Chapter 679 Ten Thousand Ghosts! (Fourth larger chapter)

Hearing this, the faces of Lin Ping and the four who could still keep smiling suddenly froze.

They dignified Deva, they were actually said to be cerebral palsy?

Still a holy king said so!

This is so special!

Can you bear it!

Annoyed in his heart, Lin Ping immediately persuaded as soon as he opened his mouth: “Sue fellow daoist joked!

That day, it was a complete misunderstanding!

Sue fellow daoist doesn’t know something. On the surface, we abandoned Sue fellow daoist and left. In fact, we want to find a rescuer to rescue Sue fellow daoist! ”

Lin Ping’s mind turned sharply, and he quickly explained: “So, fellow daoist, you think, a few of us, Cultivation Base is low and low, where are the opponents of the Xianyuan Taoist people?

If you don’t leave, you will just die in vain!

When we came to the Tianshulou, we just wanted to enter the Tianshulou. Please move the strong man in the Tianshulou to rescue you!

I just didn’t expect…”

As he said, Lin Ping squeezed a smile: “I didn’t expect you to have friendship with Mr. Eleven, fellow daoist Su, since Mr. Eleven has taken action, then you will naturally not be in any danger, fellow daoist Su!

We can also rest assured! ”

Nie Kun also agreed: “Yes, yes!

Brother Lin is right!

Su fellow daoist is in distress, and I am so anxious!

However, the Cultivation Base is low and low, and it is really compelling to escape for a while. I hope that fellow daoist Su will be considerate! ”

The remaining two also apologized quickly.

Qin Xiaoshu was surprised: “Fellow daoist Su, have you gone to the Xianyuan Dao Sect? What was in distress? What happened?”

“Nothing, I just did some good deeds for the heavens.”

Su Zhan glanced at Lin Ping and shook his head and said, “Since this is the case, then forget about it. You can continue to talk to Qin fellow daoist!”

After speaking, he didn’t mean to speak any more.

He couldn’t control what Lin Ping’s four thoughts.

Although he didn’t like these four guys, as long as they were honest and didn’t harm him, he didn’t bother to care about these guys’ escape.

After all, Lin Pingping’s Cultivation Base is really not enough for the Deva of the Xian Yuan Dao Sect.

Seeing this, although Qin Xiaoshu still has some doubts, it is still important to do business at this time, so he didn’t ask too much, and turned to Lin Pingping: “I am indeed Mr. Eleven. Okay, come with me! ”

With that, Qin Xiaoshu turned and left.

The four Lin Ping quickly followed.

“Su fellow daoist, Su fellow daoist”

When Qin Xiaoshu walked a little farther, Lin Ping leaned over and whispered: “Unexpectedly, fellow daoist Su, you still have such friendship!

Wait for the assessment, can Sue fellow daoist help me say something nice?

Whether our brothers can enter the Tianshu Tower smoothly, it depends on you, fellow daoist Su! ”

Let me help out again?

Su Zhan was taken aback, then shook his head and said, “You are participating in the assessment, but I am not participating in the assessment. Why do I speak?”

“Sue fellow daoist’s words are very bad. Since you and Mr. Eleven are together, you are considered half of the examiner, of course you are qualified to speak!”

Lin Pingxiao smiled and said, “I hope that fellow daoist Su will help me out more. If it passes smoothly, of course we will also thank you fellow daoist Su!”

Nie Kun also hurriedly said, “Su fellow daoist, please believe what we have just said!

We are absolutely sincere!

Sue fellow daoist, you help us now, and we will spare no effort to help you if we use our place in the future! ”

“Yes, yes, I hope Su fellow daoist will help!”

“Sue fellow daoist is so righteous, surely he won’t help me?”

The remaining two people also spoke one after another.

Su Zhan glanced at them, thought of something, suddenly laughed, and said: “Okay, I will help you talk more later.”

“Then thank you Su fellow daoist!”

When Su Zhan agreed, all four of them were overjoyed.

With Su Zhan’s help, he was completely stable now.

After talking about this, they also speeded up to keep up with Qin Xiaoshu’s figure.


Several people came to a square on the top of a mountain peak of several hundred meters.

In the center of the square, a palace stands tall.

Walking into the palace, Su Zhan found that the palace was very empty.

There are not even a few beams.

In the left area, there is a picture scroll surrounded by black mist on the surface.

On the right side, there is a huge stone monument about three meters high.

Qin Xiaoshu walked directly to the side of the scroll on the left, pointed to a futon in front of the scroll, and said: “The assessment is very simple. There are two rounds in total.

In the first round, Mental Energy was tested.

Sitting on this futon and looking at the ghost map ahead, you will naturally enter the spiritual world of the ghost map!

In the world of Ten Thousand Ghosts, you will encounter countless ghosts attack and kill!

Similarly, in the spiritual world, you can also freely use all your magical powers, treasures, bombard and kill Ghost, and resist attacks!

However, this is all transformed by Mental Energy’s holy thoughts!

In other words, any of your attacks and actions are consuming the amount of Holy Mind Mental Energy!

And if you don’t resist it, your mental energy sacred idea will be damaged if you are eaten by the Ghost in the ghost map, don’t think about supporting it!

Because of something like Mental Energy, the more damaged, the weaker it is!

He couldn’t resist it at first, and when he became weaker, staying inside forcibly would only end up with a soul dying out and death!

As for the assessment criteria.

Your Cultivation Base is in the realm of Deva, according to the standard of Deva…”

Qin Xiaoshu thought for a while, thinking that Xu Tianyue asked him not to set too high, these guys are going to be admitted to the Tianshulou to do chores, and said: “Your spiritual consciousness, you only need to stay in the Ten Thousand Swords Chart for three minutes!

