Chapter 683 Deva is crying!

Hearing Qin Xiaoshu’s words, Lin Ping and Nie Kun all looked at each other, and no one spoke.

Who will come first?

Su Zhan’s stone stele that even Three Tribulations Deva can’t be beaten can be smashed with one punch!

You ask us who will come first?

You might as well put it another way.

Which of us should die first? ? ?

Feeling slanderous and silent for a while, several people shook their heads helplessly.

Seeing this, Lin Ping turned to Qin Xiaoshu’s cupped hands and said: “Mr. Eleven, we give up… Let’s leave now!”

After speaking, several people turned around and left.

They are afraid that if they stay any longer, they will be killed by Su Zhan!

“Lin fellow daoist, have you forgotten one thing?”

Seeing a few people about to leave, Su Zhan stopped them and said in amazement: “Just now you asked me to help you talk more, and you said that you would like to thank me afterwards and give me benefits.

Now, I have spoken for you in both rounds of assessment, which is considered to have fulfilled my promise.

That being the case, don’t you thank me for leaving like this? ”

Lin Ping Nie Kun and the others, who were already dying of anger, all turned around when they heard this.

His eyes widened, and he looked at Su Zhan incredulously!


Do you still want benefits?

Originally, we didn’t have any shit, and passed the assessment well!

Successfully become a three-story Elder!

Embark on the pinnacle of life!

How perfect, how beautiful!


You stand aside and watch, you have to talk nonsense!

So our brothers can only go home!

Just this, you dare to ask us for benefits? ? ?

We really want to beat you to death! ! !

Lin Ping and Nie Kun were all angry brains humming, clenching their fists, gnashing their teeth, and even a little unconscious!


Seeing this, Su Zhan raised his brows: “Faced with my words, did you choose to be silent?

Silence, that is, silent rejection!

In Xianyuan Daozong, I will speak for you, you abandon me and run away!

In Tianshulou, I speak for you, and you abandon your promises again!

I am a good person who has been kind for several times, and you actually broke your promise to me twice!

It seems that you are no longer ordinary bad guys, it is simply hopeless!

That being the case, then I can only do the way for the sky—”

“no, do not want!”

After hearing Su Zhan’s words, Lin Pingping, who was originally still angry and delirious, suddenly took a cold breath after hearing Su Zhan’s words.

I was sober in an instant!

When I thought that Su Zhan’s punch could even smash the stone tablet abruptly, if it hits himself, I am afraid that my whole person will be wiped out!

Lin Ping’s clenched fists were loosened, the teeth he was biting on were also separated, the anger on his face disappeared, and he became very gentle, very humble, and even squeezed a smile: “Sue fellow daoist, don’t get me wrong!

We were just thinking about how to thank you fellow daoist Sue! ”

“Is that right?”

Su Zhan glanced at Nie Kun and others.

“Yes, yes! Brother Lin is right!”

“Su fellow daoist is so, so righteous! We must be grateful!”

“A few of our brothers are always the most reasonable. Fellow Daoist Su has something to say, don’t beat people!”

Nie Kun and others trembled in their hearts, and quickly said with a smile.

If they were in Lintian Territory, they wouldn’t be there yet.

But now in Zhongzhou Yutianshulou.

Su Zhan wants power and strength, strength and strength!

Even if they were killed, those Deva powerhouses they met in Lintian Realm would never know.

If you die, you will die in vain!

And… for the Tianshulou, those four kalpas they know, Deva from the five kalpas are not counted!

Refusing to accept it now is no different from looking for death!

They are not fools when they cultivate to Deva, of course they understand these principles.

“Just be reasonable.”

Su Zhan said: “In this case, we don’t need to talk nonsense.

What do you say?

Time is priceless!

For the four of you, I just wasted more than ten minutes of time, if these times are measured by the holy stone.

One hundred billion, one trillion sacred stones are not enough!

