Chapter 680 Su fellow daoist, are you the ghost king?

Looking directly at Wanguitu, Su Zhan entered the spiritual world of Wanguitu in just a second!

The surrounding world suddenly changed!

Su Zhan glanced around.

At this time, he seems to be located in an endless wilderness!

There is no sun in the sky.

Only the billowing clouds were surging.

In the wilderness, there is no vegetation, only gray and black soil and sand.

The wind howls, like howling ghosts and wolves!

A trace of black air is swimming in the wilderness!

After Su Zhan entered.

Those scattered black qi also gathered one after another!


Less than ten meters away from Su!

The two streams of darkness melted together and condensed into an imp that was more than one meter tall, and rushed towards him with grinning teeth.

Su Zhan didn’t even bother to take a look and wave his hand, the power of the holy origin poured out, and the little demon directly swept the area several hundred meters behind him!

But when he took action to kill the little ghost, more Ghost condensed!

There Ghost is 100 meters tall, holding a big black stick, and blue-faced fangs!

There are Ghosts with double wings, coming from the sky towards Su Zhan!

And Ghost dived directly into the ground, attacking Su Zhan with the technique of earth escape!

More Ghosts rushed towards Su Zhan in the wilderness!

Glanced over.

There are about a hundred or so!

Seeing this, Su Zhan flipped his palm, and the Heavenly Star Epee appeared in his hand.

Afterwards, he thrust the Heavenly Star Epee into the ground under his feet!

In the Purple Mansion, the law of kendo, the law of vitality, and the law of chaos shine!

An extremely terrifying Sword intent erupted from the Star Epee!


A loud noise!

That burst of Sword intent derives into starlight Sword Qi, centered on Su Zhan, spreading toward the surroundings in a ring shape!


Sword Qi winds up the storm!

Directly swept the area within a radius of twenty miles!

The land has been turned over!

Within the scope of this Sword intent.

All Ghost.

Whether it is a hundred-meter giant or a half-foot imp!

All annihilated!

But this is just the beginning.

Farther, more black energy condensed into Ghost and charged towards Su Zhan!

“It doesn’t take you to gather together slowly, it’s better for me to take the initiative.”

Looking at the ghosts that had just condensed, Su Zhan murmured, and his body suddenly turned into an electric light and disappeared in place!


In the distance, a huge fist mark appeared on the ground!

Within the fist mark, more than a dozen Ghosts turned into black energy and dissipated!

Watching Ghost more and more.

Su Zhan directly used the Demon God Technique!

The figure swept up to the sky, with a sword in his right hand and a billowing magic energy in his left hand!

Cover Heavenly Demon’s hand!

It’s a huge fifty li, comparable to the cover of a small city, Heavenly Demon’s hand appeared!


With the cover of Heavenly Demon, he pressed his hand down.

The space is pressed by that pressure to give birth to hurricanes!

Even the magic hand has not yet fallen.

Many Ghosts have been torn apart by the hurricane!


Cover Heavenly Demon’s hands on the ground!

Dissipated into heaven and earth!

And on the ground, there was also a huge pit that was fifty miles long!

In the giant pit, all Ghosts, not even scum left!

Outside the giant pit.

The shock wave that the magic hand fell, also shattered the Ghost within ten miles!

This terrifying destructive power shocked those Ghosts!

Glancing at each other.

Those Ghosts suddenly gathered in a certain direction!


Ghosts bumped heads together and turned into black air.

In the end, a statue of about three meters high was formed, but Ghost Qi is the ghost king far surpassing all previous Ghosts!

“Human race! Let this king come and taste your soul–ah!”

The words are not over yet.

The King of Ghosts felt that an unstoppable terrifying and arrogant force directly pressed his body to the ground, and then, one of his arms was pulled off abruptly!

Connivance is the ghost king, and also uttered a scream!

This is just the beginning!

Su Zhan held the Ghost King and pulled his right arm forcefully!

The right arm was also torn off, and the ghost king screamed again!

“The ghost king is it!

It’s amazing, right?