In the spiritual world, I can also see your every move.

If you can’t bear it, you can quit the spirit world of Wanguitu by yourself.

Or three minutes later, I will also take action to let your spiritual consciousness leave the picture of ghosts!

Okay, which one of you will come first? ”

“I’ll come first!”

Lin Ping was obviously very confident in own Mental Energy, and was the first to sit on the futon and stare at the picture of ghosts.

Three seconds later.

The black mist on the surface of Wanguitu suddenly disappeared!

A dark gray picture was revealed.

In the picture scroll, the black spirit swims, and in the center, there is a villain exactly like Lin Ping.

As soon as the villain appeared, the surrounding black air gathered into a roaring evil spirit, and attacked him.

Lin Ping also displayed his own magical powers, sending out a series of attacks, blasting at those Ghosts!

Those Ghosts are strong and weak, the weak ones are easily destroyed by Lin Ping, and the strong ones are able to force him to avoid the edge for the time being!

Soon, three minutes passed.

Just when Lin Ping was forced to run around by Ghost.

Qin Xiaoshu waved his hand, and the black mist appeared on the surface of the Wangui map again, covering it.

Lin Ping also opened his eyes suddenly, panting heavily, with joy: “I passed!”

“Stay on the side when you pass, don’t yell.”

Qin Xiaoshu said a little displeased.

The Ten Thousand Ghosts Picture Book is the test treasure on the second floor, and the three-minute time is only the standard of the general Deva.

Lin Ping was already devastated by Deva late stage, and he was still so embarrassed that he was forced to run around in the map of the ghosts. It was really not good. If it were not for special circumstances, the Tianshulou would not recruit such mediocre people.

“Yes, yes, Mr. Eleven!”

Lin Ping hurriedly cupped hands, and honestly waited by the side.

The second test was Nie Kun, who had a fat head and big ears.

He only persisted for two and a half minutes in the Ten Thousand Sword Diagram, and finally was surrounded and bitten by a crowd of Ghosts, and in desperation he withdrew from the spiritual world.

Opening his eyes, Nie Kun’s head was covered with cold sweat, and there was some fear in his eyes.

It took a few seconds before he was relieved, and looked back at Qin Xiaoshu a little embarrassedly: “Mr. Eleven, I was not ready just now, I want to come again—”

“Okay, let the next one go up.”

Qin Xiaoshu waved and interrupted.

Seeing this, Nie Kun had no choice but to withdraw.

Next, Li Hai and Xie Yu tried one after another.

All passed the mental test of Wanguitu.

Qin Xiaoshu glanced at them and said, “Well, you four, except for Nie Kun, everyone else has passed the second round of assessment. If you pass, you will be the Elder on the third floor of my Tianshu Building! ”

The voice just fell.

Nie Kun was very unwilling, and hurriedly looked at Su Zhan: “Su fellow daoist!”

Su Zhan also immediately understood, and said: “Qin fellow daoist, I think there is something wrong with the standard you set for them?”

“Su fellow daoist, what do you want?”

Qin Xiaoshu frowned.

He’s not a fool, and Nie Kun’s expression just now made it clear that he wanted Su Zhan to help intercede, and let him open the door!

Although Su Zhan spoke, he would definitely agree.

But he has always disliked this kind of attachment relationship and went through the back door. As a result, his original goodwill for Su Zhan suddenly faded away.

Nie Kun was overjoyed when he heard this.

He never expected that Su Zhan would dare to question so directly!

At the moment, it seems that Qin Xiaoshu really gives Su Zhan Face!

In this way, if Su Zhan speaks and lowers the assessment standard by a little bit, wouldn’t he pass it?

Thinking about this, Nie Kun looked at Su Zhan extremely expectantly.

“Is such that”

At this time, Su Zhan’s gaze fell on the Ten Thousand Ghosts Map: “Qin fellow daoist, I think I am not much different from the general Deva Mental Energy, so let me test it too.

Using my scores as a standard, how about passing the test? ”

“Take Sue fellow daoist your grades as the standard?”

Qin Xiaoshu’s brow furrowed even more severely.

Su Zhan is a mere saint king, he can hold up the sky for about two minutes!

Taking his scores as the assessment criteria, it is not clear that he has to release the water himself!

Unexpectedly, this amazingly talented Su fellow daoist is actually this kind of person…

Qin Xiaoshu felt lost, but when he thought that Su Zhan’s talent was amazing and important to the Heavenly Book Tower, he nodded: “Su fellow daoist, since you have spoken, then do what you said!”

When Nie Kun heard Qin Xiaoshu agree to come down, the big stone in his heart suddenly fell, and he looked at Su Zhan gratefully: “Su, fellow daoist Su!

Many thanks! ”

Nie Kun’s gratitude came from the heart, and even because he was too excited, his voice trembled a little.

He didn’t expect that Su Zhan would really help him like this!

After all, no matter how you say it, a few days ago, they just abandoned Su Zhan and fled for his life alone!

Lin Pingping was also a little surprised.

Immediately, a contemptuous smile appeared in his eyes.

It’s a hairy kid after all.

Just say a few words and just coaxed it.

But speaking of it, just a few words can make Su Zhan stand out for them like this.

If I were to give Su Zhan a small favor in the future, wouldn’t he let Su Zhan sell his life for them?

Although the mere sage king’s strength is not enough, this guy knows Mr. Eleven, and he will definitely be able to use it in the future!

Lin Ping’s eyes flickered, and he thought to himself.

And this time.

Su Zhan moved forward, looking forward to Nie Kun, Qin Xiaoshu’s disappointed eyes.

He was facing Wanguitu and sat on the futon.

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