Chapter 692 First Heavenly Dao Sutra, Da Lei Volcano!

All kinds of weird!

Of course, there are still very few bizarre sights in the entire bookstore. Most of the ancient trees, scrolls, scrolls… are all bidding and lying on the shelves.

“Is the second floor specially approved to select Cultivation Technique?”

Just as Su Zhan looked at those strange books in amazement, the book owner who was sitting on the big chair at the entrance of Xiaoqian Shulou raised his eyelids:

“Old rules, you can only choose from the first floor of the Xiaoqianshulou.

You can only choose a Cultivation Technique martial arts, or other miscellaneous books to borrow.

The stay in the book building cannot exceed one hour.

Huh? ”

The old man in charge of the bookstore only discovered that Su Zhan was not Deva at first, and subconsciously thought that it was the few talented holy kings who entered the Xiaoqianshulou and selected Cultivation Technique martial arts and so on. After all, this kind of thing also has a precedent. .

But when he took a closer look, he found that Su Zhan was very unfamiliar. He was not at all the genius saint kings on the second floor of the Tianshu Building he knew. He suddenly became a little surprised: “Who are you?

Are you new to the second floor?

You came to Xiaoqianshulou…Which gentleman did you get the guarantee? ”

“Mr. Twelve.”

“Nonsense! There is no Mr. Twelve on the third floor! You–”

Before he finished speaking, seeing Su Zhan throw a jade medal, the old man subconsciously caught it.

Just a glance, his face suddenly changed.

Sheng Nian scanned it and confirmed that it was Mr. Three-story Building’s jade medallion.

The old man who had just looked at his attitude immediately became extremely respectful, holding the jade medal in both hands and handing it back to Su Zhan.

“Fanggu, the old man, is the owner of Xiaoqianshu. I don’t know if Mr. Twelve has been offended by the new three-story building. I hope Mr. Twelve will forgive him!”

Fang Gu bends over, respectfully, not daring to offend the slightest.

Although, he didn’t know.

Why Su Zhan, a little saint king, can become a three-story building with twelve gentlemen.

But since the identity is true, no matter how doubtful he is, he must be respectful and treat Su Zhan in the same way he treats other gentlemen!

Otherwise, I don’t know how many holy kings want to sit in the position of this Xiao Qianshu host, maybe he will be replaced!

“Fang Master”

Su Zhan got the jade card back and asked, “This is the first time I have come to Xiaoqianshulou. Would you like to introduce it to me?”

“Okay, please follow Mr. Twelve’s orders!”

Fang Gu nodded quickly, and said, “Xiaoqianshulou was built 31,767 years ago. At that time, it was the Tianshulou——”

“Don’t say these are useless.”

Su Zhan waved his hand: “I’m not interested in any history. You can tell me something that is practical and useful to me.”


Fang Gu paused and continued: “The Xiaoqian Book Building is divided into three floors.

The first level is a mixture of books of various levels, including both the Saint-level Cultivation Technique that can be cultivated by Sage, and the Heavenly Dao-level Cultivation Technique that can be cultivated by Deva.

The second layer is selected and refined, and it is basically Heavenly Dao-level Cultivation Technique martial arts secrets, but it also contains a lot of mythology, biography, miscellaneous talks, and reports.

As for the third layer.

It is very strict. Every book has been reviewed by Mr. Tianshulou, and it is a Heavenly Dao-level book with its own characteristics!

Every time, some of the missing books will be selected from the first floor of Xiaoqianshulou, and the high rank Heavenly Dao books will be added to the third floor!

Moreover, unlike the other two floors, the third floor of the book building is all related to cultivation!

At the same time, the most advanced Cultivation Technique in the Tianshulou, which must not be passed down, is also on the third floor!

This is also a level where only Mr. Tianshulou can enter, and those of us who hold positions on the three floors of the Saint King Peak have no authority at all! ”

“Okay, I see, you go back, I’ll see for myself.”

Su Zhan nodded, and didn’t rush up, first walked around on the first floor of Xiaoqianshulou.

