Chapter 673 Wanfa is all connected, first Heavenly Dao body!

Looked for a while.

Seventeen also retracted his gaze, her eyes gleaming, and she looked vigilantly in other directions.

The owner wants to refine Medicine Pill, breakthrough Realm, this is the most vulnerable time!

And this Five Elements guarding formation, as well as his seventeen, is the only barrier to the owner!

There must be no mistake!

With these in mind, the seventeenth body turned into golden light, flashing around the valley, so as not to miss a place.

After half an hour.

The Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi dispersed.

Su Zhan also officially broke into the Great Supreme Saint King!

Make a fist casually.


Feng Lei appeared on his fist!

That is due to the power of the law of wind and thunder!

“Holy King Realm, the power of the law penetrates the flesh, but only when the holy king reaches the extreme position can the power of various laws be directly manifested in the flesh!

A stronger grasp of the power of the law means that any attack with the power of the law is stronger!

Of course, the increase brought by Realm Ascension is far more than just these…”

Su Zhan took a deep breath, closed his eyes slightly, carefully feeling the change in his strength from Ascension to the Great Saint King.

Speed, strength, defense, mental energy… all aspects are enhanced!

“Now I, if I face the siege of Cui Mian and other six people again, I am afraid I don’t need to entangle him for so long, just defeat them with an overwhelming advantage!

As for Cui Mian, he was able to block me by at least ten swords before, but now, I am afraid that at most it is about three swords!

However, Cui Mian shouldn’t be a strong player in the Five Tribulations Deva. If you encounter Deva at the peak of the Five Tribulations, such as Qin Xiaoshu, I am afraid it will not be so easy… or you can’t be complacent. ”

There was a whisper in his mouth.

Su Zhan’s huge sacred thoughts were released, and he scanned it roughly tens of miles around, and after not finding any changes, he sat down again and began to refine the Heavenly Dao Pill.

It is different from Xianyuan Dao Dan.

First, although Heavenly Dao Dan’s power is extremely strong, it is very gentle.

It seems that he deliberately followed his limbs, a hundred skeletons, and a hundred and eight divine veins to move and exert the power of medicine.

Of course, although the medicine power of Heavenly Dao Pill is relatively mild first.

But helplessly, the power of the various laws contained in it is really too huge!

Therefore, although Su Zhan refined the Heavenly Dao Pill faster than the Xianyuan Dao Pill, because there were too many overall, he had only refined less than one third after a full hour passed!

In this regard, he did not have any impatience.

If Heavenly Dao Dan can be refined in just one or two hours, can it still be called First Heavenly Dao Dan?

With Su Zhan’s refining chemical power, his bones, holy veins, viscera… all have been strengthened!

The power of the law of the whole body is stimulated by the power of medicine, washing the whole body!

Even his Sun, Moon and Star divine body is slowly increasing!

that’s all.

Three full hours have passed!

Su Zhan finally refines the Heavenly Dao Pill first!

Just as he refined the last trace of the Heavenly Dao pill, his Sun Moon Star chaotic body suddenly aroused on its own!

The golden sun, the cold and bright moon, and the night, the three heaven and earth visions of Star appear at the same time!

The sea of ​​chaos and fog, the power of Five Elements rotates!


Space trembles!

The power of laws emerges one after another!

Behind Su Zhan, a mysterious golden rune suddenly appeared!

As soon as that rune appeared, he shot towards the top!


The golden rune smashed into the divine body vision, like a big rock smashing into the water, setting off a huge ripple of the power of law!

The ripple is centered on the golden rune, sweeping toward the surroundings!

In a moment, it has enveloped the entire universe of visions!

And the golden rune, at this moment, also disappeared, and merged with Su Zhan’s divine body vision!

The next moment.

Su Zhan’s divine body vision suddenly expanded!

Until it shrouds the world below!

On the surface, the Sun Moon Star chaotic body’s heaven and earth vision has not changed, but Su Zhan can clearly feel that his divine power is directly more than several times stronger!

Moreover, the golden sun, the night star, the cold and bright moon… etc. visions are not just visions anymore!

Feeling that mysterious power, Su Zhan’s heart moved and pointed at one direction.


The golden sun suddenly spit out a group of golden flames, melting that hill abruptly!

“In the past, although I could suppress the enemy with divine might, it was absolutely impossible to use the divine vision to release the power to directly attack the enemy!

But right now, no matter what kind of vision, I can mobilize the corresponding power and turn it into a means of attack!

Although this method does not seem to be too powerful, my divine body has just begun to transform after all. With the future strength Ascension, these supernatural powers will naturally become stronger!


If these methods of attack are rather tasteless, the power of comprehension…”

Su Zhan muttered, feeling his own changes, his face was full of joy.

He can clearly feel that his current self has greatly improved his understanding of various Cultivation Techniques, martial arts, laws… all kinds of power!

He even had a sense of affinity for the world, the power of the three thousand laws!

It seems that he and the Great Dao of Law have already blended with each other!

Wanfa is connected!

First Heavenly Dao body!

Su Zhan suddenly heard Cui Mian’s words.

Just as he just realized, in the vision of heaven and earth above, runes containing various laws appeared in heaven and earth!

At the same time, the sky opens a door!

In the gate of heaven, a golden beam of light about a hundred meters in diameter fell from the sky and enveloped him!


Su Zhan felt that his savvy that had already been greatly increased had increased by more than ten times!

Feeling the omniscient insight that seemed to be the incarnation of Heavenly Dao, his eyes lit up, his palms turned over, and he took out a roll of Jade Slip.

It is Cui Mian’s secret method, the seal of collapse!

Heavenly Dao level mysterious technique!

Sheng Nian sank into it, and Su Zhan just watched it once.

Ten seconds later.

Behind him suddenly appeared a seal containing the power of destruction!

“Heavenly Dao level secret method, just look at it!

Is this the horror effect of the Heavenly Dao body first? ! ”

Su Zhan was a little shocked.

It was just like when he first turned on his perceptual aura and cultivated Tianhan Sword Technique!

The difference is.

At that time, what he cultivated was just the lowest-level Sword Technique!

But the seal of collapse is the secret technique at the top level among countless cultivators in the entire spirit world!

Even for ordinary Deva, Insight may not be able to get started for decades!

But right now, he only watched it once, and he had mastered it!

First Heavenly Dao body, it’s too outrageous!

Surprised in his heart, Su Zhan didn’t want to waste a second, and took out several Cultivation Technique secret techniques obtained from Xianyuan Daozong. At the same time, he also began to carefully insight into the power of various laws and perfect his thirty-eight in the Purple Mansion. The shadow of the law!

Just when he inspired Heavenly Dao’s golden beam of light to descend.

Within a distance of a million miles around.

Each group of forces, each strong, all felt in their hearts, and turned their heads to look in the direction here!

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