Chapter 674: Okay, Little Tree!

Of course, those who were more than 100,000 miles apart would not even see Su Zhan’s vision of heaven and earth.

But they could feel that the power of the law in Su Zhan’s area had undergone tremendous changes!

Some Rogue Cultivators are okay. Although they are a little surprised, they are not too concerned.

But those Deva-level forces, through some special treasures in Sect, were a hundred times clearer than those Rogue Cultivators perceiving the drastic changes in the laws of the world where Su Zhan was located, and they were all shocked.

“Even if it is the Holy King Breakthrough Deva, it won’t lead to the power of this law!”

“Is there a Divine Armament handed down?”

“It’s not like, it’s like some kind of special divine body…I remember it!

First Heavenly Dao body! ”

“First Heavenly Dao’s body cannot be shaped by the day after tomorrow. Could it be that another Tianjiao was born?”

“That’s not necessarily true. It is said that the ancient first Heavenly Dao Sect has a kind of first Heavenly Dao pill, which is extremely mysterious and can help refiners achieve the first Heavenly Dao body!

Although the odds are quite low, there is almost no record in the ancient books that people who rely on the Heavenly Dao Dan really become the first Heavenly Dao body, but there is indeed a chance! ”

“Okay, don’t talk nonsense, we will send someone to check and find out!”

Similar dialogues occurred in a group of forces.

The extremely holy palace next to the most holy palace.


For the vast majority of people, they only exist in the legendary three-story building.

A small lake with pleasant scenery.

A white-haired old man is playing against an elegant and handsome young man.

The old man smiled slightly and seemed to be in a good mood.

The young man on the opposite side was scratching his head while looking at the chessboard.

Ten seconds later.

The youth withdrew his gaze from the chessboard, revealing a tired posture: “Owner, I can’t play this chess, and I’m afraid that my Mental Energy will be damaged if I play it again.

You can’t stop, wait for the second brother to come back and let him accompany you! ”

“That guy Xi Yunze has a grumpy temper.

Last time I played chess with him, he overturned my chessboard with a single sword! ”

Hearing what the young man said, Xu Tianyue, the owner of Tianshulou, shook his head repeatedly: “You are better off as a small tree.

Mental Energy is strong enough to hold it.

It won’t overturn my chessboard.

Moreover, the most important thing is…”

Xu Tianyue raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: “Your second brother, I may not have been able to play, you are different, you have to dare to flip the board, hehe…”

“Origin, you laughed, how dare I…”

The corners of Qin Xiaoshu’s mouth twitched.

Sure enough, the original poster still likes to bully people so much.

If I knew this, it would be better to stay in Lintianyu and not come back!

“If you take this Requiem Pill, Mental Energy will be fully restored within half an hour. After playing this game, then-Huh?”

Xu Tianyue, the owner of the Tianshulou, had not finished speaking, and suddenly felt that he threw the Medicine Pill in his hand to Qin Xiaoshu, flipped his palm, and a mini bronze three-legged small tripod appeared in his hand.

Then he tossed Xiaoding!

The bronze tripod suddenly soared and became three meters in size!

Phoenix, peacock, Qilin… many auspicious sacred beasts on the surface are all lit up, transforming into phantoms, and crying in a certain direction!

Xu Tianyue closed his eyes slightly, put his hands on the bronze cauldron, and felt carefully.

After a moment, he opened his eyes and his face was full of surprise.

“Owner, what happened?”

Qin Xiaoshu was a little curious.

“The Heavenly Dao body was born first. I still remember that the last time the Heavenly Dao body was born first was only about two hundred years ago. What happened to the Zhongzhou region?”

Xu Tianyue was a little puzzled: “First, Heavenly Dao body, something that doesn’t necessarily appear once in 10,000 years, appeared twice in a thousand years?”

“Heavenly Dao body first?”

Qin Xiaoshu was taken aback: “Are you sure, the host?”

“There is nothing wrong with the auspicious bronze cauldron, it is definitely the Heavenly Dao body first!”

Xu Tianyue said: “Soon after the birth of the Heavenly Dao body two hundred years ago, he joined the Supreme Heavenly Sect and became one of the holy kings with the greatest potential in the Zhongzhou region today!

Since this Heavenly Dao body is so close to us, we should also fight for it in the Tianshulou! ”

Qin Xiaoshu thought for a while and said: “First, although the Heavenly Dao body explodes with power, it is not a big deal, but it is a great help to the cultivation path in the future!

This kind of physique can almost certainly break into Deva. If your luck is not bad, it shouldn’t be a problem to achieve Supreme Deva!

