother to look for it at this time.

First, the power of Heavenly Dao Dan is fading all the time, he must find a safe place to refine it immediately!

Such a god pill, even if it is him, I am afraid it is not something that can be done in an hour or two!

It is too dangerous to stay here.

Wouldn’t it cause a big deal if it was passed by a certain supreme-level Deva?

With this in mind, after Su Zhan put away his things, he exploded in speed, and the royal wind robe given to him by the city lord of Luoshui on his body was shining with blue light!

Feng Lei Shen Wing urged to the extreme.

His body turned into an electric light to tear the sky away!

Three hours later.

There is a valley tens of thousands of miles away from Xianyuan Daozong.

Su Zhan was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed.

At this moment, he had already swallowed the Heavenly Dao Pill into his belly.

However, he was only wrapped in Saint Yuan to prevent the medicine from dissipating too much. Fortunately, the Heavenly Dao Pill was much gentler than the fake Xian Yuan Dao Pill. He didn’t start refining, so he stayed quietly.

And that violent Xianyuan Dao Dan was almost refined by him at this time!

After refining the last bit of remnants, Su Zhan discovered that own Cultivation Base had reached the limit of the middle-most holy king!

In this regard, he was not too surprised.

Although Xian Yuan Dao Dan and Xian Heavenly Dao Dan are rubbish.

But it is also the treasure that Xianyuan Dao Zong spent more than a thousand years to cultivate!

The value is higher than many Heavenly Dao holy soldiers!

It is normal for him to break the realm of a cultivator who has already reached the middle stage of the holy king.

Moreover, adding Cultivation Base is not the main magical power of Xianyuan Dao Pill.

As Cui Mian said, the greatest Ascension of Xianyuan Dao Dan is his physique!

Become stronger!

“Since you have reached the limit, let’s do your best. After breaking through the extreme position, you can refine Heavenly Dao Dan first!”

Su Zhan took a deep breath, and directly began to attack the Great Extreme Saint King Realm barrier!


With him as the center, Spiritual Qi, a world with a radius of thousands of miles, suddenly rioted!

Those Spiritual Qi formed a great river of Spiritual Qi, and gathered towards him like a hundred rivers returning to the sea!

And this time.

Holding the Five Elements defense formation control stone plate that Su Zhan bought from Luoshui City in his left hand, holding the Heavenly Star Epee in his right hand, the puppet Seventeen, who was guarding on the mountain not far away, also felt sensitive and turned his head abruptly. .

The golden light flashed in his eyes, like a human, revealing a hint of shock: “Master, it’s going to break again!”

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