Chapter 699: Zhao Nian is stunned!

“Demon King senior, please come with me!”

Zhao Nian said, leaving Daquanfeng and heading towards Xiaoquanfeng.

Xiaobai also followed him.

However, the more you follow, the more confused it becomes.

How can this road be exactly the same as when I came here?

Could it be that the place where that mouthful of spirit spring is located is exactly the same direction as the master Immortal Cave?

It’s not that there is no such possibility!

After all, flying in the sky, the direction is almost the same, in fact, the route is almost the same!

Thinking like this in his heart, Xiao Bai continued to follow Zhao Qianxing.

It didn’t take long before they came to the sky above Koizumi Peak.

Just when Xiaobai thought he was just passing by, Zhao Nian suddenly stopped.

With a smile on his face, he pointed to Koizumi Peak, who had no defense formation because of the Seventeen Guardians, and said, “Demon King senior!

That mouthful of spirit spring is on the mountainside of this mountain!

I’ll take you there right away! ”

After finishing speaking, Zhao Nian descended towards Koizumi Peak without waiting for Xiaobai’s response.

Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment, full of doubts, and followed.

At the top of the mountain, seventeen eyes flashed with golden light, and he glanced at Zhao Nian.

After discovering that Xiaobai had brought it, he closed his eyes again.

After possessing Lingxin, he is no longer a cold puppet.

Also know that the world’s favors.

Xiao Bai is Su Zhan’s favorite, so it doesn’t hurt to bring a friend over to have a look, as long as he doesn’t do any damage.


Zhao Nian came to Lingquan on the mountainside.

Pointing to Lingquan and said: “Demon King senior, this Lingquan is not bad!

Spiritual Qi is much richer than mine!

Demon King senior, you can use this spring as your Immortal Cave! ”

“What you said is this spiritual spring???”

Xiao Bai was completely confused at this time, and his brain buzzed.

It was never expected!

The front foot left from Koizumi Peak, and the back foot was brought back by Zhao Nian!

Let it use this spiritual spring as its nest?

If it can be used as a nest, can it still use Daquanfeng?

Does this surname Zhao want to kill him?

I want to turn Xiaobai into a hot pot!

What the master said is not wrong!

This person is so bad!

Xiaobai couldn’t do it, and said angrily: “Ignorant ants, you dare to hit the master Immortal Cave’s idea?

You are so tired of living! ”

After that, Xiaobai waved his paw!

A horrible force flocked to Zhao Nian!

Zhao Nian was shocked!

Flip the palm of his hand, a low-grade Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier defensive shield appeared in front of him.


Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier’s defense is strong though.

But Zhao Nian was originally able to mobilize this life-saving thing through special sacrifices and training, and could not exert its full power, so he was directly blown out!

The body hit a stone wall not far away, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he was obviously injured slightly!

“Demon King senior!

Demon King senior has something to say, don’t do it! ”

Zhao Nian said in horror.

At the same time, he was full of doubts.

This is obviously the mountain of Su Zhan, so why did it become the master of the Demon King senior?

Isn’t the owner of the Demon King senior the owner of the Tianshu Lou?

“Xiao Bai, what happened?”

Just when Xiao Bai was so annoyed and ready to teach Zhao Nian, a cold mechanical voice sounded.

Seventeen grabbed the paw that Xiaobai was about to swing with one hand, and pulled his body from the sky.


Xiao Bai was obviously still a little afraid of Seventeen, and he dared not continue to attack Zhao Nian arbitrarily, but explained: “Seventeen!

This person is bad!

He actually wants me to occupy the master’s spiritual spring!

Isn’t he trying to make me Xiaobai a hot pot? !

Damn it too!

You let me beat him up! ”

As soon as this statement came out, Seventeen had not yet come to speak.

Zhao Nian hurriedly called: “Demon King senior! Seventeen senior!

You may be misunderstood!

This mountain belongs to my Junior Brother Su Zhansu!

Not your master’s! ”

Seventeen’s eyes were cold: “My master and Xiaobai’s name is Su Zhan!

It is indeed the owner of Koizumi Peak! ”

With the seventeen words falling.

Zhao Nian, who was still full of doubts just now, was dumbfounded!

The master of Demon King senior and Seventeen Senior, is Su Zhan?

Was it Su Zhan who was able to join the Tianshulou by relying on the backstage relationship?

How is this possible!

The demon king senior is the second heaven demon!

The senior who is called Seventeen, easily subdued the Demon King senior!

Even more powerful!

Su Zhan is just a mere saint king!

How good is he!

How can He De be recognized by two such powerful seniors as masters! ! !

Zhao Nian roared in his heart!

But soon, feeling the unkind gazes of both Seventeen and Xiaobai, he no longer wanted to believe it, so he had to believe it!

Su Zhan, really is the master of this flood dragon, that golden puppet!

He is the master of the two heavenly demon, and a powerful puppet whose strength exceeds the two heavenly demon!

How could Su Zhan be able to make such a strong man bow his head and proclaim his ministers, how could it be that he was just plain on the surface!


What kind of terrible existence did I provoked in Zhao Nian! ! !

Zhao Nian’s body began to tremble. Seeing the golden light on the surface of the seventeenth body flashing, walking towards him, he was terrified, his legs softened, knelt on the ground, and his voice trembled: “Two seniors are forgiving, and two seniors are forgiving. !

Me and Junior Brother Su, no!

No no no!

It’s brother, it’s brother Su, but the same school!

The one I admire most in Zhao Nian is Brother Su!

I also hope that the two will look at Brother Su’s face and save me a life, no, don’t kill me! ”

The seventeenth tall figure stopped two meters in front of Zhao Nian.

He turned his head to look at the sky, and the golden light flashed in his eyes, and the fist that had been raised was retracted, and he said stupidly: “Since the master is back.

Then you will be handled by the master himself! ”

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