It is estimated that a lot of forces have already gone by this time! ”

Xu Tianyue shook his head: “I’ve seen it. The place where the first Heavenly Dao body was born is in the Most Sacred Mansion, and around the Most Sacred Mansion, our Tianshulou is the strongest. They can’t compete.

As for the more distant superpowers, when they come over, the day lily will be cold. Then, go there!

Take the auspicious bronze cauldron, find that person, and bring it back! ”

“I go?”

Qin Xiaoshu was a little unhappy: “I’ve just been back for a few days, and I haven’t cultivated enough!

I’m not the only Deva on the three-story building, so can’t you ask others to go to the host? ”

“Other people can’t. Except for me and Junior Brother Xi, you are the strongest on the three-story building!”

Xu Tianyue smiled and said: “And you are in charge of the Book of Heaven, and you really want to fight, the Supreme Deva has nothing to do with you, you are the most suitable to go.

Before the Heavenly Dao body is born, the Heavenly Dao beam will last for about a day. Don’t waste time, go find the baby, talk to his parents, and bring him back. ”

“But what if people don’t want to come?”

“It’s fine if you don’t want to. In the long history of the spiritual world, there have been a lot of Heavenly Dao bodies in total, but there are not many of them that can really make a big difference.

If he is unwilling, it means that he has no relationship with our Tianshulou, let him go! ”

Xu Tianyue shook his head: “Our Tianshulou pays attention to a fate character. We rely on the Cultivation Base to forcefully bring it back. A good fate may become a bad fate. However, when necessary, some means need to be used.

You can control this degree, Xiaoshu! ”

“All right!”

Qin Xiaoshu took the bronze cauldron helplessly, feeling depressed.

When I just returned to the Tianshulou, I was going to pick up a Heavenly Dao baby, what is this called!


After sighing, he suddenly thought of something and couldn’t help but said: “By the way, can you stop calling me Xiaoshu in the future?

You can call me Xiao Qin, Junior Brother Qin, Mr. Eleven…all of these! ”

Xu Tianyue nodded: “Good little tree.”

Qin Xiaoshu: “…”

One day later.

Most Holy Mansion, in that valley.

The golden beam of light slowly dissipated.

Showing the figure of Su Zhan among them.

As the beam of light dissipated, the horror perception that was so powerful and perverted was also suddenly reduced.

Of course, even if it is lowered a lot, it is much stronger than before the Heavenly Dao body condensed!

Moreover, this time of day.

Relying on the Heavenly Dao golden beam of light triggered by the Heavenly Dao body.

Su Zhan abruptly cultivated the seal of successful collapse and vitality escaped with two Deva-level secret methods. Of course, these two secret methods actually only took him about one minute.

Because it was a Deva-level secret method, he couldn’t cultivate in the first place, and relying on the Heavenly Dao light beam opportunity of the first Heavenly Dao body, he could only reach the entry level, and then he couldn’t cultivate before breaking into the Deva realm.

Therefore, the rest of his time was spent on other cultivation techniques such as Wanxiangyuan Sword Technique and Star God Body Tempering Fist.

In one day, he cultivated all aspects of swordsmanship, body tempering fist of the star god, and wind and thunder escaping techniques to reach the peak!

He tried the Demon God Jue and found that the Heavenly Dao beam of light had relatively weak blessing on its Insight, so he didn’t waste time.

Instead, cultivate the shadow of the law in the purple mansion!

The shadow of the thirty-eight laws!

Except for the law of space and the law of vitality that have just been condensed.

All have reached the summit of the Holy King Realm! Realm!

Time of day.

Su Zhan has done something that other people may not be able to accomplish for a thousand years or even two thousand years!

“The Heavenly Dao beam of light triggered by the Heavenly Dao body is really Tai Xuan, shrouded in light, and I am like an incarnation of Heavenly Dao!

Wanfa is accessible, all the laws seem to be in my hands!

Tai Xuan is wonderful…”

Su Zhan closed his eyes slightly, still recalling the mysterious feeling when the Heavenly Dao body was born.

It’s not just these.

Even Cultivation Base has been promoted from the early stage to the middle stage!

If other holy kings Cultivation Base Ascension were so fast, they would definitely have a weak foundation, leading to various problems in subsequent cultivation.

But Su Zhan possesses the cultivation aura, and he breaks the boundary when he breaks the boundary. As for the solid Realm, he doesn’t need it at all!

“Yesterday, I said that Cui Mian might not be able to stop me with three swords. Now, I don’t know if he can stop me with one sword?

It’s a pity that Cui Mian is dead, no one wants me to try the sword-Huh? ”

Whispering in his mouth, Su Zhan suddenly saw several figures appearing in the sky outside the valley, and the aura of those figures exploding… It was all Deva!

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