Chapter 691 Xiaoqianshulou!

As Su Zhan’s voice fell.

Qin Xiaoshu suddenly seemed to be petrified.

Without moving, he stared at the Baili chessboard in Su Zhan’s hand with wide-open eyes.

Although it is a mini form, Qin Xiaoshu is very familiar with the Baili chessboard, and naturally he can tell at a glance that this is the real Baili chessboard!

Su Zhan didn’t lie to him!

The original poster’s Baili chessboard really lost to Su Zhan!

But the problem is.

Don’t talk about the top position of the original chess in the Zhongzhou domain, the top ten can always be ranked!

How could he lose to Su Zhan?

Could it be said that Su Zhan is still a hidden chess master? !

This is not right!

The host and the person playing chess are not just playing chess!

Which involves Mental Energy, the way of formation, whether Dao heart is firm or not!

Even if Su Zhan is really a master of chess, he shouldn’t be able to beat the original poster!

Moreover, things like chess and path take time to settle!

Su Zhan should not be more than 300 years old, and spends most of his time in cultivation. Even if he spends all his time studying chess, it is absolutely impossible to surpass the original poster!

After all, the original poster has been fascinated by chess for more than a thousand years!

What exactly is going on? !

The more I thought about it, the more confused, Qin Xiaoshu was shocked and said: “Su, Su Zhan, you, you mean, the original poster lost to you?

How is this possible!

Are you still a hidden chess saint?

How did you win? ? ? ”

“Lord Xu did lose to me, but I am not a chess master. As for how I won…”

Su Zhan shook his head and pondered for a while: “Perhaps, it’s because of my efforts!

In the first game, I learned the basic chess book given to me by the original poster Xu and lost to the original poster.

In the second game, I reflected and corrected all the mistakes in the first game, and I learned about the original game’s first game. We made a tie.

In the third game, I won.

Since I won the third game, of course I won the fourth and fifth game.

In the sixth game, I didn’t want to continue. The host had to make a bet with me, and then…you can see that this board belongs to me, and he still lost. ”

“This, this…”

After listening to Su Zhan’s words, Qin Xiaoshu was stupid. After a few “this”, he couldn’t say anything else.

The first game has just begun to learn.

A tie in the second game?

That’s all!

Why did you win the third game?

You shit, even the reincarnation of Cui Tianyan, the king of the ancient formations and the king of chess, is not so outrageous, right? ? ?

Moreover, after winning a round, then all win!

Even the host’s chessboard has won!

This is so special!

Su Zhan, is your kid really a person? ? ?

Qin Xiaoshu’s heart was shocked. After ten seconds, he took three deep breaths before gradually calming down his excitement.

“Qin fellow daoist, what’s wrong with you, is it like Mr. Six, who has dementia too -”


Qin Xiaoshu rolled his eyes: “I am younger than Senior Brother Six!

But, I didn’t expect that you guy is so outrageous, and actually won the original poster! ”

Su Zhan smiled: “In fact, it’s not very difficult.”

“It’s not that hard?”

Qin Xiaoshu pouted his lips: “Then why have I never won?”


Su Zhan hesitated: “Maybe you are not working hard enough?”

Work hard?

Do you think that you can win at the beginning of learning chess, it is called hard work?

This has something to do with hard work!

Is it purely your pervert?

When I thought that I was also studying chess day and night, I hope that one day I can beat the host, and I am proud of myself, but every time I am full of hope, I am miserably abused.

But Su Zhan just started learning chess today, so he abused the host…

This is so special!

People are really angry!

Qin Xiaoshu was depressed to death, and was choked by Su Zhan’s words.

After a two-second pause, he waved his hand, not wanting to continue this topic, and said: “Su Zhan, it’s a good thing that you won the chessboard, so let’s not talk about it for now.


Qin Xiaoshu thought of something, he hehe smiled: “What do you say now is our twelve three-story building, I am ranked eleven, should you call a brother?”


Su Zhan frowned slightly, and said, “Fellow Daoist Qin… Eleven brother, everyone on the third floor of the Tianshu Building, do I need to call Senior Brother and Senior Sister?”

“That’s not it.”

Qin Xiaoshu shook his head and said: “In fact, our ranking is just a ranking. We are good. If you look pleasing to the eye, you should call a brother. If the relationship is not good, you can just call your husband or name.

Moreover, there is an unwritten rule for the three-story building. If it reaches the Supreme Deva, it will be re-ranked in the Supreme Deva’s ranking!

The second brother was actually ranked ninth, but after he broke into the supreme, there were only two supreme Deva in the Tianshu Tower.

Of course, this ranking also depends on whether the individual is willing or not. I want to become the Supreme Deva, or be Mr. Eleven. It sounds young!

Mr. San or something, it sounds like an old man! ”

“It turned out to be so.”

Su Zhan’s brows stretched out.

He had a good impression of Qin Xiaoshu, and the other party was indeed much older than him, so it didn’t hurt to call a brother.

But for those who don’t know him, he doesn’t want to look at people, just brothers and brothers.

Since other names can be used, of course it is better.

“Okay, Su Zhan”

Qin Xiaoshu said: “Your Twelve Mrs. jade plaque contains all the geographical maps of the Tianshulou. You only need to view it by Mental Energy. I live at the foot of Xiaoqingyuan Mountain in the upper reaches of Qingyuan River in the three-story building. You also have it in your jade plaque. Just come to me if you have something to do!”

“okay, I get it.”

Su beheaded nodded.

Watching Qin Xiaoshu leave.

He took out the jade medal, and the Mental Energy Sacred Mind entered it.

Turning out the map contained in it, as he focused on a certain area, that area began to enlarge, and the entire map was extremely clear.

He was checking the route to Xiaoqianshulou.

The three floors are forbidden, otherwise he doesn’t need to look at any map at all, just fly over.

After taking a cursory look at the route to Xiaoqianshulou, Su Zhan also left the Spring and Autumn Academy.

Not long after, Su Zhan arrived at Xiaoqianshulou.

From the outside, the Xiaoqian Book Building is only about fifty meters long and wide, so it is very small in terms of the book building in the cultivation world.

But when Su Zhan stepped into it, he was surprised to find that the inner space of this book building was much larger than it looked outside!

The first floor alone is nearly a hundred meters high. Looking at it, the farthest wall on the first floor is at least ten miles away!

The area of ​​this book building is almost the size of a small village!

Moreover, this book building is completely different from all the book buildings that Su Zhan has seen before!

In the book building, there are imaginary trees tens of meters high, and there are faint words flowing on the trunks. That is a special secret method of wooden attributes!

There is an independent space of about ten meters, in which Sword Qi crisscrosses, as if a peerless master is practicing Sword Technique!

There are ancient books that look very ordinary on the bookshelf, but as Su Zhan’s gaze, the ancient books flew out of a god shadow, shocking the soul!

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