Chapter 684 Su fellow daoist is what you can compare to?

Seeing this scene, Su Zhan was stunned for a moment, and immediately became a little emotional.

“Unexpectedly, even Deva would be moved to tears by my kind Dao heart…”

Qin Xiaoshu, who was also a little dumbfounded, twitched when he heard this.

I was moved to tears by you…

Sue fellow daoist, you really can say everything, you!

This is obviously too bad for being exploited by you, right?

Qin Xiaoshu didn’t say a word either, watching Lin Pingping cried with his head in his arms with great interest.

to be honest.

He has also seen some Deva horrified before dying.

But like this, Deva shed tears and cried with her head in her arms. See you for the first time!

At this time, I heard Su Zhan’s words.

Lin Ping, Nie Kun and others cried even more sadly.

But they also know that this is too losing face.

He also left while wiping tears.

Seeing Lin Ping’s people disappeared, Su Zhan didn’t bother them anymore.

These guys ran away after Xianyuan Daozong left him, and they treated him as a fool just now.

That being the case, paying a price deserves it.

Feeling happy, Su Zhan Shengnian poured into those storage rings to check.

One minute later.

I checked all four storage rings.

Su Zhan’s joyful mood suddenly disappeared.

He really didn’t expect it.

The combined net worth of these four guys is only about four or five billion sacred stones!

It’s not tens of billions… Why don’t you say that you can’t say trillions?

Muttered in his heart, Su Zhan put away the four storage rings.

In any case, you can’t leave it for nothing.

“Another four cultivators who were lost in confusion and walked into the evil way were saved, and they did another good deed. These hours are not wasted.”

With a whisper, Su Zhan looked at Qin Xiaoshu on the side: “Qin fellow daoist, can we go to the three-story building now?”

“Yes, but”

Qin Xiaoshu hesitated: “Sue fellow daoist, do you call this a good thing?”


Su Zhan took it for granted: “These four people are not right in their minds. If it weren’t for me to make them repent of their mistakes, if I provoke other people in the future, I might just kill them directly!

Counting this way, I am equivalent to saving their lives. Saving a life is better than building a seventh-level Buddha. I saved four, that is, twenty eighth-level Buddha!

Isn’t this a good deed? ”


Qin Xiaoshu was speechless.

Immediately, he thought of the words Su Zhan had said before, and said in amazement: “So fellow daoist, you said that you should go to Xianyuan Dao Sect to do good deeds. Could it be that you went to Xian Yuan Dao Sect in trouble?”

“I’m not asking for trouble.”

Su Zhan shook his head: “Qin fellow daoist, you also know, that Zhu Hao has a murderous heart to me, and he can’t wait to punish my whole family!

I can’t wait to die, right?

So I went to Xianyuan Daozong and reasoned with them, hoping that they could leave Zhu Hao to me.

However, Xianyuan Taoist Sect Leader, and those Deva Elder are unreasonable people.

That’s it.

They want to kill me!

For my own safety, I have no choice.

I had to kill them all before they killed me! ”

As he said, Su Zhan paused and continued: “Those of the Xianyuan Dao Sect are not good people. I will eliminate evil and promote good, and I will walk the way for the sky, send Devil back to The Underworld, and replace the world with innocence!

Isn’t this a good deed? ”

The voice fell, but no response was received.

Because at this time, Qin Xiaoshu was completely confused!

Earlier, although he was leaning on the stone tablet, he inferred that Su Zhan’s strength was comparable to Deva!

But now it seems.

Su Zhan suppressed Xianyuan Daozong alone, and his strength might already be comparable to the Deva late stage of the Five Tribulations, and even the pinnacle!

Even if you use the heavenly book, you may not be able to suppress him!

If Su Zhan is taking a step further and breaking into Deva…it can definitely compete against Tier 6 Supreme Deva!

Six Tribulations Deva goes up, in fact, there are no ordinary Six Tribulations, special Six Tribulations.

Because those who can survive the sixth calamity, without exception, are not the peerless geniuses who were once famous!

Before they, they could easily cross the ranks to fight!

The six calamities are a watershed.

Even if it is oneself, Deva can contend against Deva of Three Tribulations, and now Deva Realm of Five Tribulations can barely resist Deva of Six Tribulations!

But Su Zhan, stepping into the Deva Realm will be able to match the Six Tribulations!

This kind of heaven-defying combat power…If it grows, I am afraid that it will become the strongest Martial Dao myth in the Zhongzhou region from now on!

I actually agreed to this perversion, wait for him to practice after Deva? ? ?

Qin Xiaoshu thought about this in his heart, and his body trembled.

Practicing swords with such a fierce man, isn’t this looking for abuse?

It seems that when Su Zhan achieves Deva, he must not only hide, but also stay away, so that Su Zhan can’t find it!

With this in mind, Qin Xiaoshu saw Su Zhan’s serious look. Although he could not agree with Su Zhan’s theory of doing good, he had no choice but to say: “Yes, yes, Su Fellow Daoist, you did indeed do it. Good thing.

Let’s stop talking about this, fellow daoist Su, let’s go to the three-story building! ”

After speaking, Qin Xiaoshu flew away in a certain direction.

Su Zhan followed closely behind.


They came to the top of the highest mountain on the second floor.

On this mountain peak, there is only one square, and the square is obviously the core of the two-story super spirit gathering formation.

Spiritual Qi is rich, there are more than a dozen holy kings meditating on this square, exchanging their cultivation experience.

Seeing Qin Xiaoshu’s arrival.

Those holy kings, young and old, stood up respectfully with cupped hands: “See Mr. Eleven!”

“Where did Mr. Eleven come back from?”

In addition to those respectful and respectful, there was also a holy king who appeared to be in his twenties, dressed in brocade clothes, and walked over and asked with a smile.

“Go to do what the landlord explained.”

Qin Xiaoshu glanced at the young saint king and thought that Su Zhan would soon join the Tianshu Tower, so he introduced: “Su Zhan, this is Zhao Nian, the second-story master brother.

However, at the age of two hundred and forty-seven, he is already the Holy King Dzogchen, half of the existence of Deva, cultivation talent ranked first in the second floor.

In the future, it is basically determined to be promoted to a three-story building. ”

After that, Qin Xiaoshu said to Zhao Nian again: “This is Su Zhansu fellow daoist, the talent is not inferior to you, but I found it specially.

We are now going to meet the host on the third floor. ”

“Sue fellow daoist is good.”

Zhao Nian glanced at Su Zhan and bowed very gently: “I think the fellow daoist Su seems to be younger than me, if he doesn’t cultivate the special secret technique or take the beauty elixirs.

Sue fellow daoist age, I am afraid it is not more than three hundred years old!

You can reach the ultimate holy king Realm when you are less than three hundred years old. It is indeed a very good talent! ”

This statement came out.

Qin Xiaoshu frowned suddenly.

Zhao Nian seemed to be complimenting Su Zhan, but in fact, it was more of suppressing, demonstrating his status as a second-story elder brother.

After all, he himself was already a half-step Deva when he was less than three hundred years old, and Su Zhan was only a general Realm. Of course, there was a certain gap between the two.

Moreover, Su Zhan’s combat power is so tyrannical, his body, mental energy, kendo… are all top-notch!

Obviously, a lot of time was spent on these.

The true age may be even older than Zhao Nian!

Worried that Su Zhan would be irritated, Qin Xiaoshu snorted coldly. Before Su Zhan could respond, he was already displeased: “Zhao Nian, cultivate you well.

Su fellow daoist is Heavenly Dao first, can you compare it? ”

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