Of course, I am so kind, and I will never let you take out one hundred billion, one trillion sacred stones!

Ten billion is enough to express gratitude.

How about it, do you feel that you have suddenly earned 990 billion sacred stones? ”

As soon as this remark came out, Lin Ping, Nie Kun and others were directly stupid!

Ten billion sacred stones?

A Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier, one billion sacred stone is almost the same!

Ten billion holy stones, ten Heavenly Dao holy soldiers!

We were originally a few poor Rogue Cultivators, and our net worth did not add up to 10 billion sacred stones!

You ask us for 10 billion holy stones?

What else do we think we make a lot of money?

**All lost!

I make you uncle? !

Lin Ping was so annoyed that he couldn’t wait to dig Su Zhanzu’s grave!

But as soon as he spoke, he immediately persuaded.

“Su fellow daoist, ten billion sacred stones, we really can’t get it out…”

“Yes, none of the things in our four storage rings add up to 10 billion!”

“Please forgive me Sue fellow daoist…”

“There is absolutely no problem with my sincerity in thanking fellow daoist Su, but ten billion sacred stones are too much…”

Su Zhan glanced over Lin Ping and nodded: “Okay!

I’m still very talkative!

Since you said too much, then I don’t want 10 billion sacred stones!

Just give me your four storage rings! ”

Hearing this, Lin Ping looked at each other, and they were all a little dazed.

Give you our storage ring?

Are you still grateful?

You might as well grab it directly!

“Why, just now you said that your four storage rings add up to no more than 10 billion sacred stones.

I originally wanted 40 billion, but now you only have to pay less than 10 billion. Look at it.

You have earned tens of billions of sacred stones! ”

Su Zhan had a surprised expression: “So, are you still not satisfied?”


Lin Pingping blushed and wanted to refuse, but he didn’t have the guts.

“Well, since you are unwilling and have no sincerity, then I won’t force it.”

Su Zhan shook his head: “I never force others, but you twice broke your promises without repentance. In that case, then I also want to—”

“This is my storage ring, Sue fellow daoist, please accept it!”

Before Su Zhan had finished speaking, Li Haisheng, the courageousest of the four, was afraid that Su Zhan would punch him, gritted his teeth, took off his own storage ring, and presented it to Su Zhan with respectful hands.

Even, because of too much fear, those hands were a little trembling!

Su Zhan glanced at Li Hai, did not pick him up immediately, but looked at Lin Ping and Nie Kun three people.

When Lin Pingping saw Li Hai, they were the first to take out the storage ring. If they didn’t take it again, they might have to go to heaven at the next moment, and they had to hand over their own storage ring with mourning.

After receiving the four storage rings, Su Zhan nodded in satisfaction: “Lin fellow daoist, you guys seem to be saved. After returning to Lintian, be a good man, don’t think about cheating others anymore.”

“Yes Yes Yes!”

Lin Ping nodded quickly, but immediately, he thought of something and said with a sad face: “Sue fellow daoist, can you leave us 400 million sacred stones?

The teleportation array needs 100 million sacred stones to use, we have no money now, we can’t go back! ”

“Can’t go back without money?”

Su Zhan was stunned for a moment.

In his hometown, he knew that some people couldn’t afford to buy tickets and couldn’t go home, but he didn’t expect that this would happen to Deva in this world…

With a slight smile, Su cut and said: “Lin fellow daoist!

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have money to go home, you guys are Deva!

Help other forces to mine for mining, be a bodyguard, part-time job or something, it won’t take long, and it’s okay to save a hundred million sacred stones! ”

Tangtang Deva, go to mine for others and work?

Still need to save money slowly like a mortal?

Recalling that I started from Lintianyu, ambitious, and wanted to do a big business in Zhongzhouyu!

The result is now.

Even the money to go home is gone!

You also need to work for mining!

This contrast…

Lin Ping looked at each other, they were all very sad, his nose was sour, dignified Deva, actually cried with a “wow”!

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