According to Fang Gu, the third floor of the Tianshu Building does not actually have an absolute relationship between superiors and subordinates. On the first floor, there may also be high-rank Cultivation Techniques!

That being the case, he is here, so let’s take a look.

It took about ten minutes to scan the ancient books with strange sights that he was more interested in, and then walked up to the second floor.

Those Cultivation Techniques with peculiar sights are not low grade, but Deva grade.

But there is still a gap between Qian Tianyang Shen Zhen’s tactics.

He also looked at it, and didn’t mean to really cultivate.

After staying on the second floor for a while, Su Zhan walked directly onto the third floor.

It is different from the first two floors.

There is a light curtain at the entrance of the three-story building.

When Su Zhan was holding the Twelve Mr. Jade Medal, he passed the light curtain smoothly.

A little light also emerged out of thin air, blending into the center of his eyebrows.

Those are some of the rules on the third floor of Xiaoqianshulou, and the placement of various types of books.

“Xiao Qian Shu Lou, there are actually three volumes of the Heavenly Dao Sutra!”

Slightly closing his eyes, digesting the not too much information, Su Zhan opened his eyes, and moved towards the place where Heavenly Dao was first placed in his memory with some surprise.

Soon, he came to the place where the Heavenly Dao Sutra was placed first, in a circular area about 30 meters in radius.

This area is divided into three parts.

One is the Five Elements power constantly emerging from Jinmu, Water, Fire, and Earth, the other is the constant roar of thunder and lightning flames, and the other is located above a guqin phantom.

Su Zhan picked up the Heavenly Dao Sutra above the Guqin phantom that was closest to him.

After taking a look, he found that it was all about piano playing and so on, so he put it down dumbly.

I don’t know if he just glanced at it casually, and didn’t take it seriously at all, because he wanted to learn, this time he didn’t trigger a new halo.

However, Su Zhan didn’t care, he was not interested in Qin Dao at all.

Besides, when it’s really necessary to use it, there will naturally be a chance for him to trigger it.

Don’t worry at all.


First, the Heavenly Dao Sutra was written by the myths of the first Heavenly Dao sect in ancient times. Whether it is useful or not, I really can’t say.

Maybe a somewhat idle mythical character writes a diary, and it becomes the first Heavenly Dao Sutra.

Su Zhan slandered in his heart and continued to check the other two volumes.

A few minutes later.

He put down the Heavenly Dao Sutra in his hand and exhaled.

These two volumes of Taoism are more useful than the first volume.

The first volume is a kind of Cultivation Technique called “Five Elements Fantasy World Jue”. According to the myth written by that Cultivation Technique, this Cultivation Technique is enough to rank among the top ten in the spirit world, but the problem is that the myth is not complete. Whole out.

Nong Juan Xian, Heavenly Dao scripture is handed down, and it is hoped that future generations will complete it.

The second volume is about the forging of the best Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier called “Da Lei Volcano”.

According to the myth of writing the Taoist scriptures, after the successful forging of Da Lei Volcano, it is the best Heavenly Dao sage soldier, which is similar to the existence of handed down artifacts!

It can release the real fire of the sky thunder, and its power is infinite!

Su Zhan’s eyes moved on the two scrolls of the Taoist scriptures, and finally fell on the Dalei Volcano’s Taoist scriptures.

According to his understanding.

Dalei Volcano is actually the advanced version of Tianlei Volcano!

Although Tianleiji Volcano is completely sufficient at present, he can’t even exert the full power of Tianleiji Volcano, but this is after all a treasure that was refined into his left hand!

With his Cultivation Base Ascension, the mid-range Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier, of course, he will slowly fail to keep up with his Realm strength!

In that case, it is better to forge Tianleiji Volcano directly according to the Dalei Volcano forging technique again!

complete in one step!

It’s just that the name Dalei Volcano doesn’t sound very good, so maybe you can change it yourself…

Thinking of this in his heart, Su Zhan stretched out his hand, Sheng Yuan surged, and took the Heavenly Dao Sutra that had a slight thunder and lightning floating on its surface into his hand!

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