Scare me!

When I was scared? ! ”

As Su Zhan was talking, he tore off the ghost king’s limbs abruptly, and then smashed his head with a punch in the frightened eyes of the ghost king!

The ghost king dissipated!

With Su Zhan, the ghost king was blasted to death.

The condensed Ghosts in the distance stopped one by one, and they were actually a little frightened.

Seeing Su Zhan rushing towards them.

Those Ghosts, who seemed to have a superficial intelligence, fled one by one in horror.

“Run! This person is different from the past! He is not a person!”

“He is a monster! We can’t beat a monster!”

“Too scary! Too scary!”

“Don’t come here!”

There were a series of panic sounds.

Su Zhan was a little unhappy.

Ghost is Ghost!

I am a very kind and good person, they actually said that I am not a human being?

That’s it.

Say I’m horrible and scary?

The scary thing is you ghosts!

Damn it too!

Too vicious!

Today, I must serve you all in one pot!

Thinking of this in his heart, Su Zhan speeded up, killing those Ghosts one by one!

And this time.

Thousands of ghosts outside the picture.

Qin Xiaoshu was completely stunned, standing there in a daze, staring at Wanguitu with wide-eyed eyes.

I saw that on the Ten Thousand Ghosts map, Su Zhan was scurrying everywhere, and the ghosts and ghost kings were actually shrunk in the corner, shivering, looking terrified!

This is so special!

I will let you in to test Mental Energy and resist the ghost attack.

Good for you!

They scared the ghosts so much that they didn’t even dare to move!

This f*ck!

Sue fellow daoist You are the king of ghosts, right? ? ?

Qin Xiaoshu was shocked!

He was not the only one who shocked.

Lin Pingping was also dumbfounded.

Isn’t Su Zhan the Saint King?

These Ghosts, even if their dignified Deva enters, they find it difficult to deal with!

How come in front of Su Zhan, just like tofu, it breaks when you touch it?

Moreover, if the ghost king is replaced by them, I am afraid that he will be scared out of the spiritual world soon!

But Su Zhan actually killed the ghost king abruptly!

Completely crushing bombing!

How terrible is this guy’s Mental Energy amount!

It’s too ridiculous! ! !

and many more!

Su Zhan is so powerful, then…

Lin Ping suddenly remembered those words that Su Zhan said when he entered the map of Wangui.

Suddenly surprised.

If this really takes Su Zhan’s performance as the standard, then they still test a fart?

You can go home directly!

The other two Deva also realized this, and looked at each other one by one, and then turned their eyes to Nie Kun.

Nie Kun’s face was depressed at this time, and there was an urge to cry.

Oh shit!

Say yes, fellow daoist, do you want to help me?

Fortunately, I am still looking forward to it, waiting for you to lower the standard.

But this is so special!

You damn the Ghost lair!

Depressed in his heart, Nie Kun felt the angry gazes of Lin Ping and others, and he wanted to cry without tears.


He couldn’t enter the Tianshulou by himself.

As a result, Su Zhan helped.

it’s good now.

Everyone is done…

at this time.

Seeing the ghosts of the ghosts continue to diminish, the black qi has become a lot lighter, and Qin Xiaoshu’s eyelids twitched, for fear that Su Zhan would kill all the ghosts that were hard to condense from the ghosts.

In that way, the ghost map will directly become a waste map!

He waved his hand quickly and forcibly separated Su Zhan’s mental consciousness and squeezed out of the Ten Thousand Ghosts.


Su Zhan was killing Ghost and was happily killed, and suddenly realized that he was back in front of the Ten Thousand Ghost Diagram, and the front of the Ten Thousand Ghost Diagram was covered by the fog, no matter how he looked at it, there was no response.

He turned his head to look at Qin Xiaoshu with some doubts.

“Qin fellow daoist, what the hell are you doing?

I only went in for two minutes!

Quickly open the Wanguitu and let me go in again. Are you worried about my safety?

Don’t worry, even if I spend a whole day in it, I can still hold it! ”

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